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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. Burzum - Filosofem On a side note, I went back and re-listened to some of "Surgical Steel" last night out of a sense of duty. I can't stand it. The drums and the vocals sound good, but the songwriting is boring fucking dreck, dumb little Amott "riffs" over predictable chord progressions, and that an album like that can be "universally acknowledged" as some kind of great comeback, amidst all of the other actually great stuff that came out last year, is fucking sad to me.
  2. I feel lucky to know a few survivors, including my only living grandparent, and I just found out last night that an acquaintance/drinking buddy from a local bar survived leukemia 16 years ago. Having also lost people, it's good to know there's hope sometimes. I know I said it before, but, my best wishes to ME's friend as well!
  3. Dawn - Nær Solen Gar Niþer For Evogher
  4. I have to admit I like a good boilermaker sometimes. I hate Pabst but sometimes it's all there is, and I've been known to top off a can with a shot or two of Maker's Mark. A variation called the Kentucky Snakebite can be awesome: a quality light lager like Pacifico, a shot of decent bourbon or rye, and a slice of lemon. Some people add a splash of Sprite. I dig it with a salt rim. Hard to beat for sheer stopping power.
  5. Well, I mean, you owe it to your boss to fully appreciate his kind gift.
  6. Queens Of The Stone Age Hilliard Ensemble TV On The Radio Hedningarna Deine Lakaien Talented guys, I like Phil Collins' voice sometimes (other times it gets on my nerves). I probably prefer Peter Gabriel. But I only dig a few songs here and there, I guess as a whole it's not really my thing.
  7. I love Ich Tu Dir Weh, but other than that I don't really get much from the album. Reise Reise is still my favorite, though I really enjoy everything up to that.
  8. ur intelligence n purported emotional maturity r doin this thread a mad disservice yo
  9. You'll do way better on eBay than you would at a store. Sending cards should be easier than mailing CDs, too. If you're going to sell them, better off getting the most you can, rather than just something quick and convenient. My two cents, anyway. I liked Magic but not enough to buy into it in a big way, and I ended up getting a lot more into Rage. It was fun times, but not as viable as Magic, and it didn't outlast my teenage years. The only card game I play anymore is gin rummy.
  10. I got off the bus after Nothing, so my perspective is different from yours. Catch 33 and I are my least favorite of theirs. But their pre-Nothing sound was more organic (though it didn't seem that way at the time), and I know you're not always into that. I dunno, see what you think: 4ylp9U--eIo
  11. Hmm. Maybe it's a production thing? Insofar as I like Koloss, it's because it's coming closer to the feeling I got from their older stuff. Give Destroy Erase Improve another shot at some point, you might open up to it. It's still my favorite of theirs.
  12. What do you think of the Destroy Erase Improve/Chaosphere period?
  13. Re: CoreCore Nah br0 ill b a sophomore next year im just a freshman!!!
  14. fxck that br0 i thnik cussng is 4 kidz who cant express yr pain properly that shitz juvenile. you got to gro up. evr since my grrrl left me (n im a man so i cn admit she left me!!! ) i reelized i had to b mor honest about my em0tionz. fucxk that cursing is al matcho bullshit. so noe i wr0t3 songa bout my porsonial tragedy. plus i wear eyliner n piant my nails. we r chnaging r name to Cureguts. its Curecore. "i cut my horns off, in digsust with myslef, 4 bitter tears i shed 4 u" - /c\ XcoreyX
  15. That's a lot of money. I'm sure it would come in handy between the baby and everything else you're doing. Do you have something else (like your new album) that you could really use it for? I always find gifts a lot harder to think of as commodities that way, but if there's something in particular that's really special to you - more so than the cards - or if your family needs the money, then I think you should go for it.
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