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Everything posted by ChainsawAkimbo

  1. Random Peste noire stuff.. This is a new one for me, goddamn that vocalist is mental! Wondering if theres anything left of his vocal cords. I am quite impressed, very enjoyable band.
  2. Congrats on the bass, seems like it was a good choice. The string height especially on the bass is something thats really down to the player preference, some are super aggressive and need the strings pretty high, some prefer them really low. I´ve recently done an adjustment to my bass playing so that i can have the strings lower yet i can play much faster with just fingers.. i don´t use plectrum with a bass at all anymore, and i used to play 90% with that. Bass is a very cool instrument and a lot of fun if you dive into it more than just something "you gotta play a bit to get down some tracks" like it´s often for guitarists. I hope you have fun with it and keep on practicing. I personally wouldn´t recommend getting a guitar amp for bass, in lot of cases it´s perfectly fine but in some cases it can destroy the element in no time. Something like this will be super cheap, great for home practicing and if you ever feel like it you can use it with guitar too: https://www.blackstaramps.com/uk/ranges/fly-bass
  3. Haha! I know quite few people who might disagree.
  4. I still haven´t read the forum rules.
  5. I have tried to figure this out for couple days, but just can´t decide, It just feels so wrong whatever i try to pick, knowing what i excluded is just around the one i chose. Can only do a decade, which is 90s obviously..
  6. Hui hai, tere tuloo! (good luck google translating that!)
  7. I got shit to say, but i think i´d rather do it in a pm. I haven´t been here long enough to entirely spill my guts out on open.. I think you did the right thing when you did though, it shows courage, will to not die and at least a little bit of a fighting spirit.
  8. London after midnight - Selected scenes from the end of the world
  9. Sounds thematically a whole lot like Six feet under. This is the song you are looking for..
  10. Yeah i grew up being a freak because i loved metal music too.. it´s just from personal experience.. every people who threw that comment at my face just hated metal and anything more extreme in general. I´m sure there are people who genuinely need to hear the message or story too. These days i just don´t even bother to discuss music that much with people who i know that just don´t understand what people get from extreme music. Nice to hear theres more open minded people around too. Open minded and Finland are two things that never really fit together well...
  11. Quite frankly, it´s usually just an easy argument made towards more extreme music, it has nothing to do with actually not understanding the lyrics. It´s just a convenient way to support an agenda.
  12. I have always listened to Venom from time to time, but it never was a "huge" band for me, so i am leaning towards "indifferent". It´s one of those bands i love to listen to but if i never heard them again i wouldn´t necessarily miss them badly either. In my 20s when my partying was at it´s craziest, i used to play "You´re all gonna die" to my neighbours, just to annoy them. I haven´t actually listened to anything new from them since Cast in stone.. maybe it´s time. Black metal as a song and album is an interesting phenomenon, can´t deny its importance. It has been covered so many times that hard to keep track (Vader version is my favourite, because of course it is!).
  13. Welcome. Just dive in, theres plenty of talk about the favourite music around here.
  14. Not the worst thing to be assoociated with for sure!
  15. Yes, Belus. It´s just one of those things.. music is such a personal matter, so i am just as right as you are i suppose. It´s nothing new that i often seem to like a different song or an album from a band than most people do. It´s always been like that. It´s sort of cool but also kinda lonely at times. Well, he did serve almost 15 years in prison. But thats not the weird part. Think about Breivik. He killed 77 people and got the same sentence Varg did. Now thats crazy!
  16. I used Cubase first, then spent quite few years with Reaper. Eventually just wanted a change so bought Sonar x3 studio. Now that i started again my music stuff, i kinda went back to Reaper which just was the most familiar.. but it´s also the same old, bit too familiar. I was actually at first looking to swap my drum soft, i used Steven slate drums for quite long (too long).. but what happened is i bought Sonar platinum and that comes with Addictive drums 2, and that was exactly what i needed actually. Get me out of my familiar stuff and a fresh template literally and figuratively. I have sorted out now pretty much all of my workflow gripes, and loving Sonar more than ever.. it´s such an amazing DAW. Reaper is of course great, and worth every penny if you get the license. Easily the best bang for buck DAW out there. The Reaplugins are great no matter what DAW you use btw. I´m sure pretty much everyone here has their ventures outside metal too, personally ie. goth rock and electro industrial are those things. I´m sure you´ll love Reaper when you get used to it. It´s super convenient to use and flexible as hell. I would still be using it, if it weren´t for my urge to find fresh things to give me a boost and more toys to play and be creative with. Instead of buying a tonne of extremely expensive VST instruments etc. i upgraded to a version of a DAW that i kinda know allready and comes with more VSTi i could ever wish to need in any project i can imagine. Of course it´s not cheap either, but with the upgrade price and monthly payments (12 months then you own it forever) it´s easily doable to me.
  17. Looked like a lady to me too tbh.. until now i figured you a she.
  18. Burzum - Belus This just stays as my favourite Burzum album, Filosofem is a close second. I´d like to do something that would be a mix of Belus, Dimmus Stormblåst. Gorgoroth and Hecate Enthroned.. without copying of course, but talking about atmosphere. I think in black metal the atmosphere of a song or album is more important than in any other metal genre.. kinda holy grail sort of thing for me which i´d love to nail. This is one of the greatest songs ever made to me, the atmosphere is something that talks to me at a very personal level.
  19. I´m doing all kinds of stuff musically, and i do have one half baked black metal song i´m planning to do recording at some point in the next weeks. I would definitely love real drums for it too. It´s one of those songs that i really wish to invest in so haven´t really rushed it, i´ve had a couple year break from music and i have just spent some weeks obtaining gear and getting myself going again. Recording a lot of lil things and trying to remember all the tricks i had learned. Getting there. I did mess about with DAWs too.. had Sonar X3 for quite few years.. then tried to get back to Reaper since i´ve always enjoyed my workflow with that.. never really bothered to learn all the little things about Sonar that speed up your working. Didn´t get my sonar licence sold so i went and upgraded it to Sonar platinum, now i´ve spent few days just learning whatever i can about speeding up work process. Nothing kills creativity when recording like having to mess too much with the DAW. Damn, that was a whole lot of jibba jabba only to say that yeah, i´m interested to do some stuff at some point.
  20. It´s just life, and some have it far worse. I´ve always thought that people who die at least have nothing to worry about anymore..
  21. Really? That´s horrible. I hope you get through it alive, and not too badly traumatized. Aren´t there any crisis hotlines for situations like that? Looks like you need all the support you can get!
  22. Thats some tough crap to deal with, all of best luck to your friend. My lil sister passed because of cancer few years back, she was only 27. Your friends are so damn lucky that they found it in time. Hopefully it will stay away. Can´t think of much nastier stuff than cancer.. I´ve had to see it couple times how it just eats the life out of a person.
  23. Batushka again.. for some reason i´m really hooked.. I definitely wish to see them live at some point.
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