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Fucking hell, the gf has arranged a birthday party for her sister at our house and that means all the racist, drunken, immature and frankly abhorrent dross that usually appear at these events for her family will rock up and make a scene inevitably. I am already threatening to stay away and not bother traveling home that weekend. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

I thought you had your basement prepared for situations like this. Your cats will miss you :sad:

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Cyclists who don't know how to keep a bunch tidy. Seriously if you don't know what you're doing don't form a bunch with other people who don't know what they're doing it's dangerous for you, dangerous for cyclists who DO know what they're doing, and for those around you. On top of that it gives us all a bad reputation and encourages motorists to do wrong by cyclists. How can you allow a bunch to break apart and take up THE ENTIRE ROAD? To get around these morons we almost had to cross the white line and head up the wrong side of the road. One of them then decided he wouldn't take being passed by a tandem so almost caused an accident swinging outside the bike lane and sprinting past us. The shame he must have felt when we passed him again not even a minute later...

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probably going to catch a lot of shit for this but, whatevs.  My rant is people who are shouting "homeless vets before refugees!".
 I've gotta say, people who devalue refugee lives just sicken me. They're people too, real actual humans suffering in ways unimaginable, and the people who are shitting on them are fat, lazy, entitled oo-rah shitheads who don't have a clue how EASY they've got it in suburban 'Muricah. These people are paranoid about poor, brown skinned muslims invading their country and making them uncomfortable, and their "vets before refugees" chant just highlights what closet bigots and xenophobes they are.  I'd be refreshing to see one of them actually cop to it and admit they're racist, myopic, self-centered shits who are terrified brown skinned people and think all muslims are terrorists.

Second, Vets are not angels. they didn't 'save our life' or 'give us freedom'.  My grandfather is a marine and my father was in the Navy, I'm no stranger to the nobility of the role but I'm no stranger to the fact that many of them are average people following orders, not saints.  They deserve adequate care and benefits too, ALONG SIDE of refugees, the poor, the mentally ill, the disabled, etc. Compassion shouldn't be doled out in a f*cking priority. Every human life is deserving of it, in equal measure.  What's more, the US can actually afford to care for vets, take in tens of thousands of refugees, and so much more -- but the shitheads in government will see to it that our tax dollars are squandered endlessly for military efforts we never should have started.

And I get where these people are coming from. "lets take care of our problems at home before we worry about those brown muslims on the other side of the planet, we've got enough problems of our own".  These people don't realize how culpable the US is for the instability in the middle east, and the rise of ISIS was due to our own miscalculated efforts in Iraq, and the refugees who have nowhere to go ARE OUR PROBLEM.

Go on, shoot me now. -__-

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I agree with both of you. I've seen the various memes and impassioned rhetoric reverberating across Facebook think-space for the past few days. It's a lazy non sequitur, a cheap wedge that's designed to promote partisanship. I think the articles from 2014, about Republicans voting against a veterans' aid bill, are resurfacing in response to that. There have been many compassionate and well-measured responses to the refugee crisis, they just get drowned out in the noise online. 

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My two penneth. We are too transactional as human beings, certainly in our interaction with one another. We have developed some bizarre awards interpretation engine that means (as Ghouly alludes to) we now have to qualify a fellow humans need before determining their right to something. The example of the vets is a good one, the media play their fantastic game of blaming the shortcomings of meeting social needs of people on immigration. Immigrants are deemed "less" needy because they never served and killed for their country so should be isolated away from the resources they so desperately (and clearly) need. Humans are dicks! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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What gets me is the people saying every male refugee is a coward or a terrorist. Placing yourself in great danger by fleeing persecution is not cowardly. Implying that they don't deserve compassion because they "didn't fight back" or "made no attempt to improve things" is absolutely stupid.

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Risking your child's life (and your own) by crossing open sea, often in little more than a dingy, to give your child the chance to live without fear of persecution or death at the hands of terrorists is one of the bravest and most selfless acts I have ever heard of.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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It sounds like we're all on the same page. Whether or not we are responsible for this specific crisis, the fact remains that we're talking out of both sides of our mouths as a nation. We're just fine with having our troops march all over a nation's sovereignty and blowing up whatever we feel like, but that's only as long as it's their shit getting wrecked. We couldn't be bothered with the inconvenience of helping these people out if it meant that we actually had to open up our borders and coexist with them, because they're good enough for us to kill and boss around, but not good enough to actually help. Yes, VA benefits are fucked (my grandpa died of lymphoma due to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam, but his healthcare was taken away by the army while he was dying from a disease that they gave him), but that's no excuse for us not to take care of the problems that we at least give lip service to caring about abroad as a reason for unwarranted invasions and military actions.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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Aside from the human tragedy, the thing I find most distressing is how many public figures see this situation first (or only) in terms of the balance of political power here at home. They're using the crisis to generate conflict and polarize voters. Having people taking "sides" and bitching about things is exactly what they want. This idiocy on social media has efficiently hijacked the discussion and fooled people into thinking the refugee crisis is a national security threat.

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Aside from the human tragedy, the thing I find most distressing is how many public figures see this situation first (or only) in terms of the balance of political power here at home. They're using the crisis to generate conflict and polarize voters. Having people taking "sides" and bitching about things is exactly what they want. This idiocy on social media has efficiently hijacked the discussion and fooled people into thinking the refugee crisis is a national security threat.

This has been their tactic for ages, drawing imaginary party lines across conflicts that people are more emotional and less logical about to pit them against each other. It has served as an impressive distraction in our ADHD generation to allow them to get away with whatever they want while all observation is directed at non-issues and firing blows across supposed party lines. It's all a farce.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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After spending an entire morning of our hard earned weekend fixing the Dragon in Law's tv and installing her Amazon Fire she throws a fucking fit saying how she never wanted anything other than normal tv. I had to walk out before I caused WWIII. The girlfriend does so much for her and usually gets responses like today's.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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12 hours ago, MacabreEternal said:

We got the usual grovelling phone call apology last night.  Blaming her "medication making her tired".  Oh that would be the same medication that you are not supposed to drink on but you picked up a bottle yesterday when we took you shopping?


This termagant reminds me of the mom in Arrested Development if she were phenomenally stupid in addition to all of her other serious shortcomings.

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12 hours ago, MacabreEternal said: We got the usual grovelling phone call apology last night.  Blaming her "medication making her tired".  Oh that would be the same medication that you are not supposed to drink on but you picked up a bottle yesterday when we took you shopping?


This termagant reminds me of the mom in Arrested Development if she were phenomenally stupid in addition to all of her other serious shortcomings.

I miss that show, and the mom was the only one to keep her career going on a high note with continuing on to Archer.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

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      There's a problem already though (I know, I am such a fucking mood hoover).  I don't like Phil's vocals.  I never had if I am being honest.  The aggression to them seems a little forced even when they are at their best on tracks like 'Manifest Reality'.  When he tries to sing it just feels weak though ('Salvation') and tracks lose real punch.  Give him a riffy number such as 'Killing Machine' and he is fine with the Reich engine (probably a poor choice of phrase) up in sixth gear.  For every thrashy riff there's a fair share of rock edged, local bar act rhythm aplenty too.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

      The album kicks of with a great build to opening track "Last Man Standing" and for the first 4 tracks of the album the Overkill crew stomp, bash and groove their way to a solid level of consistency.  The lead work is of particular note and Blitz sounds as sneery and scathing as ever.  The album is well produced and mixed too with all parts of the thrash machine audible as the five piece hammer away at your skull with the usual blend of chugging riffs and infectious anthems.  

      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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