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Everything posted by ChainsawAkimbo

  1. I posted this as a youtube comment, therefore copy paste. My real issue with the thing is that basically they are claiming that they are unable to make great albums without these extraordinary circumstances they are reaching for. Music production is more and more accessible to almost anyone these days, and at an extreme level of quality too. All it really takes is massive effort. Claiming that it´s impossible to get their vision realised any other way than with a Wintersun hq, is just bullshit. It´s actually a syndrome that many famous and highly skilled people in music production sometimes talk about. The feeling that "i need this and that to actually be able to go to next level". Most of the time it´s just untrue, and it´s just setting invisible barriers to yourself, that in reality aren´t even there. So people are basically funding an artists false approach on music production, and a mental barrier he has set to himself.
  2. What is the prize? You get the band to live with you?
  3. Only ones i have aren´t really great scenery shots, just something filled with a LOT of candles.. i´ve rarely had a camera that´s any use in challenging conditions. :/
  4. I love cemeteries, especially at night. Some people get uneasy in them, but i feel more like a sensation of calmness.
  5. Me and my kid last night.. just really love this photo so had to share.
  6. Welcome. I hope you enjoy the forum.
  7. I´m not entirely sold on the Wintersun crowdfunding.. they are basically asking beforehand for all the goodies they are entitled to AFTER they release great new material and so on. It´s a weird thing, people pay for a promise of something that they might enjoy in the end. I guess i have burned my hands few too many times when it comes to crowdfunding and paying in advance. I mean.. it does not take huge amount of money for anyone to release music these days, all it takes is plenty of effort.
  8. Corrosion of conformity - Deliverance Bought this album when i was about 15, and haven´t listened to it for at least last 15 years. It was about time.
  9. I´ve been on some sort of antisocial season lately, spending time with books, music and such rather than being active in the internet etc. I´ve been stalking here daily too, just haven´t really felt like saying much. I think i need to get proper drunk or something like that, to get back to social stuff.
  10. Good luck.. I am more and more frustrated with it myself, kinda thinking of just dropping it completely. The thing is i have quite few people who i contact only through there, and it might be tough to come up with an alternative. That would require multiple things.. skype for some, whazzap for some etc.
  11. It´s actually pretty new band for me, i like everything i´ve heard from them so far.
  12. Haha.. James kicked Lars out and mixed it all by himself? Can´t really hear anything apart from vocals and guitar, and guitar tone definitely needs work, but it´s a really promising start i must say, just keep at it and aim to learn something new about mixing with every single song and it will be great eventually.
  13. I disagreed in the internet.. the worst kind of butthurt there can be!
  14. Unholy - Rapture All this recent talk about Megadeth and Metallica has gotten me all defensive and angry, the great thing is that i´m apparently wise enough to just let it go...
  15. You just gotta wait for them to bring out their "negatives" first, when it happens it means that she is genuinely interested, and secondly that she is less likely judge you right away.. nobody is perfect, and everybody has some sort of skeletons. It´s one of those things you shouldn´t hurry with either i think. It´s not really who you are after all? It´s something you struggle with, but i hope you don´t let it define you as a person. Best wishes. Dr.Phil.
  16. It´s the compressing that makes the esses go crazy, de-esser will help with that. To be honest sounded pretty good to me, haven´t a fucking clue myself when it comes to vocals apart tiny bit of understanding of the mixing.
  17. Dark ambient. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dark_ambient_artists
  18. Goddamn, thats a lot of good advice. The best i could have done was to bitch about not using a De-esser.
  19. I´ve been enjoying the raised activity levels around here, i´m sure others too. Seems like things have gotten bit more busy and it´s not just you. Could be that i´ve been visiting here only 1-2 times a day so it only seems like that to me though.
  20. I´ve been meaning to get the guitar version of that blackstar amp, it´s only something like 50€ and should be the absolute king of the minisize amps. The reason why i have swapped from pick to fingers with the bass was simply i wanted to extend my tone options, and get more out of the bass. I used pick because as a guitarist it was the easiest route to speed with the bass. It´s an instrument with a lot of depth if you really get into it. For over 20 years i just treated the bass as something that i need to record some songs, and that was about it. Best part of music is there is literally no limit when you wish to learn new stuff and develope yourself. The other great part is that there propably ain´t 2 players who are exactly the same, theres always some personal preferences and so many different ways to go about it.
  21. Oh no i didn´t mean it like that, usually playing faster and more aggressive will require bit higher strings.. you mentioning it just got me going on a jibba jabba spree about my recent bass endeavours and what i´ve done to adjust my play style. You do whatever suites you m8, and indeed if the strings are buzzing it´s not good. Might of course be that the frets need leveling, or one or two frets need a bit of tapping in too. But i´m sure whoever you bring it to can see to that. Fixing guitar/bass electronics is actually quite easy to do, and if you have some basic soldering skills you are set. It´s actually quite fun to do a little project like that when the mood hits. Sorry about your friend.. I was talking to a friend about some issues the other day.. and he gave me the best advice ever. He just said "write a song about it!". That got me in to the mood for actually drawing inspiration from things that would usuall hold me back. Anyway.. i hope you find your inspiration too. Music is extremely therapeutic. Talking about electronics and project.. i finished my Squier strat project that i basically swapped all the parts except body and neck, did a bit of painting and swapped the electronics. It has 2 humbuckers now with a 3-way switch and volume pot. Got rid of the tone entirely. It´s my best sounding guitar and i´m very happy with the result.
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