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900 pages? Sounds like a good couple of days worth of reading, anyway... :)

I have caught what my wife described as a "mild cold" and what I will describe as an "avalanche of shitfuck". I feel goddamn disgusting and I can barely keep my head up. I don't even want to curl up with a hot drink. BUT! I can somehow manage to stand in front of my computer and distract myself by recording guitar parts, so I'm nearly done with the guitars for the new recording. So that's good.

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35 minutes ago, FatherAlabaster said:

900 pages? Sounds like a good couple of days worth of reading, anyway... :)

I have caught what my wife described as a "mild cold" and what I will describe as an "avalanche of shitfuck". I feel goddamn disgusting and I can barely keep my head up. I don't even want to curl up with a hot drink. BUT! I can somehow manage to stand in front of my computer and distract myself by recording guitar parts, so I'm nearly done with the guitars for the new recording. So that's good.

There's no such thing as a "mild cold" for a male.  We are permanently at risk from the clusterfuck of germs that can attack our "special snowflake" immune system seemingly at will and render us defenceless!

On my mind:  I have a new boss at work who a work colleague has already worked under for the last few months.  This colleague is one of the easiest going blokes I know but he describes the boss in question as "a fucking nightmare!".  Apparently they like to micromanage their staff which is a sure fire way to get a substantially larger than "micro" piece of my mind delivered into your lap!

It is their first day tomorrow and on our weekly catch up call on Friday she joined and promised we'd all be hearing "a lot more from her!"  Joy!  I have also concluded that I might be best suited to working for myself!  I can give myself pretty good bollockings already and would never have to act surprised at anything I say!


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38 minutes ago, MacabreEternal said:

There's no such thing as a "mild cold" for a male.  We are permanently at risk from the clusterfuck of germs that can attack our "special snowflake" immune system seemingly at will and render us defenceless!

On my mind:  I have a new boss at work who a work colleague has already worked under for the last few months.  This colleague is one of the easiest going blokes I know but he describes the boss in question as "a fucking nightmare!".  Apparently they like to micromanage their staff which is a sure fire way to get a substantially larger than "micro" piece of my mind delivered into your lap!

It is their first day tomorrow and on our weekly catch up call on Friday she joined and promised we'd all be hearing "a lot more from her!"  Joy!  I have also concluded that I might be best suited to working for myself!  I can give myself pretty good bollockings already and would never have to act surprised at anything I say!


Well shit dude, good luck. Seems like you've had to weather a lot on the job front recently. Give 'em hell.

And yes, I am a snowflake. My symmetry is even cryptically hexagonal. Don't tell anyone... there's nothing like moving to a new place to expose oneself to brand new versions of all the shitty germs one could possibly ask for. I'm thankful this one isn't in the tonsils yet, at any rate.

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The news from Standing Rock seems almost too good to be true. Only by happening earlier could the timing have been any better. I hope it starts a new chapter in the way we live with the Indians and the way we approach water and oil, standing on the side of water and life rather than the side of oil and death. So let me praise Indians and congratulate them on their historic accomplishment, and thank the Army Corps of Engineers for their part. 


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18 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

Gotcha. Well, I couldn't read a word of that anyway... What language is that?

Book titles on the image? Serbian - my native language.
(I'm generally a slow-reader)

You're lucky you can even read those letters from the titles because it's a Latin script and not Cyrillic xD Then it would look something like this: Digitalni ugljenik = Дигитални угљеник; Atlas oblaka = Атлас облака
I guess they print in Latin script so that the minorities (who probably don't know how to read Cyrillic) can read it...and from my personal perspective more young people prefer writing in the Latin one, which is sad from my point of view. Cyrillic script is something common for the majority of Southern and Eastern Slavic groups (but this is where I stop as the rest of the explaining involves some history)

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7 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

How mutually intelligible are the languages? I have Polish and Bulgarian friends who say they're similar enough that they can understand a bit of each other's languages, and some Russian. I've always thought Cyrillic looked really cool, and at one point I could sound out the letters, but it didn't stick. 

Second guy that says Cyrillic looks cool :D

Well that is best determined when you read the ingredients on any package of food. As a Serb, I can understand:
~75% Bulgarian...and take ~15% more from the context
99% "Croatian"*
maybe 60% Russian (idk) - I've been studying Russian shortly, so I know how to pronounce all letters and a lot of words are common between our languages...although sometimes "False Friends/Pairs" may appear.
(Bulgarian and Russian are even more similar because Bulgarians use Russian letters...not sure about their grammar).

Reason why I wrote Croatian with quotation marks is because, well...we have a LOT of bitter history with Croats and the core of their "language" is 90% (or more) Serbian...words, grammar..everything. Throughout recent history they try their best to divide themselves from us and present themselves as a separate group of people, while in actuality we're all the same (people from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina). That's why I prefer the term "Serbo-Croatian" :D
(same sh#t here is if you compare Belarus and Russian)

As told in a movie title, Balkan is a "barrel of gunpowder". Constant conflicts and wars have torn us apart (wars mainly started by others, as always throughout history our peninsula has been a major strategic point).

Also, don't be deluded by others who say Montenegrian and Bosniak are languages...they're not.
I think Montenegro actually did "make up" their own language - which is basically 99.9% Serbian, with just like 3 sounds added/altered...that's not a language, that's a dialect. By that criterion we can make 4 more "nations" out of current Serbs.
Again all these languages are an attempt to make yourself look like a separate nation with it's own, separate history.

(any topic which deals with people from the Balkan is really, REALLY touchy...and triggering for a lot of people; just so you know ;) )

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"Garn, lass, now them was the days... a bucket fer drinkin, a bucket fer pissin, a bucket fer warshin, an' a regional accent worth suggestin on forums an' such by use of phonetic variants which owe their air of rustic laziness more to inherited cultural norms than to their nodding acquaintance with the realities of everyday speech."

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3 hours ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

Is it not still the case that regional accents are prominent? Certainly is for Australia. Queenslanders tend to speak more in keeping with the global expectations of Aussies, We South Australians tend to sound more sophisticated (as well we should being the only free state).

I'm talking about how the process of rendering speech "phonetically" in text automatically makes it "look" or "feel" nonstandard - even though 1) it's not truly phonetic, and 2) any given standard accent would look the same if you tried to give it a phonetic treatment - as a way of poking fun at the layers of unconscious artifice in Natassja's seemingly uncultured lament for the days of yore. Don't mind me.

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22 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

We did have a very nice regular member from Croatia at one point, and I won't hear a word against her, but that was an informative post. I'll refrain from asking any more questions and inadvertently embroiling myself further in Balkan politics.

Thank you.

just a little something to add: those things I wrote up there are the things done by the leaders/establishment of those countries, and supported by the population who (obviously) support them. I didn't say anything against that girl and wont, as I can't judge, nor hate, someone I don't know.
...there are good and bad people of all nationalities.

(..well ending that discussion...)

Driving a bike on -3 degrees Celsius is awesome. I just didn't feel any cold because I had a tracksuit underneath my trousers and like 3 layers of clothing for the upper part + a thick winter jacket :D
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