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Everything posted by ChainsawAkimbo

  1. Not that i have seen.. I´m not really bothered enough myself to do it, just something that caught my eye.
  2. The thing is, metal especially tends to raise a bit of an "elitist" sort of attitude from some people.. It is a genre with a lot of ideological elements. It is also a genre which has evolved from being a niche and rebellious thing to partially a mainstream thing. It´s like theres 2 sides to metal. To some people such things as integrity, originality and being true to the roots of different metal genres are hugely important, and it´s imo a worthy cause to ask for your music. To others it´s more of a feeling thing, if a song makes you headbang, raises emotions and just gives you the effect you wish thats enough. The way to deal with it, is to just accept it really. If someone absolutely hates a band you love, it doesn´t make the band any worse for you right? There is really no reason to be touchy about viewing things differently, or having completely different opinions. To me, what you hate is as integral part of you as are the things you love, and i would prefer the ability to express both freely. Of course senseless bashing just for the sake of it is bit silly.
  3. Well, we can´t all like everything. I find it interesting how Batushka has been speculated having members from ie. Mgla and Behemoth, quite possibly just clever marketing with the identity bullcrap. I don´t know what it is about the combination with Batushka, that just hits me in the right spots.. it just does (musically, don´t care about other stuff). Most who i´ve seen criticising the band usually seem to blame the 3 things i mentioned.
  4. I suppose it´s the secrecy of identities, similarities with Cult of fire, using an orthodox theme etc.. it´s all a bit.. deliberate. I personally love the album, music is the king for me.. always will be.
  5. ChainsawAkimbo


    I do get to the proper old stuff from time to time too.. Like some time ago completed the original Ghost recon.. and i do enjoy old console games via emulator, from nes to ps2.
  6. What´s inside is what matters, i think the necessity for visually expressing what music you like is a thing of youths. Welcome.
  7. Oh no, you wouldn´t believe how many "clever" spammy posts pop up, people basically saying "i found this band and i love it" and it´s their own band or youtube channel. After a while it gets old and you just tend to ignore. To be honest the only reason i even replied in the first place was that i´m full of coffee and bored. So you for real then? Well, Ministry comes to mind for sure..
  8. Welcome, i hope you stick around. (I love Anathema too..)
  9. Welcome. I can see Pantera mentioned few times lately, might be a time to listen to it again.. it´s been quite a while.
  10. Welcome! (yes a lame way to welcome someone, i suppose there is only so many ways you can go about it. )
  11. Hi and welcome. What sort of books do you enjoy? I´m a big reader myself, that and music are currently my favourite pastimes by far.
  12. Now, this is one of those moments where it seems like an obvious "go see my video" spam, but on another hand it might be genuine request (not likely?). The internal struggle has made me to not click on the video, but please tell a little bit more if it´s not just another spam post.
  13. Ehr.. this. Too weird to not fall in love with this. 2 drummers with Tommy Lee influences is awesome (all of it is tbh)
  14. Thats what you get now that metal is (partially) mainstream music..
  15. You... capitalist! For some reason your post made me think the movie "Fun with Dick and Jane". I hope things work out better than in the movie.
  16. Make a Change... Kill Yourself - Sjælefred Simple yet moody DSBM.. something i´ve been listening more and more lately.
  17. I suppose Vader and Krisiun are pretty good examples.. The song i chose from Vader has some orchestral stuff but still is "punchy", and Krisiun is.. Krisiun. I love both bands.
  18. To me the biggest problem is lack of dynamics largely thanks to loudness wars. Another frustration is when the audio spectrum is just too cluttered, they add so much stuff and instruments that it gets extremely hard for the mixer to maintain any sort of punch with too much shit going on at once.. Basically what i want from metal is either a proper kick in the nuts with dynamics, or beautifull/atmospheric/moody melodies.
  19. It really is a double edged sword. What i did some time ago was that i removed my old account, and made a new one adding only essential people. Also need to be really carefull where to click "like". After that, it has been quite bareable for months now. There are quite few people that i want to stay in contact through FB, so it sort of is a necessity. There is also FB Purity that helps to make the Facebook experience far better.. anyone with some frustrations towards FB should check it out. It pretty much gives a fully customisable Facebook. http://www.fbpurity.com/
  20. I don´t know what it tells about me, but only album i am currently waiting to be released is Alien fucker - Space cadavers can´t say no..
  21. I suppose for metal what you want is high output with good note separation. EMG, Seymour Duncan and Dimarzio have plenty of suitable pickups.. It´s not the simplest possible question though. In example for thicker strings and lower tuning you might want a touch brighter pickup than regular strings/tuning. Every guitar sounds different too, the bridge and nut among other things effects the sounds.. Then theres the matter of taste too. Just research.. try to listen to examples with similar set you are using.
  22. Can´t help it, Forest of shadows is my new "favourite band".. sad, melodic, gloomy, atmospheric.. absolutely everything i look from my music these days.. It´s not too complicated, but it just gives me what i need currently.. I must agree.. it´s not even my usual genre.. but seems the old and new Wintersun just stays on my playlist year after year..
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