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H34VYM3T4LD4V3 last won the day on March 9 2022

H34VYM3T4LD4V3 had the most liked content!

4 Stalkers

About H34VYM3T4LD4V3

  • Birthday 03/18/1997


  • Biography
    I love Traditional Heavy Metal, Thrash and Hard Rock.

    Oh yeah, and I LOVE Lucy Vixen. :)
  • Location
  • Interests
    Lucy <3, Metal, Pokémon, Cars, Top Gear, Boobs, Alcohol, shtuff
  • Occupation
    Currently at College doing a games design course

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  • Location
    - Cathedral Spires

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  • Skype

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  1. Hey guys, I realise it has been a whole year since I last posted..... so how is everyone? 😁
  2. Yeah mate it sure does, and yeah I had injections for a week, now i'm on pills for 3 months XD
  3. So recently I woke up and I had a terrible pain in my leg, had no idea what was up but went to the doctors and found out it was a blood clot…. (DVT) haven’t had much energy so I’ve not been too active on here either mostly been resting 😂
  4. Hello guys just thought i’d let you know I have a new youtube channel where I do rankings and weekly pickups, if any of your are interested feel free to check my channel out, I have already ranked Motörhead’s and Tank’s albums 🤘😁 Here’s the link below: https://youtube.com/channel/UCB-Og6BiIVeDc1FgP2dvAuA Stay metal guys 🤘
  5. Saxon - Destiny This is so bad 😭😂 Saxon - Killing Ground Ahhhh... that's better, could barely finish listening to that Destiny what a shite album XD thats definitely one of the worst "metal" albums i've had to sit through
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