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26 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

It is certainly a long god damned way. 10,000 miles. I've made the journey back and forth several times, I have to board a nearly 6 hour flight to the west coast then suffer the nearly 15 hour flight down to the netherworld of the southern hemisphere. It's not as bad on me physically going down as it is coming back for some reason, not sure why. 

The 2nd trans-Pacific flight leaves typically later in the evening, then they give you some shitty food once you level off at cruising altitude about 2 hours into the flight, and then they turn the cabin lights down low for 10 hours and you either sleep or you don't. I don't. Abut 90 minutes before you land they bring the lights up and offer you some shitty breakfast, and then everyone squeezes past each other in the aisles to make their little trips to the shit excuse for a bathroom, and prepares to land. Once on the ground the fun continues because they herd you down to baggage claim and then you have to wait in rope lines for 90 minutes to get through customs. There always seems to be a ton of flights landing right around the same time early in the morning local OZ/NZ time. The whole trip door to door is about 25 - 30 hours depending on how long of a layover you have between flights in LA or SF or Vancouver or Houston. And then you're standing there with your bags at what the locals think is 7am, but for me it's 3pm the day before and I was up all night the night before that, so I've been up for like 34 hours at that point. But it's only 7am for them so now I'll be up all day again until Ozzy nighttime comes around and it's time to go to bed, another 16 hours give or take. So yeah a trip to OZ means I'll have to stay up for 50 hours straight. But that's ok I can do that, I never sleep anyway, (it's 4:44am right now as I'm typing this). because I know that I'll finally be able to go to sleep at some point after 50 hours and then she'll be apples.

It's the return journey to the states that messes me up real bad. That flight leaves OZ in the mid afternoon, call it noon. 14 hour flight back to California, landing 2am Aussie time, but it's 9am the day before in California, still 3 hours before I even got on the fucking plane. A few hour layover (could be 3 hours, could be 6 hours, we'll call it 4 hours) in that shithole of an airport, (LA is the worst) then a 5.5 hour flight back to NY. Takes 90 minutes to find the bags and drive home. Walk in the door about 11pm local NY time, but my body thinks it's 1pm the next day, I'm wide awake can't sleep.  

Yeah it's a cunt of a trip, you're not missing out Vic. America's basically just like OZ anyway except we don't have the funny accents, the weather's a bit cooler (depending where you're going, if you're going to Florida to see Navy it's hot as balls just like back home) and everything's just a bit dingier & dirtier. And god forbid if you have to go to the doctor while you're here without insurance you're royally fucked.

I'm not a good flyer so the chances of me ever going to the UK or the US are slim. I'm not afraid of flying but I just get uncomfortable in the seats and walking around the plane isn't enough for me. I also can't sleep on planes which can really suck. I remember multiple times coming straight from night shift, driving for 11 hours, then staying awake until the afternoon flight so I could sleep on the plane and not sleeping a fucking wink. Then having to stay awake and listen to the outlaws waffle until the wee hours of the morning. Flying across to Perth (5 hours there and 3 1/2 back) is more than enough for me. 

Perth to Melbourne is quicker but it feels longer because of the time change, but the 3 hour drive home is also a major PITA  if it's a late arrival. Driving takes us 4-5 days and it's much more enjoyable, and I get less time with the outlaws.

NP: Phantasm - Wreckage

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Coffin Curse - The Continuous Nothing, Chile. Where the hell's Blivvington gotten off to anyway? Wasn't he telling me that Death Metal Promotion channel got shut down? Well it seems he's back now with a new red logo. Unless it was a different YT channel Blivvie was talking about, I can't remember now.


Obscurial - Heretic, Malaysia. Digging this one.


7 hours ago, AlSymerz said:

I'm not a good flyer

Yeah, I've never really pictured you as being particularly aerodynamic.


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11 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Death Metal Promotion channel got shut down?

Didn't get shut down (I don't think)

...dude did make it private because some clown was throwing out copyright claims (that weren't his to make) and fucking up channels since YouTube immediately defaults to the position that the person making the claim is always right, and any channel getting 3 violations gets killed. Think he had a back up channel set up to use, and he was planning to bring regular channel back when shit was safe to do


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Listened to this a few times today. I liked it more immediately than The Ghost of Orion, which I came to really like eventually.

A bit more stripped back and hits the spot as MDB always does.

There was an announcement the other day that they pulled out of MDF for some cryptic reason, but they are pretty reliable for being unreliable. I was considering going to the Icon 30th anniversary gig with them opening a few months ago but they pulled out.

NP: cattle decapitation - death atlas 

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3 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Yeah, I've never really pictured you as being particularly aerodynamic.


In Australia we have Qantas the flying kangaroo. I'd more likely be Plummet Air the flying wombat!

NP: The Accused - Martha Splatterhead's Maddest Stories Ever Told

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4 hours ago, JonoBlade said:


Listened to this a few times today. I liked it more immediately than The Ghost of Orion, which I came to really like eventually.

A bit more stripped back and hits the spot as MDB always does.

There was an announcement the other day that they pulled out of MDF for some cryptic reason, but they are pretty reliable for being unreliable. I was considering going to the Icon 30th anniversary gig with them opening a few months ago but they pulled out.

NP: cattle decapitation - death atlas 

Actually got to see them earlier this year. Was looking forward to seeing them again in May, but just counting myself lucky I got one. Same for Sodom who played their first US set in like 18 years. Neither disappointed. Still no real explanation for why MDB cancelled.

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1 hour ago, MarkhantonioYeatts said:

ZAO - Live From The Church


Man, it feels like forever ago that I first heard these guys. I had a friend who was a good guy, but definitely had a habit of trying to proselytize his Christian listening habits. I knew it was pretty much his absolutely insane mother that had forbidden non-Christian music in their home. The situation with her was complicated and wouldn't do to get into here, but he definitely did his research in looking for bands that he and I could both listen to. I think he could tell that I just wasn't taking the bait with Creed or other particularly popular Christian bands at the time, and that eventually led to him introducing me to Zao. I was honestly a little indifferent and found them a little boring, but whatever. Made a suitable soundtrack to driving around and generally getting up to no good in small town country. I'm sort of surprised to see they're still around honestly.

NP: Slug Gore - They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill

They Slime! They Ooze! They Kill! | Slug Gore (bandcamp.com)


I will never understand the seeming connection between certain parts of extreme metal and dub-noise-rave whatever electronica. The entire first track of this album is a techno track, and it threw me for a loop because it really doesn't play nice with honestly fairly capable and energetic grindcore. I can respect the art of arranging, and I understand that a choosing from a whole spectrum of audible sound could open things up as far as songwriting is concerned. It also seems like it helps keep a bead on an idea and the song as a whole during the whole brain to writing to performance journey, but I just can't get excited about it. Maybe others are hearing something that I'm not. It's happened before. Still, despite my best efforts I can's get into it. These guys sound like they'd be fun to see live in some squalid hell hole of a venue though.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

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