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  1. Hello. I want to introduce you to my musical project. The musical project was created under the influence of various metal scenes. One of the most clearly expressed directions of the project is melodic death metal and melodic blackened death metal. The songs narrate events in a dark fantasy universe. A full-length album of 10 songs totaling over an hour is scheduled to be released soon. It includes musical developments and riffs created over a long period of time. The album will feature both fast-paced compositions filled with unbridled power, and measured heavy compositions telling about the struggle against the inexorable elements. At this point, I've posted the album release announcement. I'll provide links at the bottom if anyone is interested. https://youtu.be/j6KPyMYgmK0 https://nakhteron.bandcamp.com https://vk.com/nakhteron
  2. The debut album by Death Defy, a death metal band from Belarus, includes 3 cover songs of Sepultura, Six Feet Under and Amon Amarth and 3 self-composed tracks. Free download at Bandcamp https://deathdefy.bandcamp.com/album/portal-to-immortals Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks for listening!
  3. I'm a fairly experienced vocalist (though I e never toured) and I've just released a solo deathcore project 2 months ago called Avocyn. As much as I like the freedom to write my own stuff, I'd love nothing more than to find the perfect band to be a part of. It doesn't matter to me if we are in the same location or not, I have to ability to record anything you'd need from me. I'd prefer to stay on the heavier, more modern side of metal, but I'm open to other projects. I can sing and do false chord screams and growls. Messagee directly if you would like to hear more from me!
  4. FFO: Cattle Decapitation , Nile, Depths Of Hatred, The Crimson Armada Servants Of Alamin, Second single taken from the upcoming album "Withering". Lyrics: A call from all signs A call to unite all mankind A call around the world upon Him As He is the Lord of Alamin Open hands and palms facing the sky Shall bear witness to all ninety-nine names Words of syukur denote five times a day, A mu'jizah that leads to jannah. Seeking refuge only from one O human that are against Nafs Or is that never enough? Shall bear witness to all ninety-nine names Words of syukur five times a day, A mu'jizah that leads to jannah. Kneel yourself before Him Pledge yourself unto Him From the day as we drop as an alaqah To the day as we buried as janazah The ending is the only beginning Other new releases; | World Of Nifaq Music Videos; Mahsyar (2015), The V Sense (2018), Uphold Thy Rule (2018), Day of Reckoning (2018), Social Media; Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Stream; Bandcamp | Spotify
  5. A young death metal band (Immortal Obscurity) looking for a rhythm guitarist, bass player and drummer. Need members that can play anything from slow to fast tempo death metal. The band is mainly reminiscent of old school death metal influences with some slam, melodic and occasional tech part making its way in. Located in Johnstown, New York. Preferably looking for members in the Tri-city areas (mainly Troy and Albany) from 16-19 if possible. Demos for a 6 song ep have already been written, but are up for any changes depending on your style. Thank you for reading, contact me if you're interested, I'll send you the demos and I'll make sure to stay contacted to make it work as best as possible. Hoping to meet up together whenever possible. Thank you for checking it out, have a good day.
  6. I was wondering for longtime metal fans to tell me which bands are completely awful live. I've heard of a couple, like Mastodon and Nile, but what do you guys think?
  7. A while ago we played our first show. Our 2nd Release, the "Fury - EP" is coming out a few months from today, I am stoked so I think it's a great moment to share some content. If you like it you can follow us on Facebook, Bandcamp or Spotify (also "The Grey" Demo is on there). Cheers.
  8. Láðspell is a two piece created to explore the darkest parts of human history and folklore. Their first song of their upcoming album is titled "Peshtigo". The song is a retelling of the massive fire that consumed over 1,500 people. The song can be streamed at the link below. https://lowthspell.bandcamp.com/track/peshtigo More to come soon.
  9. https://open.spotify.com/album/1yxCCbzMWuWBVzz8CP5GK4
  10. Sorry deathstorm, I don’t like it. It took me a while to come round to Amaranthe. I first heard them when they were announced for the roster of ProgPower XIII and thought they sounded too poppy, sage musical critic that I was. I did entertain the idea that that was the entire point, but dismissed them as being too technically lacking in any case. Their second album, The Nexus, featuring the least inventive album art I’d seen in a while, was a marked improvement, with its title track nearly a total ripoff of the leading single from their self-titled debut but a demonstrably better take. Everything was more or less the same, just done right. The riffs were on point, there were a higher proportion of peppy bubblegum tracks that sounded like Cascada doing djent (or just a slightly less sugary Blood Stain Child) – it was their best album. They followed this up with Massive Addictive, a somewhat weaker but nonetheless slightly different album with a couple tracks that sounded like they could have been composed by MrWeebl. As far as third albums went, it wasn’t bad – and the slow songs were actually all rights, even on the acoustic versions. It was also a little closer to regular melodeath. That brings us to Maximalism. In principle, the concept behind this album is fine. Amaranthe always imitated pop, so why not imitate current pop? It could inject some life into this worthless moribund slurry of pink noise that the post-Trump miasma has been nice enough to slowly excrete over this most recent tax period. I mean, the only way this would could fail is if modern pop were so limp-wristed and ineffectual that even the nuclear cocaine infusion of metal failed to resuscitate its bloated heart. Whoops. It’s fascinating how one can avoid actually discussing the album for so long here just because of the hilarious incidental commentary. All of the songs here a poppy in an obligatory sense, rather like the current generation of pop. I remember hating Ke$ha back in 2012 when she was big, but hearing “Tik Tok” after a bleak slog through a bunch of mopey nonsensical dogshit and limp-wristed soggy whining is a godsend. At best, Maximalism is a poor man’s version of their previous output, and at worst it’s an imitation of modern pop in the sense that you don’t remember anything about it other than that it sucked. Anyway, what about the actual songs? “Maximize” is a terrible opening track. On one hand, it’s a pale imitation of the band’s previous pop-metal efforts, with all of the elements watered down – and on the other hand, it’s about as close as they get to their previous work. Compared with the other songs on the album, it’s not bad, but using it as an opener sets the listener up for disappointment. I remember thinking “well, that was kinda weak – let’s see what else you got” and then Maximalism kinda shuffles its feet before presenting the listener with a couple of nearly uncut metal tracks. Well, that’s not quite true. “Boomerang” is pretty fun if a little repetitive. Watch the music video because it is definitely the funniest I’ve seen in years. Oddly, Elle King seems to have been one of the stronger influences on this album. The combination of rhythmic country/blues-type riffs and poppy choruses has been combined with metal plenty of times before, but that doesn’t mean Amaranthe aren’t willing to take a few whacks at the deceased equine. It’s OK, I suppose. “21” is passable. “On the Rocks” is good, although the “na na na” shit certainly triggered an allergic reaction that clouded by judgment of the song for some time. The other tracks are a relatively dull mixed bag. “Limitless” has a dreary false energy and an utterly forgettable chorus. In other words it’s an excellent imitation of the vast majority of Daya’s work. “Fury” is the least poppy song on here, more or less just a modern melodeath tune. It works on its own merits, but it’s not particularly interesting. “Faster” is attempting to be an Amaranthe song and sorta falling short. The chorus is melodic, but it doesn’t work for me. There’s one track on here that instantly distinguishes itself as the worst song. “That Song”, the same old song. Too damn right. It is the same old song, the same old song I’ve heard from those perennially overpublicized Nevadan jackoffs they call Imagine Dragons. I usually despise songs made by these guys on the basis that they're trying to make powerful music but invariably fail because they're imitating a genre that sounds better with distortion. Amaranthe were nice enough to prove to me that even a bonafide metal band can make a song worthy of an Infiniti crossover. Let me be a little more clear-headed here. This isn’t, strictly speaking, a bad album (except for That Song, of course). Part of the bridge from “Supersonic” is all right, sounds kinda like Queen. The fact that the best song on this album is “Break Down And Cry” is a semantic joke the band have made for me, but it’s good nonetheless. Pretty strong keyboard and a decent chorus. “Endlessly” is a genuinely good ballad if a bafflingly austere end to the album. These tracks are…sorta catchy, and competently performed. “Fireball” is a good example of what I’m talking about. It’s a perfectly good song. The problem is that it’s not a good Amaranthe song. An Amaranthe song should be an earworm that you have genuine trouble dislodging. None of the songs here have that quality. “Drop Dead Cynical” and “Digital World” from the previous album were quite memorable despite being relatively weaker than previous work, but nothing on Maximalism sticks out like that. If you want a modern artist to imitate, go for someone energetic and chirpy like Allie X or Ariana Grande and imitate their best songs. All I’m asking for is a metal version of Greedy, because that song’s sexy as hell. Bottom line, Amaranthe are at their best when they’re being as bubblegum as possible, and this album sees them stray farther from that aim.
  11. Hey. I am here sharing my band, Incognitum, with you. It is melodic death metal from Brazil and "Artificial Skin" is our latest single. I hope you like it! https://youtu.be/gdpf411juR0
  12. Hey Guys, we're Philly based melodeath band Parius. We released a 15 min. EP titled Let There Be Light last year featuring Michael Keene (of The Faceless) and Ryan Knight (Black Dahlia Murder, Arsis, etc.) We'd appreciate if you gave us a listen and some feedback! We have to new stuff in the works and nearing completion, so if you like this you won't have long to wait! Let There Be Light album stream Facebook Bandcamp Thanks, guys, much appreciated
  13. At MSW we now have a new song posted ahead of the album which should be out by Feb on various formats. Hope you enjoy!
  14. Hey guys We've just released our debut EP through Hostile Media and would love to get it out to some fresh ears, please have a listen at any of these links and let us know what you think. \m/ Spotify ITunes YouTube Bandcamp CDs
  15. Hey guys My band is currently looking for a live drummer. We are a Melodic Death/Thrash metal band from Los Angeles, California ( some heavy influences are King Diamond, Fleshgod Apocalypse, obscura, Kalmah, the black dahlia murder, absu, exhumed, and more) We are currently in the works on finishing our first full length album and want to start gigging as heavily as possible once it is release. We are looking for a drummer who: *is 21 years or older *has high double kick and blast beat stamina and speed *has pro gear If interested send us an email at [email protected] and we can send you some samples of our music. \m/ \m/
  16. Hey all, My name is Evan Jaslow and I'm the former Prog Guru of OnlineDrummer. Nowadays I have my own website where I sell my drum transcriptions. Naturally, I specialize in progressive rock, with my most notable product being a full transcription of Dream Theater's Images and Words. As a whole my selection isn't huge, but what I do have is top-quality as I spend a lot of time (possibly too much) proofreading and re-uploading new versions. There's a selection of free material for download as well, and I do take requests for a fee. Thanks for reading! http://www.jaslowdrumsheets.com/
  17. EPHEMERALD is a metal band from Finland, formed in the autumn 2016 by Joni Snoro (ex-Frosttide), Lauri Myllylä (ex-Frosttide), Vesa Salovaara (Vorna) and Juho Suomi (Apocryfal & Prayed and Betrayed). Their music can be described as straightforward, fast-paced, epic and melodic metal music accompanied by huge orchestrations and both clean and harsh vocals. Today they released 2nd single called "Till the Sea Swallows Us Whole"! STREAM / BUY ➤ smarturl.it/ephemerald Links: Facebook Instagram Twitter
  18. Hi guys, we are a melodic death metal band from Argentina and we just released our first album. You can listen to it here: https://omens-of-plague.bandcamp.com/releases
  19. First EP de Norothin. El death metal melódico. ¡Disfrútala! Tener un día de metal brutal!
  20. Greetings fellow metalheads. We are Obsidian Eyes hailing from the small town of Coshocton, OH. We are a female fronted melodic metal band, combining many different styles in to a unique package. This our first single released titled, Roses to Fill an Ocean. It's dedicated to those with the lung disease Cystic Fibrosis. We hope to have the album released in its entirety by the end of the year. Hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think.
  21. Hey metalheads! I'm getting into writing my own stuff, and I'd like to get some opinions/tips from you guys. I'm going for a more melodic death metal feel to it. Obviously, I still have to do vocals and a bit more guitar work for some parts, but let me know what you guys think. Cheers!
  22. Hi there, I want to introduce my band. We are a Melodic Death Metal Band from Mannheim/Germany . We finally realeased our Demo EP. Feel free to listen to it and tell me what you think. https://decypherband.bandcamp.com/album/ep https://www.facebook.com/decypherband
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