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I'm starting to pay marginal attention to new releases now. I've got a ridiculous amount of 2023 albums I've dumped into my Bancamp wishlist to audition that I just can't seem to force myself to listen to. Streaming the Panopticon album right now-reminds me more of Mere Cognitum styled epic cosmic atmoblack than some of his other stuff. I think I like his woodsier, babbling brook folsky sound more than the cinematic intergalactic atmoblack that's become so overblown and popular in recent years. Fuck, this thing is long!

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If I couldn't force myself to listen to something I'd dump it from my list. As it is I've dumped 5 or 6 albums from my already short list to listen to simple because I can't be bothered with them after one listen when they came out. My days of going though hundreds of albums to find a gem are over. If it's worth listening too someone else will highlight it.


Deith - To Hell And Back

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2 hours ago, AlSymerz said:

Even if that statement was true...

Of course it's true! If you don't believe me just ask me mate, I'll gladly tell you all about how shyte it is.


NP: Marthe - Further In Evil, Italy. One-woman black metal project which embodies the power of Bathory and the sadness of Tiamat, tinged with the stench of Amebix.


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3 hours ago, markm said:

I think I like his woodsier, babbling brook folsky sound more than the cinematic intergalactic atmoblack that's become so overblown and popular in recent years. Fuck, this thing is long!

I agree with all of that. I think I liked his live album best of his recent releases. Actual metal with minimum of atmospheric palaver.

And this isn't metal and I have no intention of exploring the album but I noticed Peter Gabriel just released his first album in 20 years. He has been working on it for 20 years and yet there are still two or three different versions released because the prat couldn't decide which is best. Wanker. His shyte meter must be well and truly non-functional.

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9 hours ago, JonoBlade said:

The actual song For Those About to Rock is one of the greatest anthems ever penned. The rest of the album is unremarkable. I mean, it's still AC/DC so better than most and I've listened to it a million times, but weaker than anything since the original High Voltage.

I've always had a soft spot for Fly on the Wall. Flick of the Switch was always the one that I considered the most bland, right down to the artwork. But, it's still AC/DC so better than most and I've listened to it ...half a million times.


I have never used the "copy image link" function before. It works!

The title track is truly epic!  I love everything about it.  I love the whole album, though, so I guess I'm just being redundant at this point.  "Snowballed", "Evil Walks", and "Breaking the Rules" are some other favorites for me.

Glad to hear you have a soft spot for "Fly on the Wall"!  I've always loved it.  I'd consider it their third-most underrated album, right after "Flick of the Switch" and "Ballbreaker".  I know "Shake Your Foundations" is the track that gets the most attention from that album, but "First Blood" is my favorite track from it.  The sound overall sounds more raw on that album and increases the heaviness a bit from their usual sound.  Fantastic stuff!

9 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

I don't listen to AC/DC records to hear Brian Johnson. Problem is there aren't any good songs on For Those About to Cock. None. Even the title track radio hit sucks. 1983's Flick of the Switch was a much better album, I always really liked that one, which also happens to be the last AC/DC record I ever heard.

My week is not off to a good start JT, my fridge is broken, the compressor won't stay on. Makes a buzzing noise every few minutes for about 5 seconds and then turns off with a click. Watched a bunch of youtube videos, I think it's a relay switch or a capacitor or something. Gonna have to get it fixed, I don't do electrical shit. I need to get my buddy and his volt meter up here. In the meantime I have all the frozen stuff in another little freezer I have in the other room, but now that one's totally packed full of food and I don't know if it'll be able to get properly cold without enough airflow. My milk and perishables from the fridge are in a plastic container on the shed roof right outside my bathroom window as it's 35° outside today, perfect fridge temp, while it's 58° inside my fridge. Headed out to my sister's house in a few minutes here to grab her mini fridge she's offered to lend me til I can get mine fixed. Just really glad I have that other freezer since I just went food shopping Sunday night and then discovered the fridge was not cold and the frozen stuff was melting when we woke up Monday morning. Without that extra little freezer I would have lost all of that meat and stuff I just bought.


NP: Vexev - Sanguinem in Abyssum Irent, Italy


This statement is patently false. The song is shyte. They just wrote it for an excuse to blow off cannons onstage.

That's awesome that you like "Flick of the Switch"!  That one actually would rank #6 in the catalog for me - I enjoy it that much.  "Landslide" and "Badlands" are probably my favorites, but there really isn't a weak track on the entire thing.

I'm truly sorry to hear about the fridge issues you're having!  That stuff can really be a headache.  Just a few years back, mine went out on me some time during the work day.  By the time I got home in the evening, I only had to open the fridge door for a couple of seconds to know what had happened.  I felt absolutely no coolness whatsoever, and the meat I had in the freezer had already gone bad.  My guess is that the fridge had been conked out for several hours at that point.  Having to throw out all of the food I had just bought was painful, because similar to your situation, I had just gone on my weekly grocery run very shortly before that happened.  I'm glad to hear that you have alternative arrangements in the meantime!  Hopefully, that means you'll ultimately be able to salvage everything - or at least the vast majority of it.  I also hope the expense to repair the fridge isn't too exorbitant.  Best wishes for the situation to work out as well as it possibly can for you, my friend! 

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NP: Ancestral Blood - Forgotten Myths and Legends Chapter One

▶︎ Forgotten Myths and Legends Chapter 1 | Ancestral Blood (bandcamp.com)


Black metal for those who enjoy the simpler things in life. If it continues to hold my attention I'll have to check out chapter two just because I can be a sucker for concept/narrative albums as long as the music's good and they don't pad it out with spoken word passages that seriously disrupt the momentum of an album. I'm still a little butthurt over that awful techno track in Mayhem's Grand Declaration of War.

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NP: Horror Chamber - Thoughts: The Slow Decay

▶︎ Thoughts: The Slow Decay | Horror Chamber (bandcamp.com)


Good stuff. New album supposedly coming this month from what I can glean. This one's a little older, but it's still good. Reminds me a little of that album by Bodyfarm that came out earlier this year. I do like the attention paid to some of the smaller details in these songs like the effects pedal use on some of the riffs that bridge the gap between a decidedly unmelodic strain of dm and the solos. Overall I'm really enjoying this one. These guys aren't going to set the world on fire by any means, but their songwriting and instrumental proficiency easily wins the day. It's also worth noting that the solos that are here don't default to what I'd feel comfortable calling death metal Phrygian. Notable for just how common it is in dm. If they were formed in a mid sized city I have no doubt they'd be home-town heroes, which is something I'm always keen on.

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Heathen - Empire of the Blind (2020)

I must be a masochist: I'm coming back to an album that I deeply disliked, even hated when it came out 3 years ago.

Up until now, I'd considered Heathen to be the author of two fabulous Thrash albums, Breaking the Silence and Victims of Deception. Two albums that are among my must-haves in the style.

The Evolution of Chaos (3rd album) is also very nice, but I don't put it on the same level as its predecessors.

So, what did I think of Empire of the Blind when I listened to it in its entirety for the first time?

"A new band? Heathexodus? Or is it Exothen?"

Kragen Lum replaced Rick Hunolt in Exodus when the frontman was touring with Slayer. Ok. But Kragen, in wanting to be the main composer on Empire of the Blind, should have realised that he was still steeped in Exodus and maybe asked his Heathen mates for a hand to work on the album.

But he didn't.

The result? Exodus riffs all over the album (maybe because Rick didn't want them on Persona non Grata). To the point where the band loses its musical identity.

It's true that since Heathen's debut, the border with Exodus has been very thin, but I found something in Heathen that set it apart from its buddy.

That boundary has been broken and, as I listen to Empire of the Blind while writing this, my impression hasn't changed: this is an album to be tucked away in a corner to gather the dust of oblivion.


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22 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

I don't listen to AC/DC records to hear Brian Johnson. Problem is there aren't any good songs on For Those About to Cock. None. Even the title track radio hit sucks. 1983's Flick of the Switch was a much better album, I always really liked that one, which also happens to be the last AC/DC record I ever heard.

It's odd to have really liked an album and then not given the next one a shot. Mind you, AC/DC went all woke after Flick of the Switch.

When Phil Rudd left they got a kid with Downs Syndrome on drums and got rid of all the sexual innuendo that made them great. Fly on the Wall, which followed the mighty Flick of the Switch, included tracks such as Sink the Pink, which is about snooker - a gentlemen's sport; First Blood is a sympathetic treatise on menstruation and Playing with Girls was about combating gender bias in young boys.

It was political correctness gone mad. 

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NP: Surgery of Doom - Manifestation of Darkness

Manifestation of Darkness | Surgery of Doom | Salute Records (bandcamp.com)


Alright, first thing's first: I hate that band name. It's clumsy and nonsensical and suggests an overall cognitive dissonance that just doesn't fly. Secondly the music's actually pretty good. Good guitar tone, songs are carefully structured to hit that death/doom mold I've apparently been craving over the last few months. This really hit the spot. Poor band names can be forgiven if the music's good.

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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

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      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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