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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/09/2023 in Posts

  1. Show last night. Hardcore kids playing death metal. Little heavier on the DM side than the core side, so it was ok. Local, weekend, $12. Works for me. Tombstoner (NYC), Accursed Creator (FL), and Skulldozer (MS). Tinnitus is cranking this morning. NP: Blind Guardian - Nightfall Helloween - Walls of Jericho Sepultura - BTR As an aside, the daughter's boyfriend comes over yesterday. Cool kid, into all sorts of music, vintage audio and vinyl. Likes most everything but usually turns up his nose at metal despite my best efforts. We usually meet at post-punk and psych/garage rock. Shows up in a Mortician shirt. I was like damn, just jump in the deep end of the pool. Talked for a bit and he had just picked up Hacked up for Barbecue and Chainsaw Dismemberment. Also Deicide - Once Upon the Cross. Realizing my opportunity, we went to the music room and took junior to school. Turned him on to a bunch of stuff and even a bit of black metal. All the goods. He left with some Dissection, Inquisition, Obituary, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Opeth, and a few others. Next lesson will be some grind. Kid's alright.
    7 points
  2. As it goes - opinions are like assholes, everyone has a shitty one... Most of what I would consider "perfect" or "unskippable" I'm sure would fall out of your wheelhouse and most likely the opposite is true. NBD. Fortunately, we both passed the metalhead certification test years ago. Enslaved - Mardraum
    6 points
  3. Blasphemathory - War, Blasphemy & Divine Destruction Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal Sentient Divide - Haunted By Cruelty
    6 points
  4. Finally saw a metal show again, first time since we moved last summer. Local show in a really tiny venue an hour and a half away in Burlington. None of it is stuff I would listen to at home, but it was super fun to just be in a room with loud music and people jumping around.
    6 points
  5. Just a small sample of what will be playing here today on my most favorite day of the year. King Diamond - Halloween Misfits - Halloween 1 & 2 Helloween - Halloween Candlemass - Bewitched American Werewolves - American Werewolves The Spookshow - Here Come The Zombies Blitzkid - Pretty In A Casket Samhain - November Coming Fire
    6 points
  6. Bathory - Hammerheart (1990) Each time I tell myself I am done with Bathory and Quothorn's shit singing capability that he somehow relentlessly hacked away at showing a resilience that far outweighed his vocal capacity, I put on Hammerheart and soon find myself completely enamoured with them for an hour or so. The heavy Viking metal aesthetic helps no ends of course, it sort of excuses all the roughness present on the record. This and Under the Sign of the Black Mark should get more plays I have decided.
    6 points
  7. navybsn

    Random metal thoughts

    Well, got the word today that I got a significant promotion. Moving up to the Deputy Nurse Exec for my healthcare system. I'm not sure what they've done putting a dirty hesher in a position like that, but they're about to find out. Huge step up in responsibility and worst of all, I will now have to wear a suit or sport coat to work every day. Where's our resident fashionista @markm when I need him? Not sure about a step up in pay just yet, but I'm going to need something to stock the closet with something other than Archgoat and Vomitor shirts...
    6 points
  8. Saw the Max & Igorr show last night. Decent show. Both bands were tight and delivered the goods. All of Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions. Encore was Escape to the Void (Schizophrenia), Refuse/Resist & Territory (Chaos AD), and Troops of Doom. So I'm on a Sepultura kick this morning. Sepultura - Bestial Devastation Sepultura - Morbid Visions Sepultura - Beneath The Remains Sepultura - Arise Nailbomb - Point Blank
    6 points
  9. Dead1

    What Are You Listening To?

    Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade Morbid Angel - Gateways To Annihilation Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy Nifelheim - Servants of Darkness Phil Campbell And The Bastard Sons - Kings of the Asylum Possessed - Seven Churches Extremely bitterly disappointed this is not a broadcast of an actual Warrington-Runcorn New Town Development Plan Interim Report for 1979. The bit I listened to was fine musically but nothing about project design brief, community consultation processes, enivornmental impact statement let alone a financial update. I mean where the fuck is the risk management strategy?!? Talk about misleading! And I will bet there is no Final Report either!
    6 points
  10. Age old question. Some say we may never know. Scientists claim we have only begun to scratch the surface and have only as yet been able to explore maybe 10% of the existing prog rock in the universe. Recently an observatory listening post in New Mexico has detected messages from outer space that have been decribed by astronomers as coming in such odd time signatures and polyrythyms that it could only be described as prog rock. An anonymous consortium of billionaire benefactors headed by Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk has put together a 5-man dream team of progonauts to launch a space mission into the outer galaxies in search of extra-terrestrial prog rock. This will be a strategic alliance joint venture between NASA and SpaceX. The $34 billion dollar solar powered vehicle will be mannned by: Colin Marston, Steven Wilson, Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Chris DeGarmo. Robert Fripp wanted to be a part of this mission but was deemd to be too old to handle the rigors of space flight, so he has been grounded. John Petrucci wanted to go as well but was said to be too fat and smelly, no one wanted him in there with them. There will also be two as yet unnamed NASA dweebs onboard to do some scientific experiments once their destination has been reached and two Air Force test pilots will be enlisted to fly this sucker until it breaks free from the Earth's gravitational pull at which time they will board a lifeboat shuttlecraft and be jettisoned from the main spacecraft to return back down to Earth. The spacecraft will then be navigated and piloted from the ground by Elon's crack team of space nerds. The progonaut team will be cryogenically frozen and sealed into pods, kept alive intravenously and their vitals monitored closely by computer for the 540 year journey to the Andromeda galaxy where the messages are thought to have originated. Then the onboard computer will reawaken them in 2562 in hopes they will be able to make contact with the alien prog rockers. NASA has no plan to re-freeze them and bring them back safely (if there'd even be anything left on Earth to come back to in 1080 years) but when asked for comment a spokesman for the SpaceX company has reportedly said: "Hey listen, we can't think of everything man."
    6 points
  11. Mentioning Overkill @GoatmasterGeneral, I saw them last Friday with Heathen and Exhorder. Never been a huge fan, but 1 2 Fuck You they were great. Blitz was definitely working (he's not young anymore) but sounded spot on.
    6 points
  12. Arioch

    What Are You Listening To?

    Sepultura - Arise (1991)
    6 points
  13. MDF day 5 final report. Pretty decent day. This fest was fairly end loaded. Started slow and kept snowballing. Don't mind. Weather was great, company was better, and except for the cluster fuck at the main intersection, the new layout worked fine. Daeva - more black than last few times I've seen them (more black thrash then). Solid set. Spirit Possession - maybe the set of the fest. I'll need some time to process but if I had to vote now... No idea this was just 2 guys. Holy shit this ruled. Ripper - not bad. Greasy fun, but nothing special. Primordial - love these guys. Good set if a bit long form for a festival. I thought his other band (Dread Sovereign) was better, but possibly because I'd not heard it before and went in with no expectations. Still enjoyed Primordial a good bit. Abbath - decent. He seemed relatively sober. Still couldn't understand a fuckin thing he said. Played some Immortal but mostly newer stuff. I wanted Pure Holocaust. Oh well. Cryptopsy - pizza break but managed to catch their set while eating. All of Blasphemy. Would have rather Whisper Supremacy, but it was good save for the 2-3 times the PA dropped out. Grave Miasma - knuckle dragging cave man shit. Decent. Skipped Gorguts and Mayhem. Body conservation if I want to finish strong. Bloodbath - sound was blown out. Ditched for a good spot for Archgoat. Archgoat - absolutely crushing live. Killer set spanning Anglecunt to the new record. I mean what can you say. Looked forward to seeing them for years and they did not disappoint. And that's a wrap. Last fest until 25. Nice way to close out fest season. The weather was great, the food and riffs were tasty, and the beer was cold and plentiful. Couldn't ask for anything more.
    5 points
  14. Can confirm... Chthe'ilest is legit live. Maybe the best set I've seen since The Chasm in 19 which is the stuff of myth. Definitely up there with Blood Incantation in 18.
    5 points
  15. Sepultura - BTR Sepultura - Arise
    5 points
  16. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
    5 points
  17. Fucking great stuff. Caught them live a few years ago and that was pretty special. Coroner - No More Color Coroner - Mental Vortex Coroner - Death Cult
    5 points
  18. Show wrapped last night. Would've posted a small summary, but I was well past my limit of cheap beer. I think the appropriate term is piss drunk. Regardless, day 3 was the best of the week. Highlights - Sodom, Demolition Hammer, and Rotting Christ. Darvaza was pretty decent too. Didn't get excited about Tank, though the rest of the fest seemed to enjoy them quite a bit. Also didn't get much for Forbidden, mainly because they only have 1 song I even remember and secondly because who the fuck can follow DH after they level the place. Surprise of the day was Rotting Christ. Never seen them or listened to them much. Pretty freaking great. Overall show highlights aside from the above - Queensryche (the early stuff kills live and after seeing them both I think I prefer LaTorre to Tate), Lamp of Murmur (pulled it off live), Candlemass, Sumerlands, Savage Oath, and Autopsy. 6th year here and it just keeps getting bigger. Some growing pains and capacity issues at the venue, but they have always been good at working those things out between years. Up there with MDF for quality run organized festival by good people. If you're shopping for a fest to hit next year, can recommend.
    5 points
  19. Huoripukki - Ikuinen Kamppailu Destruction - Sentence of Death Dead Congregation - Promulgation of the Fall
    5 points
  20. WFH day, so massive playlist incoming. I would throw in some Anti-Cimex, Discharge, or Wolfbrigade in honor of our dear leafy green vegetable, but I've already done the work to put the playlist together. Akercocke - Choronzon - FA and I both thinking about getting some 'cocke today Akercocke - Renaissance in Extremis Hulder - Verses in Oath Inquisition - Veneration Inquisition - Black Mass Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk DHG - Black Medium Current The Antichrist Imperium - Vol 2: Every Tongue Shall Praise Satan Black Angel - The Black Truth Judas Iscariot - Heaven Shall Burn Horna - Vuohipaimen
    5 points
  21. I agree, there’s not really a weak point, however this resonates with me more at the moment than black mass did, that could just be recency bias though. NP:Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade
    5 points
  22. Travelling by train this morning to Paris. List of albums listened to : Incantation - Diabolical Conquest (1998) Hell - Human Remains (2011) ADX - Suprématie (1987) Xoth - Exogalactic (2023) Cosmic Jaguar - The Legacy of the Aztecs (2023)
    5 points
  23. Fuck, how the hell did I fall behind the General's posting timeline. I thought I had until at least March or so.... Anyway, my refined EOTY 23 closeout. Not much special you probably haven't seen already. GG probably covered everything of interest anyway. Didn't get much chance to dive to deep in 23. In no particular order: Demoncy - Black Star Gnosis - a glorious return for my fave BM band ASET - Astral Rape Dodheimsgard - Black Medium Current Faidra - Militant: Penitent: Triumphant Gravesend - Gowanus Death Stomp Lamp of Murmur - Saturnian Blood Storm Poison Ruin - Harvest Spirit Possession - Of the Sign ΣARΚ - Inumbris Ruim - Black Royal Spiritism Profane Order - One Nightmare to Another Circle of Ouroboros - Lumi Vaientaa Kysmykset Enslaved - Heimdal Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite Woe - Legacies of Frailty Kreig - Ruiner Now to comb through the thread and see what I missed.
    5 points
  24. markm

    What's on your mind?

    Best wishes TG for a quick recovery. Pneumonia is scary. Get well soon! I'm not as much of a Grinch as some of ye ole bastards. The short days and holidays depress me to a certain extent, but I'm at a pretty good place in my life and my health, knock on wood, seems to be good. Self care is important. I've been trying to eat right and exercise. I teach a high school program at a community college and have access to the health and wellness facilities. I've been strength training for the first time in earnest since Covid and swimming at the pool-fuck it, it's free. I've worked up to about 20 laps in a non Olympic pool at about 25 yards per link works out to be about half a mile. I've been kayaking more than usual on the Potomac here in DC as we've had a lot of rain in December after having a brootal drought, so the whitewater is higher than it's been, which means it's rock and roll time on the water, and we've had a warm December with temps often approaching and even exceeding 50 degree fareinheight or 10 Celsius, Now the water is in the 40's and freaking cold, but with a dry suit and good layering and skill to stay in your boat is totally doable. I find exercise, and time outside get me through the winter. I'm a staunch critic of organized religion and think Christianity on a literal level is non sensical, yet somehow, feel the symbolic message of Christmas of hope and peace is positive. That said, hail Satan haha. My Christmas present to myself is an onslaught of 2023 metal purchases. I'm off work unit January 3. Bills are paid, my kid's out of college, working as a nurse and has a dude who seems like he's in love with her and they're happy together, so, I don't hate this Christmas at all except my lifelong feeling that belief in virgin birth and savior figures is beyond stupid. Happy Holidays grouches!
    5 points
  25. Bolt Thrower - Mercenary (1998)
    5 points
  26. Blaze is the best of those in my opinion, I don’t know what it is, but Transylvanian hunger never clicked for me. NP: Hail of Bullets - …Of Frost and War Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
    5 points
  27. Blaze in the northern sky (1992) - darkthrone Under a funeral moon (1993) - darkthrone Transylvanian hunger (1994) - darkthrone
    5 points
  28. Sepultura - Beneath the Remains (1989)
    5 points
  29. Built a reliable audiophile quality music server and purchased Roon. Significantly cut down what I was spending on vinyl. Cost around $1000-1200 total which seems a lot, but that's really only about 30 records. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the thousand or so I have, but price per record is just too high at the moment not to mention shipping from outside the US where most of what I like comes from. Now I have an easy to maintain and organized library available whenever I like, no cleaning routine and no getting up every 18 minutes to flip unless I'm in the mood.
    5 points
  30. in the sign of evil (1985) - Sodom
    5 points
  31. Darkthrone - Astral Passages (2022)
    5 points
  32. Celtic Frost - Into the Pandemonium, 1987 TMA - Beach Party 2000, NJ Punk 1987
    5 points
  33. Two days after surgery and I am finally hitting the sweet mix of codeine and paracetamol tablets that mean I can eat albeit in a semi-lucid state from the drowsiness off the back of the meds. Gonna take the down time to catch up on some music and spin some vinyl most of the weekend. Not going out, not answering my phone - just gonna sit in my armchair and drift in and out of consciousness until Sunday evening. Pairing back on the listening habits and trying to focus on the music I have in physical copy where possible. Still feel that the less music I have at my fingertips, the happier I am - just like when I was a broke ass teen in my bedroom at home (or "The Metal & Masturbation Years" as I would title any biography on that period).
    5 points
  34. Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
    5 points
  35. Arioch

    What Are You Listening To?

    Bolt Thrower - War Master (1991) The intro to What Dwells Within gives me chills every time! It's magical!
    5 points
  36. Listening to Loudwires top 50 thrash metal albums 49. Epidemic of violence (1992) - demolition hammer this album marked the beginning of the end of what I call the golden age of thrash (around 1983-1992) and unlike hair metal which had a slow painful death around the end of its golden age thrash went out on a year full of classics within the genre (the law - exhorder, beyond recognition - defiance, and will work for food - uncle slam being some good examples) and this album stands above all the rest. the only complaint i have is that this album wasn't higher on the list.
    5 points
  37. Mostly listening to megadeth Last rites demo (1984) Killing is my business and business is good (1985) Peace sells but whose buying (1986) So far so good so what (1988) also why Dave felt the need to rerecord the vocals and butcher the original mixes is beyond me.
    5 points
  38. New Darkthrone day is always a good day. Darkthrone - It Beckons Us All
    4 points
  39. Obituary - Slowly We Rot
    4 points
  40. There you have it... even their fans admit the music puts them to sleep
    4 points
  41. Messiah - Christus Hypercubus Disgrace - Grey Misery Ripping Corpse - Unreleased 2nd Album
    4 points
  42. Giving the sick and twisted psycho-psychedelic horrific symphony, BAN's Disharmonium Nahab the full blown speaker experience tonight as I did Dodheimsgard/black medium current last night, an album that finally clicked. Disharmonium-Nahab is immersive and immense. I think it's a tremendous, challenging album. At one point, I closed my eyes and started drifting to sleep amid the chaotic beauty of Nahab, only to jump in my seat at the horror coming from my speakers; angular sounds I had not noticed before taking an almost 3 dimensional form coming towards me in my delirium.... feeling dark, hallucinations seemingly take physical shape-sensing the shadow of a scaled, cloaked hand-like claw coming to grab me through the haze of my twilight mind and pull me into the nether world. Suddenly awake, not willing to close my eyes. In plainer English-this is an arresting and thought provoking album that spurs my imagination. But that's what BAN does-they have a way of warping time and space and work, for me at least, at a subconscious level . NP: Ahab/The Coral Tombs
    4 points
  43. Dead1

    What Are You Listening To?

    Bizarrely not much metallic stuff being played! Alice In Chains - Dirt Faith No More - King For A Day....Fool For A Lifetime Minor Threat - Complete Discography The Ramones - Hey Ho Let's Go: Greatest Hits
    4 points
  44. Here...Revealed is on Bandcamp in its entirety https://thorybos666.bandcamp.com/album/monuments-of-doom-revealed Immortal - Pure Holocaust
    4 points
  45. Nirvana - Nevermind (album) Megadeth - Rust In Peace (album)
    4 points
  46. Type O Negative - World Coming Down (album)
    4 points
  47. Oh come on, next you'll be telling me that these MEN did not just return victorious from glory in battle.
    4 points
  48. Alice in Chains - Unplugged
    4 points
  49. Hungarino

    What's on your mind?

    I for one welcome our new AI overlords. When it comes to running shit they probably can't do a whole lot worse than, you know, us. Might actual be the solution to a bunch of problems. Give AI a chance you bullies! btw, you realize they are reading this, right?
    4 points
  50. Megadeth - So Far, So Good... So What! (1988)
    4 points
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