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2 minutes ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

I absolutely adore Arvo Part. His acapella choral compositions are my favorite. Wonderful music for wandering alone on a chilly night not sure and not really caring whether you're lost or not.


Yep. A composer of beautiful and mysterious music. (Although I have to say I don't need to hear Fratres again - I must have heard at least 5 or 6 versions.)

I was not familiar with the specific works WTF performed so I can't say how faithful they were to Pärt's scores. It sounded like very slow doom metal to me - so slow and spare that everyone here would hate it but me, apparently. I really enjoyed it though on a run through the hills behind where I live, hills full of blooming wattle and smelling like spring.

Later - DEFORMATORY - Harbinger. Faster.

CABINET - Claustrophobic Dysentry. Miserable, but in a good way.

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NP: Marble Dagger - Marble Dagger

▶︎ Marble Dagger | MARBLE DAGGER | Solar Asceticists Productions (bandcamp.com)


What the fuck is this?! Why would anybody think that combining black(ish) metal with shitty early nineties indie rock was a good idea? Good God this is sickeningly awful. I recommend staying clear unless you absolutely need to know what black metal chord progressions interspersed with Dinosaur Jr. vocals would sound like.

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3 hours ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

NP: Lantern - Below

It's surprising how many times I've come back to this album in particular over the years. There's probably many death metal albums that have passed me by and been forgotten from this time (2013), but not this one. There's just something weirdly distinct about it that makes me return after a while.

There ain't much in the black and death realm hailing from Finland that I don't like at least a little bit, but this band is one of the few. I tried real hard with this one too because so many people I know were singing its praises, but it was just too unusual for me. "Weirdly distinct" is a pretty good way to describe them. Crazy to think that Below's 10 years old already. 


Black Spell – Seasons of the Damned, fuzzed out Satanic Italian doom, sort of a cross between EW and Possessor, but a bit lighter and more tongue in cheek.


2 hours ago, Thatguy said:

It sounded like very slow doom metal to me - so slow and spare that everyone here would hate it but me, apparently. I really enjoyed it though on a run through the hills behind where I live, hills full of blooming wattle and smelling like spring.

Later - DEFORMATORY - Harbinger. Faster.

CABINET - Claustrophobic Dysentry. Miserable, but in a good way.

Yeah, all your taste is in your mouth Doc but we'll keep you around because we've learned to like you. And I'll give credit where credit is due, you do bust out with a ripper every now and then. I do really like that Cabinet band. And that Reformatory EP ain't bad either. Not used to seeing you post regular straight-up death metal like this. It's not even weird or progressive or avant-garde or anything!

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17 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

There ain't much in the black and death realm hailing from Finland that I don't like at least a little bit, but this band is one of the few. I tried real hard with this one too because so many people I know were singing its praises, but it was just too unusual for me. "Weirdly distinct" is a pretty good way to describe them. Crazy to think that Below's 10 years old already. 

That's perfectly fair. I've heard some people talk about it with the whole "It's more about hearing what they're trying to sound like first and then listening to the whole thing fall apart into something new." thing which I think might be a little too much credit, but it's hard to deny that they have a way of upending expectations. And myself being the type of slavering from the mouth listener who's always asking "Good, but could it be weirder somehow?" I took to it when it came out and have been semi-regularly championing it's weirdo virtues ever since. I'm not gonna break out the poms poms and cheerlead it like it's the second coming of Demilich, though just because a) nobody needs to see that, and b) I completely understand why it's not for everybody.


NP: Negative Plane - The Pact

The Pact | NEGATIVE PLANE (bandcamp.com)


Then of course sometimes an excellently structured collection of carefully curated riffs like the above is sometimes more than enough to satisfy.

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9 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

I figured as much by your response that you just weren't familiar with his desert island reference. It's just this thing we English speakers do where we'll ask the question: "Si vous étiez bloqué sur une île déserte, quels 10 albums emporteriez-vous?"

It's an expression that we French also have. We use it in the same way as you do, but when we react to listening to an album we like, we tend to say that "it's an album we'd take to a desert island" rather than just a "desert album".

I had understood something quite different, hence my reaction. My sincere apologies!

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1 hour ago, Arioch said:

It's an expression that we French also have. We use it in the same way as you do, but when we react to listening to an album we like, we tend to say that "it's an album we'd take to a desert island" rather than just a "desert album".

I had understood something quite different, hence my reaction. My sincere apologies!

No offense taken. Besides the fact that I completely acknowledge everyone has different tastes and opinions on music, I figured that the reference was different in France. Colloquial sayings usually don't translate that well between cultures without some explanation.

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Primal Fear - Self-titled

Cannot wait for the release of album #14 on Friday, "Code Red"!

One of the most consistent catalogs in all of heavy metal.  Scheepers is a phenomenal singer, perfect for traditional metal.  These guys cover it all - epic, symphonic songs, hard-and-nasty bruisers, and everything in between.  Gonna be playing through the (current) 13-album catalog this week in preparation for the big day on Friday.  

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GraveRipper - Seasons Dreaming Death, ever so slightly blackened thrash from Indianapolis. Meat & potatoes thrash I guess you could call it, so you prog lovers can just keep on scrollin'. Every man and his dog could whip up an album like this. But I for one am finding this quite a bit better than the new Cruel Force to use a recent example, and light years better than the latest Enforced because unlike that plodding hot mess this actually thrashes. My buddy JT will probably like it anyway. All the Ockers will probably come and tell me I'm out of my bleedin' mind and should clean the shit out of my ears. Except Doc of course who wouldn't even dream of clicking on something like this.


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Incantation - Unholy Deification

This is quite good.  These guys might be predictable but unlike so many older bands, they can still belt it out like it's 1992.  Helps they don't have modern plastic Nuclear Blast Production (tm)  like so many old bands.


29 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

and light years better than the latest Enforced because unlike that plodding hot mess this actually thrashes. 


I agree.  New Enforced plods.  They've exhausted their rather limited formula and are not stuck in a rut.  Enforced is one of those bands you can own 1 album, thoroughly enjoy it but never need another one.


I will check out GraveRipper after Incantation have finished.

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2 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Except Doc of course who wouldn't even dream of clicking on something like this.

Well I did. It's not horrible, but it's entirely predictable. It's a bit metal-by-numbers, innit? My budgie says no more.

TARDIGRADA - Widrstand (Remastered). Warm and fuzzy.

BEES MADE HONEY IN THE VEIN TREE - Aion. Very nice indeed, but no-one here will like it. Fuck youse all.

CHOIR - Songs For a Tarnished World. Noice.

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Step to Freedom - S/T, Russian stenchcore/crust punk


Sorrow - Black Crow, Polish stenchcore/death metal/crust 2021


6 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

Well I did. It's not horrible, but it's entirely predictable. It's a bit metal-by-numbers, innit? My budgie says no more.

You say predictable, I say familiar and comforting like a well broken in pair of shoes. I like predictable, that's the whole point.

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2 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

GraveRipper - Seasons Dreaming Death, ever so slightly blackened thrash from Indianapolis. Meat & potatoes thrash I guess you could call it, so you prog lovers can just keep on scrollin'. Every man and his dog could whip up an album like this. But I for one am finding this quite a bit better than the new Cruel Force to use a recent example, and light years better than the latest Enforced because unlike that plodding hot mess this actually thrashes. My buddy JT will probably like it anyway. All the Ockers will probably come and tell me I'm out of my bleedin' mind and should clean the shit out of my ears. Except Doc of course who wouldn't even dream of clicking on something like this.


Been seeing that one crop up here and there lately. It's enjoyable and might find it's way onto a playlist or two before the years out. I just love how the reaper's clearly having entirely too much fun with his reaper duties like he's saying "Quick, Who's got a thumb, a scythe, and will haunt your nightmares until your very soul leaves your body? This guy!"

NP: Machinations of Fate - Celestial Prophecies

▶︎ Celestial Prophecies | Machinations of Fate (bandcamp.com)


Some dudes out of Kentucky coming in with some really high quality melodeath/thrash that, if maybe not At The Gates levels at least gets the same heights as Nightrage, The Crown, or early Edge of Sanity. The super crisp production hinders it a little bit, but it seems like they caught me in a good mood, because I'm still enjoying.

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30 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

That's what TARDIGRADA does for me. I get familiar and comforting. I'm not always after new and exciting.

Right, and there are times when I'll come across stuff that's less predictable that appeals to me too. I listen to so much new music because I don't want to listen to literally the same albums repeatedly ad infinitum. But most of the time I still want them to basically stick to the sub-genre template, not reinvent the wheel. Color within the lines but write new riffs. Because to me unpredictable usually just means weird, and I definitely don't appreciate weirdness in my music.



24 minutes ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

NP: Machinations of Fate - Celestial Prophecies

Some dudes out of Kentucky coming in with some really high quality melodeath/thrash that, if maybe not At The Gates levels at least gets the same heights as Nightrage, The Crown, or early Edge of Sanity. The super crisp production hinders it a little bit, but it seems like they caught me in a good mood, because I'm still enjoying.

You lost me with the ATG comparison because The Crown totally mops the floor with those ATG poseurs!

Deathrace King



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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

      Notable addition to the ranks for the current throng of releases is former Machine Head sticksman, Dave McClean.  Love or hate Machine Head, McClean is a more than capable drummer and his presence here is felt from the off with the opening and title track kicking things off with some real gusto.  'Divide & Conquer' and 'Salvation' muddle along nicely, never quite reaching any quality that would make my balls tingle but comfortable enough.  The looming build to 'Manifest Reality' delivers a real punch when the song starts proper.  Frenzied riffs and drums with shots of lead work to hold the interest.

      There's a problem already though (I know, I am such a fucking mood hoover).  I don't like Phil's vocals.  I never had if I am being honest.  The aggression to them seems a little forced even when they are at their best on tracks like 'Manifest Reality'.  When he tries to sing it just feels weak though ('Salvation') and tracks lose real punch.  Give him a riffy number such as 'Killing Machine' and he is fine with the Reich engine (probably a poor choice of phrase) up in sixth gear.  For every thrashy riff there's a fair share of rock edged, local bar act rhythm aplenty too.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

      The album kicks of with a great build to opening track "Last Man Standing" and for the first 4 tracks of the album the Overkill crew stomp, bash and groove their way to a solid level of consistency.  The lead work is of particular note and Blitz sounds as sneery and scathing as ever.  The album is well produced and mixed too with all parts of the thrash machine audible as the five piece hammer away at your skull with the usual blend of chugging riffs and infectious anthems.  

      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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