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  1. Link To My Channel: LORD THORGORATHHope nobody minds if I do a little self-promotion on here. Hard to getyour name out there nowadays....What's going on extreme brothers & sisters?!?My name's Lord Thorgorath and I am a new YouTube vlogger.I was inspired by the likes of Jackass and Viva La Bam to start going on my own wild adventures in life and to spread ananarchistic free love-type message to the masses. All complete withplenty of extreme (and softer, more subtle) music choices ?So....if anybody is interested in checking me out,click on the link posted ABOVE.If you don't like my content, that's fine, I still love you anyway \m/ I'm all about bringing people together despite personal differences.Let's all have a party!!
  2. I've really gotten into alestorm atm. Would really like to start a tribute. Even have a band name approved by the landlubbers themselves!! Get in touch if your interested.
  3. Hi guys! If you are into Devin Townsend, Gojira, Periphery, TesseracT and BTBAM check out my band “Derelict Dream”’s latest song Hearts from our EP HUMAN. HEARTS Here’s what people are saying about Derelict Dream’s latest EP “HUMAN”: “In Seconds, the band sounds alternative, sounds brutal and progressive without leaving aside their ability to make good music” -Metal Forever- “Make no mistake - this is a damn fine piece of metal work [9/10]” -MetalNoise- “The sound they produce is one that truly pushes from the heaviest side of the spectrum to the most serene and moving” -Distorted Sound Magazine- “The band’s mix of accessible aggression, harsh vocals, atmospheric orchestral synths, and soaring cleans is a very enjoyable one. I can’t wait to see what Derelict Dream do next” - Indy Metal Vault - Check the full EP out here: Spotify Official Links: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram
  4. Hello there! Sorry for my English: it's not my first language, so I can make horrible for you, native speakers, mistakes. You've been warned! ? So, here's the deal: I'm a self-taught guitarist. I've been playing for something like 7 years by now, but... It was hit or miss to be fair... I'm good enough to play different songs by tabs, have a passable skill of understanding some songs by ear (but I wouldn't count on that if we are sincere), can follow the metronome, fell the beat, but my knowledge of music theory sucks. I can write in Guitar Pro, for example, making right timings between notes, but I still struggle to come up with proper lead lines for my demos because of the lack of education. But enough with the sad part, okay? ? Now I believe I'm ready to give everything a fresh start and that's why I'm willing to try to form a band with musicians who share my interests in genres. Since my childhood I wanted to become a musician, a singer to be specific. So... Since I'm a guitarist with some sort of experience, you can say that's a dumb way to relearn into a singer but I see the point of this whole thing in a different way: I have a passion to music, I've always wanted to be a musician, so with right people on my side, also interested in making their own music, I hope I'll accomplish this task. I want to write true to heart and true to life lyrics and reinforce them with simple but no less worthy of it melodies. By the way, if you're a singer yourself and wish to participate in my searching for becoming a metalcore singer - fell free to contact me - I'll be glad to hear some instructions from you! Let's speak concretely about music that I want to write with you, friends, if you're interested. Mostly it's metalcore/post-hardcore. I found them touching with all their inherent lyric-based foundation, moving riffs and face-cracking breakdowns. Speaking about bands, as an example I can highlight such bands as: Asking Alexandria, Capture (ex Capture The Crown), Crown The Empire, Motionless in White, Beartooth, Down&Dirty, I See Stars, Annisokay, Adept, Bad Omens, Of Mice & Men, A Skylit Drive, Bring Me The Horizon, Memphis May Fire, Blessthefal, Architects, Forever In Combat and some others... Jeez, that's hard to recall all of them, but I hope you got the point. Now I'm looking for a fellow musicians who can participate and contribute their vision. I wish to find a music soulmates who's passionate enough to try to produce something new of their own. I understand that I'm not the best in guitar field, so that's why I'm all ready to give up this place in favor of any of you willing and ready to deliver, and try all my best to advance in singing. Let's create something with which we won't be ashamed to go out in people and try to break into the music scene (yeah, that sounds arrogantly, but I believe that you must dream big). Let's learn everything step-by-step together and help everyone out. Feel free to comment on this topic if you're at least somehow interested. Since I'm from a third-world-piece-of-crap-country (yeah, Russia, sorry ?), we won't be able to jam together IRL, but i'm friendly with anything computer-related, at least we'll be sharing demos and tabs... I have an old Avid FastTrack Solo, so I can record something at home ?. Have a great time!
  5. Debut album from Midgenuun, due for release very soon! I had the pleasure of writing the lyrics for this project and I'm very excited to hear the final product. The link takes you to a preview of War Without End. More to follow soon.
  6. https://osha.bandcamp.com/album/connected for fans of Gojira, slipknot, system of a down, metallica, Death. for the heavier sound, go straight to 'For Blood And Gold' for the more melodic sound, 'I Rise' let me know what you guys think! Patrick
  7. Im desperatly looking for screams like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep5goVFgWUw (number nine). Avenged sevenfold for that one part had gates girlfriend do this hardcore af scream, and ive been looking everywhere for someone else who has used it in a song. i don't care what genre, but id perfer deathcore. MANY THANKS
  8. Metal vocalist in michigan searching for a project, or projects, to work on. Stage experience, lyrical writing experience and commitment. Looking for any genre of metal but metal core/melodic metal would be my top interest. I listen to a massive multitude of different music, way too many to list. Have been screaming for about 6 years now, singing for my whole life. Mid tenor range, at least that's what I've been told. Just seeing if there is anything going on in Michigan. Tried all the Facebook groups and band search sites with very little luck. I have rough, raw vocal recordings at request. Thanks in advance for any interest that you might have. \m/
  9. Greetings, [4672] from Poland here, We'd like to say Hi to all fans of twisted, weird and mind bending metal, hope you guys heard our latest album [aether]? if not make sure to google us, spotify, iTunes or find us on other streaming platform, we're practically everywhere now, if you still can't find us then drop us an email, we'll try to reply same day depends on the time zone, for anyone interested in physical or digital media feel free to reach out as well, we can send you direct link to download as long as you share it with your mates! finally, we'd like to ask you for a favour, help us out in classifying our genre by dropping an email with some ideas! or simply saying what you like or don't about [4672], in return we'll send you our latest album in mp3 by wetransfer, fair? then we're waiting for your emails! in the mean time have a look at this: thanks dem4672[at]o2.pl
  10. Hello, I am creating this topic to promote a non-band project I've started around a year ago. I hope this is the correct place to do this, but I've looked through the other sections and thought this would probably be the most fitting. What is this all about? Last year I have started to compile metal songs I love into a public playlist. The playlist was quickly growing as I was listening to close to 60 songs/day (sometimes more), filtering out the, in my opinion, best ones in the process. I then decided on the rule to make the playlist 666 songs long and eventually start a new one. Why are you sharing this? I started this playlist for myself, but managed to somehow make some people find it and accumulate 8 followers by doing absolutely nothing. I then thought it would be fun to try and get more followers to promote Extreme-Metal music and artists. I also wanted to have other people show me their bands and albums (or just their favorites) to promote them if I like them and give them some form of exposure. How can I apply to be featured in a playlist? Simply answer here and I'll check out the band. Please provide a spotify link as this playlist won't feature any artists that is not on spotify to make it more accessible for everyone. Who are you anyways? If you care, just your average fan. If you want more infos about my listening habits you can check out my last.fm from my signature. I have logged almost 19000 songs heard after 1 year of usage. I have also written an introduction on this forum here. How YOU can help! First of all, follow the lists and share them with some friends. Shuffle through the songs from time to time and add some of the songs YOU enjoy to your personal playlist, check out the full albums, do as you please and just enjoy yourself. Also showing me some bands that could be featured would also be a huge help! Give me the playlists! Heavy Vocal Distortion - 666 Songs of Madness Part I Heavy Vocal Distortion - 666 Songs of Madness Part II (in process) Will probably reformat this post at some point, add some graphics etc. Greetz
  11. Hailz, Looking for guitarist/bassist interested to form an online/international band. Preferably able to come up with Black metal riffs and do home recording. Im a drummer and I can do home drum recording as well. email me at [email protected], im open to discussions. Cheers
  12. I am trying to find others near me to play in a metal band, but I don't have any other ideas for finding them. I'm 16 so it's super hard to find band members at about the same age. I've tried craigslist but nobody responded, tried to get friends to start learning instruments, and checking other forums. So far nothing has worked. Any ideas of what I can do to move foreward? Better ways of finding people?
  13. Rock and metal music is all about the energy, we all know that on this forum. I want to offer any musicians on here a damn near free deal for getting their music mixed. Its not a huge deal if it is just a guitar cover, a demo, or a fully produced original song. There is no catch, I do business through a freelance site and I'm building a portfolio and need more musicians to work with, especially in this genre. Prices: Full Mix + Guitar/bass reamp + Sample reinforcement (5$) I can work with anything from a 2 track acoustic song to a 70 track metal mix Mixing includes (but is not limited to): Proper leveling for each instrument or vocal line Automation Autotune (if desired for some odd reason) Use of professional grade plugins to bring your song energy - Waves, Fabfilter, etc Post-production effects Reamping of guitars or bass (custom tones) Drum sample reinforcement (or replacement) My preferences: Tracks that were not clipping when recorded (Trust me, its for the best) Reference for generally what sound you want In tune guitars/bass Tracks played in the correct tempo The best source sound you could of gotten Understand that without reamping or sample replacement I am limited to the source sound that you provide. The better your source sound/performance = the better results of your song. I can work with midi drums/bass/synths as well! I have a wide range of inspiration, and know how to work with any given genre of metal or rock. Anything from Judas Priest , to Led Zeppelin to The Dillinger Escape Plan to At The Gates to Cannibal corpse, I want to share the vision of your art. Contact + Samples:
  14. Taken by Tides Alternative Rock Metal Hey, I've started a channel where I'm posting videos of local bands from my hometown, this was my first video since the band just started touring. The thing is I'm not reallllly sure exactly what genre to put, I'm getting into metal myself, I feel like it's somewhere between metal and alternative rock, but maybe I'm way off. As the band is on tour, they're kind of busy so I haven't been able to ask them and I wanted to post the video early before the tour ended. Any help would be appreciated, since I've got to change the tags on youtube, thank you!!
  15. I am new here so this is me saying hello fellow metal heads. I am a bassist/vocalist. Bass for 15 years and vocals for 10. Recently the status of the band i have been in for 10 years now has changed to a hiatus that has given me more time to explore different avenues in music. I hope to accomplish a long time goal of mine which is to sing for a metal band. A couple main influences of mine are Devil Driver and Lamb of God. I live in Auburn, CA, (between Lake Tahoe and Sacramento). I am 29 years old and music is something that has been close to me ever since i can remember and I push to one day make a living by doing something music related.
  16. Hi all, I'm Vortex Afternoon - yes, a one man music project. I've been recording as Crashtackle as well, but decided to change my band name when I released this EP on the 17th of May. I'd love you to check my stuff out and leave some thoughts by checking out my Youtube playlist of the album and even subscribing Also, I am on bandcamp at http://vortexafternoon.bandcamp.com and all the other streaming sites. The topic is war, but not in the black metal kind of way, but more just looking at what creates this monster.
  17. Hello everybody, This is Onur. I'm a professional singer, songwriter. I'd like to say hi to all my fellow metalheads around here. Don't hesitate to say hi. Catch you later \m/
  18. Hello everyone! Hope Within Despair is looking for a vocalist for the new album Depths! I've included some links here to the album, as well as a couple individual tracks so you can get an idea for it! If you are interested, please, let me know! I can't wait to hear from you! Thank you!!!
  19. Yo, my name is Dylan. Im new to metal, only getting into it this yeah. I decided to look for other people to talk about it with.
  20. My new song 'WAR' is now out on Spotify! I have written and produced everything by myself except for the vocals. Hope you like it!
  21. Zmato

    z3 band

    Hi all, we play loud and fast. And we play well. www.z3band.eu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cTCVJqN67o Let me know if U like it pls.
  22. I personally prefer Satanic music by behemoth but that's not quite the case I'm confused.
  23. Were a 3 piece Death metal band out from Vancouver!! Not too much stuff comes out from Van so check it out :)) https://grozadeath.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2019
  24. Space Of Variations - ukrainian chaotic metalcore/ post hardcore / electronic band which was formed in 2009 on the top of new wave of modern heavy music. After 2 years the band stop playing, than after pause they reunited again in 2015 and this time became one of the top metal bands in Ukraine with their first music video '‘Gunsight’’. A lot of gigs and hard work on new songs came after that. In 2015 and second time in 2017 band got the title of the best metal band in ‘'The Best Ukrainian Metal Act'’ contest. During the 2015-2018 Space of Variations has been played on the one stage with such bands as Architects, ADEPT, Devildriver, EMMURE, Three Days Grace, Bad Omens, Eskimo Callboy, WBTBWB, JINJER, Stoned Jesus, and many more. SOV has first tours ever out of Ukraine - in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and the most far away from home - in Dubai (UAE). Also in this period was released some more stuff - EP "BLACKMAIL" , and three official videos including single "TIBET" from their first longplay album called "MIND DARKNET" wich was released on 1st Nov 2018 . Right now the band is in process of touring with new album in Ukraine where they have a lot of sold-out shows, planning spring euro-tour and just released new music video
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