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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2019 in all areas

  1. @FatherAlabaster sorry to hear about your cat.
    1 point
  2. I know how you feel, man. Love and hugs to her.
    1 point
  3. This sucks. Cats are like family.
    1 point
  4. Aw..it's horrible when they get sick, sorry to hear
    1 point
  5. Sorry to hear this. This is sad news. My eldest just got diagnosed with a thyroid issue but seems to be okay with regular medication.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Dark Tranquility - Damage Done Death - The Sound of Perseverance
    1 point
  8. If it's horror or horror related i'll (basically) watch it. I've been a huge horror nerd ever since i was like 7 years old. I remember watching stuff like "Dawn of the Dead" and "Phantasm" with my older brother on his super 8 projector back in the day. Ever since then i'm hooked and i've been watching everything from early 20's German expressionist movies like "Das Kabinett Des Doktor Caligari" to European horror movies and numerous 80's slasher movies. Unlike most people i'm still stuck in the age of phsyical media. I still buy super 8, 16mm, VHS, blu ray's and 4K discs on a regular basis. The counter should be somewhere around 2500 movies at the moment. I just recently converted my basement into a man cave so i can fit all my movies and movie related stuff in one place. Don't ask me to name my favorite movie or genre cause there is so much stuff i love. Although i do have serious weak spot for the early Universal Horror movies (Frankenstein, Wolfman, Mummy, etc), Hammer horror films and European horror cinema in general (Spanish and Italian movies mainly). If i had to choose an all time favorite it would probably be the Blind Dead movies by Amando De Ossorio or Fulci's Hell trilogy (City of the Living Dead, House by the Cemetery and The Beyond).
    1 point
  9. Requiem

    What's on your mind?

    And the Melbourne weather farce continues with massive highs and huge drops in temperature. Degrees are celsius.
    1 point
  10. Passéisme - Austerity Parade
    1 point
  11. Just a couple of cheeky Jack Daniel's and Cokes.
    1 point
  12. Hard to ignore the influence of Borknagar this year. Might only have been a latter part of 2019 discovery but I dipped right into the discography off the back of The Olden Domain finding some real gems (the last two releases being of particular note. However, the awkward progressiveness of the sophomore record just haunts me and I find I just keep going back to it. Next up has to be Nokturnal Mortum Голос сталі, which is one of those records I learn more about with every listen. Rampant pagan, blackened folk metal at its finest right here. It is an album that deserves the time you spend with it as it flows effortlessly whilst building a great sense of storytelling at the same time. Sticking with the folk theme, Arkona also landed on my radar this year with the super-aggressive vocal delivery of Masha in particular being a point of note. Bouncy as it is blackened at times, Lepta is one of my most played pagan metal records of the year (released 15 years ago).
    1 point
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