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  1. I personally prefer Satanic music by behemoth but that's not quite the case I'm confused.
  2. Were a 3 piece Death metal band out from Vancouver!! Not too much stuff comes out from Van so check it out :)) https://grozadeath.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2019
  3. Space Of Variations - ukrainian chaotic metalcore/ post hardcore / electronic band which was formed in 2009 on the top of new wave of modern heavy music. After 2 years the band stop playing, than after pause they reunited again in 2015 and this time became one of the top metal bands in Ukraine with their first music video '‘Gunsight’’. A lot of gigs and hard work on new songs came after that. In 2015 and second time in 2017 band got the title of the best metal band in ‘'The Best Ukrainian Metal Act'’ contest. During the 2015-2018 Space of Variations has been played on the one stage with such bands as Architects, ADEPT, Devildriver, EMMURE, Three Days Grace, Bad Omens, Eskimo Callboy, WBTBWB, JINJER, Stoned Jesus, and many more. SOV has first tours ever out of Ukraine - in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and the most far away from home - in Dubai (UAE). Also in this period was released some more stuff - EP "BLACKMAIL" , and three official videos including single "TIBET" from their first longplay album called "MIND DARKNET" wich was released on 1st Nov 2018 . Right now the band is in process of touring with new album in Ukraine where they have a lot of sold-out shows, planning spring euro-tour and just released new music video
  4. Detroit, MI ---- I'm looking for some dudes to jam with. I sceam. Check out my profile for a sample of my sound. Here's something I did recently: https://keepsinking.bandcamp.com/
  5. Hi all, I am new on this forum so be kind lol. I play bass for a Thrash Metal covers band called Phantom Lords, we are a loose tribute to the Big 4 as well as other bands, we are playing at O'rileys in Hull on the 16th Feb (this month) and it would be nice to see some of you guys in attendance, we also have a support band called Sleaze Demons. You can find out more about Phantom lords at https://phantomlordsmusic.wixsite.com/mysite I know its a Wix site lol but that's all we can afford at the moment, we also have a facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/PhantomLords/ Hope to see some of you there Thanks for reading
  6. Extreme metal from Canary Islands, 2 guys band. First EP free for downloading on bandcamp: https://faecalputrefaction.bandcamp.com/releases Also new youtube channel, constantly adding stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyQ5cgzbIyzyYxtts4WEcMg Feel free to download all what you want and share if you like it!
  7. - Stone Angel - Always On The Back Of The Mind - ''Always On The Back Of The Mind'' is the third song from Stone Angel's solo album ''Thing Outside'' released online ! The album features 6 guest vocalists, immersive instrumentals and a plethora of musical styles. ''Thing Outside'' was released in September last year and is now available for digital download and on physical CD. You can get your digital copy here : Bandcamp And physical CD here : www.polymusic.eu ~ ( Stone Angel - Thing Outside ) Enjoy : ) Youtube link : Stone Angel - Always On The Back Of The Mind ( Youtube )
  8. Soon too come out! Keep a look out on our pages. (P.S. Opeth Cover's!) https://soundcloud.com/benttree
  9. Behold, the 'industrial metal' project - Military Industrial Complex. An invocation of the brutal machinations of the war machine, exhorting it's gleeful offering of human life and endless toil. Rejoice, as the enemies of this industry are crushed beneath the weight of trillions of dollars of military research. Watch the feeble fall before the might of the empire, backed by the rituals of the damned, sacrificing the mob for the benefit of the ruling elite. Here, we have woven occult understandings and psychological truth with the grinding force which drives the war machine to create a sound to bang your head on, or to stew in understanding of it's great evil perfection. May you grant the bearer of it's glory many likes and subscribes and bow down in indentured servitude !!! militaryindustrialcomplex.ca https://www.facebook.com/militaryindustrialcomplex1
  10. How's it going, guys. I'm Dave and I represent an Irish metal radio show called Put The Metal On. I just wanted to say hi as I'm a new member to the forums. My show is on 6pm (GMT) every Monday on 90.3 Near FM where we play the latest from Irish metal bands and metal gigs from cities like Dublin, Limerick, Belfast, Galway & Cork. Check us out @putthemetalon on FB, Twitter and Instagram if you'd like to check us out. Nice meeting you all. Dave
  11. A Crazed Mortician fronted death metal band coming for you! Bandcamp: https://barrythemortician.bandcamp.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarrytheMortician/
  12. Heyo. Wanted to share all the artwork I have done for metal bands over the years. I just made myself a new website for my artwork and so I did a post on my blog sharing all the artwork I have done for various bands over the last decade. Read about it here and see with your eyeballs: https://www.awolfillustrations.com/2018/10/warrborn-album-artwork-and-a-whole-lot-of-album-covers-and-shirt-designs-for-other-metal-bands-over-the-years/ If bands are looking for and artists to tackle their album art, gig posters, or merch, contact me!
  13. Hello there, My name is Josef, and I am one half of Waterlife, a metal/ambient band from Chicago, IL. We love metal and epic soundtracks, so we've decided to combine the two in our latest self-titled EP. I invite you to listen to our latest release "Reflection". You may find us on Spotify and all streaming outlets on November 23rd. We hope you enjoy our music. Josef
  14. Hello there! Im the drummer of a metalband called, Sinok. We just released a new beautiful single and I would like to get some feedback! Thanks.
  15. Greetings! Two weeks ago I started a metal project with a friend of mine. If you'd like to check out a short trailer from our first song on Instagram, then visit the link below. Thank you! https://www.instagram.com/p/BqU6qWTiN3M/?utm_source=ig_web_options_share_sheet
  16. New band, new single. From the deep forests of Scandinavia. Enjoy!
  17. Out of all the underground artists that I listen to, I would have to say Undead Papi is one of my favorite. His style is very unique and to be honest, I can't stop listening to his most latest work "THA KULT". Although Undead Papi is mainly a Trap Metal artist, I would consider this project more Metal than anything else I've heard from him. The instrumentals sound live as f*ck, as if it was a real band playing rather than a simple guitar loop. The EP brings a burst of energy and rage into the listener, almost making it impossible to not head-bang. The raspy yell from Undead Papi makes every track more and more re-playable, and quite frankly I'd say his music is addictive. Undead collaborates with artists "BEAMON" and "TORTVRE" on this 3 song EP, but to be honest, "SHARK GRILLZ" featuring BEAMON has to be my absolute favorite. The track combines Undead's metal vocals with Beamon's sick rap verse creating a "best of both worlds" type feeling to the track. "KURB STOMP" featuring TORTVRE is another unique song in the aspect of "best of both worlds" because not only does Undead do his Metal-like chorus and verses, but TORTVRE brings something completely different to the table, adding demon-like screams, growls, and even gutterals to the mix. "MURDA WEAPONS" is a "lighter" or less "hardcore" track that still brings more than enough energy to the listeners ears. Listening to the song, you will literally feel like a super villian (or atleast I did lol) In conclusion, I give this EP a rating of 10/10. Although it is short and only consists of 3 songs, it is a complete masterpiece. Link to EP on Soundcloud :
  18. We are a thrash/groove/heavy metal band from Stockholm, Sweden. We just released our first single "INFECTED". Available on Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud and Apple Music! Our influences stem from bands such as Pantera, Machine Head, Lamb of God and Slipknot. Feel free to check us out and let us know what you think! Also, if you happen to enjoy the song, press like/share/subscribe and all that good stuff! Thanks, God In Fear OUR FB-PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/GodInFear/ SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/2AHL642h5ze4g4lYXNCYwY?si=ZIN7dO_yS42_7y4dGHq-OA SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/heavy-metal-300400761 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7djxAS9qQh0
  19. Listen and comment on BLUDGEON Uncompromising technical death for fans of origin, defeated sanity, disgorge, deeds of flesh. Check out the music here..... www.bludgeon-uk.com
  20. After two singles – 2014’s poppy “inner Enemy” and the somewhat more straight-laced “The Promise” in 2016 – Swedish progressive metal maestros Seventh Wonder have recently announced their new album “Tiara”. The release is being mixed by Oyvind Larsen, the man responsible for mixing on the already-mentioned singles. The album has undergone mastering by Jens Bogren at Fascination Studios. Bogren has previously worked with other progressive metal stalwarts such as James Labrie, Katatonia, Opeth and Symphony X. ( Frontiers Records will oversee the worldwide release of the 13-track concept album, including as a double LP. The band used the following lyrics in their promotion: “’We've watched you since the dawn of time, with every moment gone by. A million suns fade and die, this is the end?’ Beware, for they're coming..!” These are presumably an allusion to alien forces, given the cosmic imagery. The precedent for a concept album about exists in the band’s widely-lauded “Mercy Falls”, and more within melodic progressive metal more generally, perhaps most notably in Evergrey’s “In Search of Truth”, which also concerned aliens and isolation. Musically it’s very much in keeping with the band’s tradition. From the promo, the work sounds rather more like “Mercy Falls” than the preceding “The Great Escape”. It’s less melodic (of course this should be taken with a grain of salt given the general character of their oeuvre) but slightly darker than their previous work. From the musicianship I trust this will work; Anubis Gate attempted this in 2017 and failed, as did Adagio who despite employing the preeminent “dark prog” master Kelly Carpenter (Beyond Twilight, Darkology, Epysode, Outworld, Zierler) dropped their neoclassical edge and therefore their unique appeal. If anything it sounds like SW might be making the opposite ‘mistake’, but their style is developed enough that for them churning out the same stuff would be at least to my ears an entirely acceptable route. The tracklist is unknown, but Seventh Wonder’s promo video can be found here:
  21. I currently live in Japan and have a band with some friends and also just started a podcast about growing up doing bands. I think a lot of people here have been in bands and know all the bull that goes with it. We do re listens to albums from the nu metal era too. But we are really looking for some contributors for topics such as band names, experiences with having many members, politics etc. I only ask because I rarely get a chance to talk about all the experiences I have had pursuing success with rock and metal bands, but via a podcast I can hopefully have some good discussions. The podcast is called We Should've Gone to University and is available on itunes etc but also here http://weshouldhavegonetouniversity.libsyn.com Thanks to anyone who enjoys.
  22. Release Date: October 6, 2017 Intro: This is the band's 8th studio release. Some questions have been raised about the replacement of previous lead guitarist Ryan Knight by Brandon Ellis. Additionally, some felt their sound was getting a little too far from there roots, becoming too slow and "easy" for it's own good. The band considers this album a spiritual successor to "Nocturnal", one of their most highly praised works, and a fan favourite. They solidify the link by using the same artist for the cover, and many of the songs seem like they pick up where Nocturnal left off. Does this album stand up? Highlights: Track 1: Widowmakrer. This track opens with an awesome riff and a great scream from Trevor to really set the tone of this short but brutal album. A good riff carries through the verse and the lyrics are an interesting change from the classical fantasy storylines usually heard on death metal albums. Definitely a good strat Track 3: Matriarch. This song is a riff bonanza. From start to finish this one beats the living shit out of you. Trevor's screams match the rhythm really well, and the chorus is particularly catchy. This song also has some of the more brutal lyrics on the album, which are awesome. In my opinion this is where you really start to see Ellis shine. In addition to playing leads, he wrote 4 of the songs on this album and proved he can keep up with the guys who've been in the band for almost 20 years. Track 5: Jars. This is probably the heaviest and least melodic song on the album. It's still a brutal assault with riffs changing all the time, making good use of blast beats on the drums and heavy rhythm guitars over wailing leads. Another song with excellent lyrical content, I really think this entire album has some of the more interesting lyrics of the last few records. Track 7: Catacomb Hectacomb. This song is probably the most melodic on the album, and flows really well. The trem picking riffs throughout keep the song moving, and the constant drums make the song feel frantic. They slow things down during the bridges to give a nice duality to the song. Around the 1:30 mark there is an epic breakdown, followed by a blistering solo. Honestly Brandon Ellis makes a case for being their best guitarist, period. Track 9: The Lonely Deceased. Most reminiscent of previous album, this tune has some of the darker, more depressing overtones on the album that match the title quite well. It's a somber close to the album filled with some great, pounding riffs. A little slower, but as the end track it suits well and closes the album nicely. Final Thoughts: This is probably my favourite TBDM album to date. It definitely picks up on the speed and intensity that some feel the last two albums may have been lacking. Ellis brings creative talent as well as technical ability that makes this a great listen. For fans who had written them off this would be an excellent time to give them another shot, and for new/potential fans I would highly recommend checking this out if you want a sense of what these guys are all about. Rating: 4.5/5.
  23. Hey guys, My band Twisted Autocracy have just released a new song called "Eat Sleep Slave Repeat" Please check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks DA
  24. Hello people, as the title suggests I am new in here, hopefully this forum/site will help me to find what I am looking for My name is Jo, i am from Romania, currently living in UK, also lived in Italy (yes I know italian as well) xD i am 30 years old, symphonic, dark metal addicted. I am a contralto/alto vocalist, lyricist, also artists and in the search of a family (band) My favorites bands are Kamelot, Seventh Wonder, Conception, Ghost, Serenity , Avantasia, Nightwish, old APC, Queen mostly symphonic metal, but loads of progressive metal, heavy metal, but I listen to loads of metal, period. Classic rock, alternative rock but also popish stuff like Lana del rey (gotta love Gods and Monsters) and whatever is a bit weirdish with great vocals I joined this site in the hope that I will find people that I can make a band, but also interact. Take care people, nice to meet ya
  25. Hi guys, vocalist/lyricist in here, alto range, I am looking for band members for a symphonic, prog, metal band in Uk located. Or maybe an progressive one kinda like Seventh Wonder, Dream Theater, Riverside etc. I am 30 years old and very committed I love anything metal with great vocals, but heavy, symphonic, goth, dark song are kinda my favorite. Also the acoustic. Fav bands are Kamelot, serenity, Ghost bc, Nightwish, Ayreon, Avantasia, Seventh Wonder, anything symphonic and heavy metal basically I can't wait to meet ya This is me singing Kamelot's ballad Veil of Elysium and under there's a a DOOm symphonic version of Freak on The leash, by Korn made with the famous UK bases band Cyclocosmia
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