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NP: Bombarder - Sa Dna Groba

▶︎ Sa dna groba | Bombarder (bandcamp.com)


New stuff sounds surprisingly good. Too bad about the drum programming, but them's the breaks. Still nice to hear they've still got some youthful energy, and the leads are (as expected) pretty light, but much improved from their early days.

5 hours ago, Yannis said:

Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery


One of very few bands who can accommodate modern production standards without sounding like old dogs learning new(ish) tricks in lo-fi. I remember when they got Akerfeldt for a few albums everybody I talked to was blaming them for somehow sucking the heaviness out of Opeth and Mikael. The man's main musical love has always been prog-metal, even dating back to old school Opeth whose primary influence was almost certainly Edge of Sanity's Crimson albums. Opeth is his pet band at this point, and I thought it was nice to hear him let his death growl off it's leash a little in Bloodbath while Opeth drifted towards krautrock, Camel, Hawkwind, and King Crimson territory.

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11 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Lemme guess, another joke band like Lawnmower Meth? Let's find out!


Lawnmower Deth were joke band in the same way DRI, MOD, or any of those guys were. They fucked around on stage they never took themselves seriously and they played to whoever would listen.


NP: Fatal Collapse - Fatal Collapse

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Vomit - Invoker of the Past, Chile 2018


Vomit - Deathlike Vomit EP, Chile 2021


17 minutes ago, AlSymerz said:

Lawnmower Deth were joke band in the same way DRI, MOD, or any of those guys were. They fucked around on stage they never took themselves seriously and they played to whoever would listen.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that Vic. I like lots of punk and grindcore bands who fuck around and don't take themselves too seriously. Although imo some bands can take the joke too far for my delicate sensibilities. I was just curious after seeing that Ramming Speed band photo. But like I said last night, turns out they were actually pretty good. Still haven't checked out that Lawnmowercore yet though. Their silly name is keeping me from clicking on it.

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4 hours ago, Yannis said:

Draconian - The Burning Halo


The only beauty and the beast band that I've ever really liked. I do play this record (or one of their records) once or twice a year even though to people who know me it probably wouldn't seem to be my cup of tea.


Sorry Yannis, checking the logs here it seems you have exceeded the max limit of profile pic changes for this month. Please just live with this one at least until May 1st. Thanks.


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1 hour ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Absolutely nothing wrong with that Vic. I like lots of punk and grindcore bands who fuck around and don't take themselves too seriously. Although imo some bands can take the joke too far for my delicate sensibilities. I was just curious after seeing that Ramming Speed band photo. But like I said last night, turns out they were actually pretty good. Still haven't checked out that Lawnmowercore yet though. Their silly name is keeping me from clicking on it.

Lawnmower Deth is just thrash/crossover. Probably not worlds different from all the other 80's crossover bands just they came from the UK where humour is a little different. They had silly names, sung about silly topics, did a cover of Kim Wilde's Kid's In America which was weird for a band growing up in the UK and no longer kids. They weren't particularly great at anything they did but they had fun. The reformed a few years back (even had Kim Wilde sing with them in 2015), but fat, balding, 40+ year olds  (now probably 50+) don't seem to have the same amount of fun.

NP: BAT - Wings Of Chains

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2 minutes ago, AlSymerz said:

Lawnmower Deth is just thrash/crossover. Probably not worlds different from all the other 80's crossover bands just they came from the UK where humour is a little different. They had silly names, sung about silly topics, did a cover of Kim Wilde's Kid's In America which was weird for a band growing up in the UK and no longer kids. They weren't particularly great at anything they did but they had fun. The reformed a few years back (even had Kim Wilde sing with them in 2015), but fat, balding, 40+ year olds (now probably 50+) don't seem to have the same amount of fun.

Reminds me of the time I saw Sacred Reich at MDF and between songs Phil apologized to the crowd for their being fat, old, ugly and uncool now. Funny part is this was a good decade ago, and he's 54 now which means he was only early/mid 40's at the time, practically still a kid. Just learned that he and I share the same birthday, just eight years apart.


Sacred Reich - Ignorance, Phoenix AZ 1987


Necrot - Lifeless Birth, Oakland CA just dropped today


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27 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Reminds me of the time I saw Sacred Reich at MDF and between songs Phil apologized to the crowd for their being fat, old, ugly and uncool now. Funny part is this was a good decade ago, and he's 54 now which means he was only early/mid 40's at the time, practically still a kid. Just learned that he and I share the same birthday, just eight years apart.

There's a lot of fat, old and ugly men in metal now. There is also bean poles out there. Picture of Lilker back in Anthrax for a few shows. The dude is 59 and tower over his short arse band mates but he's not fat.

I don't have instagram so I don't know if links work, but here's the link to a blabbermouth article with the instagram pic posted at the bottom.



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3 Inches of Blood - "Advance and Vanquish"

Lamb of God - "Omens"

Metallica - "Hardwired...to Self-Destruct"

Saxon - "Innocence is No Excuse"

Saxon - "The Inner Sanctum"

Cannibal Corpse - "Chaos Horrific"

Cannibal Corpse - "Bloodthirst"

Medicine Horse - Self-titled

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1 hour ago, AlSymerz said:

There's a lot of fat, old and ugly men in metal now. There is also bean poles out there. Picture of Lilker back in Anthrax for a few shows. The dude is 59 and tower over his short arse band mates but he's not fat.

I don't have instagram so I don't know if links work, but here's the link to a blabbermouth article with the instagram pic posted at the bottom.



I don't do Instagram either, but that's ok I know what Danny Lilker and the Anthrax dudes look like these days. Funny thing with Danny being 6' 5" and the rest of them all being from 5' 6" to 5' 8" that's probably why they kicked him out all those years ago because he made the rest of them look like little people. They should've hung onto 5' 1" Danny Spitz though, having him in the band made the rest them appear almost normal sized.


NP: Undergang - Misanthroplogi, Denmark 2017 


Ectoplasma - Inferna Kabbalah, Greece 2022


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4 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

I don't do Instagram either, but that's ok I know what Danny Lilker and the Anthrax dudes look like these days. Funny thing with Danny being 6' 5" and the rest of them all being from 5' 6" to 5' 8" that's probably why they kicked him out all those years ago because he made the rest of them look like little people. They should've hung onto 5' 1" Danny Spitz though, having him in the band made the rest them appear almost normal sized.

Scott Ian claimed for years that Neil fired Lilker for being too tall, and that they should never have given Neil so much power. But it's been rebutted for years and most suggest Scott had more of a hand in it that he wants to admit so as not to ruin whatever friendship he had with Lilker who wrote/co wrote most of their songs back then.

NP: Sodom - In The Sign of Evil

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2 minutes ago, AlSymerz said:

Scott Ian claimed for years that Neil fired Lilker for being too tall, and that they should never have given Neil so much power. But it's been rebutted for years and most suggest Scott had more of a hand in it that he wants to admit so as not to ruin whatever friendship he had with Lilker who wrote/co wrote most of their songs back then.

Honestly their first album is the only one I'd consider worth even half a shit today. Hadn't thought about why that is, but maybe it's because Danny Lilker was writing the songs back then. Every other band Lilker's been involved with since 1984 has been light years better than the 'Thrax. Fist banging mania!

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Orange Goblin - Coup De Grace

Just now, GoatmasterGeneral said:

Honestly their first album is the only one I'd consider worth even half a shit today. Hadn't thought about why that is, but maybe it's because Danny Lilker was writing the songs back then. Every other band Lilker's been involved with since 1984 has been light years better than the 'Thrax. Fist banging mania!

Dan wrote more of the second album than he was credited with too.

And if you believe some of the stories none of them wrote the first album. It was mostly session musos who did the writing and recording. It's heavily refuted by Scott and Charlie now days but one guy claims to have evidence.

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