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  1. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from SurgicalBrute in Your favorite mix of punk with metal   
    Would agree with this.
    I'd say Celtic Frost were also a massive influence on crust punk (also surprisingly on grindcore).
  2. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from Spiderlix in It stopped?Is it bad to you?   
    Ironically metal is a genre.
    I agree progress and innovation in metal are minimal these days.  The genre is now 53 years ago so it's to be expected.  The fact it has survived and thrived to this day (ignoring mid-late 1990s) is an amazing testament to its appeal.
  3. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in Your favorite mix of punk with metal   
    No man, crust is mainly a mix of the late 70's/early 80's hardcore/anarcho punk sound and the rougher sounding, early 80's speed metal/1st wave black metal bands. Depending on if you want to set the mark with Amebix and Antisect or with stuff like Hellbastard and Doom, it could either be considered to predate death metal by a few years or to have developed side-by-side with it, but either way it exists independent of it
  4. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in The Official Thrash Metal Recommendations Thread   
    Surprisingly...the first couple of Blind Guardian albums
    Baphomet's Blood
    Evil Invaders
    Ranger (stick with the EPs)
    KAT (first album)
    Black Viper
  5. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Carcass - Surgical Steel (album)
  6. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What Are You Listening To?   
    Excellent Death/Thrash, you never know most of the bandit Japanese it’s so different from the usual sound I associate with Japanese metal anyway.
  7. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Ritual Carnage - Every Nerve Alive (2000)
  8. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    This is just about the right amount of prog/tech for me to enjoy in my death metal
  9. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Morbid Angel - Formulas Fatal to the Flesh (1998)
  10. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness (1989)
  11. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
    I actually lost interest.  It gets way too meandering.
    Anthrax - Persistence Of Time
    Earth Crisis - All Out War
    Earth Crisis - Breed The Killers
    Entombed - Wolverine Blues
    Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast
  12. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from JonoBlade in What Are You Listening To?   
    I actually lost interest.  It gets way too meandering.
    Anthrax - Persistence Of Time
    Earth Crisis - All Out War
    Earth Crisis - Breed The Killers
    Entombed - Wolverine Blues
    Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast
  13. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    I actually lost interest.  It gets way too meandering.
    Anthrax - Persistence Of Time
    Earth Crisis - All Out War
    Earth Crisis - Breed The Killers
    Entombed - Wolverine Blues
    Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast
  14. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from Sardonicist in What's on your mind?   
    Oh and in case you are wondering where I fit on incompetent to lazy government worker scale:
    1. I have always heen incompetent.i was even told when Igot my job I only got it because no one else applied.
    2  These days I am lazy as fuck.  Why push yourself when no one else cares and everyone else is lazy or picks and chooses what work they do.
    My job is basically  $110,000 a year social welfare.
    Lots of others in same boat but they are delusional in thinking what they do somehow matters.
    Sometimes I get a burst of delusional enthusiasm which is crushed pretty much as soon as I interact with equally incompetent and/or lazy upper level management.
    Running gag between me and colleagues is we are all here just for paycheck.
  15. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What's on your mind?   
    I can’t believe it’s week seven of my course already, so far so good
  16. Haha
    Dead1 gave a Damn to AlSymerz in Why is born again hated?   
    The lyrics didn't do blow up Rosie justice. The stage Rosie was all tits and it always seemed like the tits blew up first.
  17. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in The TV Thread   
    Big Red One 1980

    The Great Escape 1963

  18. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in The TV Thread   
    Black Hawk down is probably the closest we're going to get to a happy medium between a realistic depiction of modern warfare and hollywood entertainment. Great movie.
    I enjoyed The Hurt Locker as well, but it's super divisive even for people who were in that conflict in Iraq. I've talked to veterans on both sides of the issue there and it seems like about half of them fall on the side of "there is absolutely no way in hell they would ever let that guy be a bomb tech" and the other half say "People forget just how lax the recruiting standards were at that point. There were absolutely some lunatics who made it into combat situations with attitudes like that". Both sides agreed that he wouldn't have seen the full stretch of his tour though. You can't just play with the lives of your team members like that and not suffer some consequences at the hands of command or your team members themselves, so I don't really know. It's still worth a watch.
  19. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from agamerwholovesmetal in Your favorite mix of punk with metal   
    Thrash Metal by far.
    But I like all of those other ones apart from Deathcore.
    I don't think Nu-metal counts as most nu-metal had no metal, no punk and was just rap and/or alternative rock.  Basically Faith No More on steroids.
    Not so much in American death metal but certainly in European DM like Carcass, Entombed, early Bolt Thrower.
    I think metal did mid-tempo first.  Hardcore was originally very fast.  
  20. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from Thatguy in What's on your mind?   
    No I don't know what you pay.  But "legally obliged to pay" generally means paying Award rates in Australia.  As stated those are minimums, not prescribed rates.  
    (Now I don't know if paying over Awards rates would impact your profitability too much.  But that is capitalism).
    No idea what line of work your sister in law is.  Call centre could be anything.
    But to be honest from what I can see, improving how people treat government employees requires following.
    Some of its macro, some of its micro:
    1. Services designed to actually deliver outcomes.    Services should be part of a holistic system.  We know for example financial stability is linked to mental and physical health.
    So services should be designed as part of a whole system designed to meet some sort of standard of living.  
    2.  Greater transparency
    3. Greater accountability for leadership including ministers.
    4. Greater promotion of actual equality.  If system is perceived to be unequal or unfair, people will be hostile from onset.
    5. Reducing emphasis on risk management.
    6. Greater communication between services.
    7. Reducing number of service providers and reducing complexity.  Currently many of our services are a messy intertangled web.  You can get bounced around a fair bit trying to access services.
    8. Reducing crony capitalism (eg what happened with QANTAS)  as well as emphasis on corporate profitability (eg electricity and gas supply).
    9. Reinvest in public education instead of private education (fucking scrap private schools entirely).  
    10. Actually implement deliverable KPIs, review them and then fix things that don't work (blame cultures are not good).
    11. Some cultural re-brainwashing might be necessary.  We live in an over-tolerant society - ie we are expected to tolerate everything including bad behaviour (customer is right mentality which is very corporate/capitalist).  Introduce penalties for nasty behaviour.  Again be transparent about it.  If Bob didn't pay his power bill, was offered an authentically helpful set of solutions and then told the government person to go fuck themselves then department is no longer obliged to help them.
    12. Oh and design services to be sustainable.  Fuck me, I've seen some unsustainable doozies that we've implemented over the years.  Literally designed to fail if 1 person goes on sick leave or services expected to go permanently but funded on 1-3 year funding cycles.
    13. I could keep going.  I periodically try to do some of that stuff at my work.  I used to do more.
    But when my suggestion and hard work gets flushed down the toilet because some manager doesn't like the fact I've pointed out their pet project is unsustainable or they're stripping duplicating services or they refuse a reasonably full proof yet simple solution in favour of some convoluted personal idea with many potential points of failure then I give up.
    - Make services simpler for plebs
    - Actually deliver what is expected/promised
    - Be accountable for your fuck ups.  But citizens should be accountable for their behaviour too.
    - People with full stomach and safe roof over heads are far less likely to be angry or arseholes.  Society seriously needs to reintroduce some 1930-60s social democracy concepts to alleviate these issues.
  21. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in The TV Thread   
    Das Boot might test a younger child's patience a little bit. There's a few other sub films out there that do a reasonable job of holding a younger audiences attention (U-571 springs to mind at the moment, but that one's not a classic by any means), but Das Boot is easily the current title holder in that genre. War films were frequently played in my house growing up so I can really only say what I enjoyed as a kid. If you want to go the classics route I'd steer you away from The Longest Day or anything directed by Mel Gibson (unless she already knows about how horrifically historically inaccurate his material can be). A Bridge Too Far actually holds up surprisingly well for being as old as it is.
    If you're looking for premium popcorn value I'd say Enemy At The Gates is pretty decent. It depicts a part of WWII that isn't often depicted in U.S. Media and it keeps the entertainment value high by collapsing a lot of the larger scale of the conflict down to a fairly small insular set of characters with the sniper war angle. There were of course some liberties taken in terms of accuracy, but nothing unforgivable to me. Graphic content wise, it's kind of hard for me to judge these things since depictions of viscera and gore in war films are pretty par for the course, but what exactly crosses the line into excessive is just going to vary from parent to parent. I will give you a spoiler and warn that there is one child death in the movie, but it's not shown as it's happening and only revealed in silhouette. And there is one sex scene that's reasonably mild and nowhere near an R rating.
    Other than that good luck man. I'm pretty sure there's a ton of dads out there that would fall over themselves backwards getting to the dvd case if their daughter randomly hit a war movie phase. The closest I and my siblings ever really got (since war movies were pretty much obligatory viewing as a matter of course) was when my sister and I both hit a random mob movie phase at roughly the exact same time.
  22. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Your favorite mix of punk with metal   
    Brutal Truth:
    Discordance Axis:
  23. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from zackflag in What's on your mind?   
    You want to play capitalism well then you have to pay employees more.  It's the laws of supply and demand.
    Always find it hilarious capitalists (including small business people) want to get the big bucks but don't want to pay their workers for it.
    And why is it OK for big corporations to jack up their prices but not for workers to demand better pay and conditions for their labour?
    So people should put up with being treated like shit?
    And the amazing thought that has never crossed the minds of senior executives including those in government - offer better service and you won't have as many angry customers.
    But that involves investing serious money and probably some hard work by those executives.  And we can't have that.
    It's cheaper to offer shit service and then have some crappy helpline to act as a safety valve and the illusion of doing something.
    As for tradies near every tradie I know used to work 6-7 days a week. When it's not working on site, it's at home getting quotes, invoicing, servicing equipment, picking up supplies etc (probably like your life on the farm).  Most of that is unpaid work.  (And then one carpenter I knew being required to do some free work on his boss's house over weekend just to keep his job).
    One builder I knew quit well before COVID and became a garden maintenance guy because he literally never saw his kids.
    So I guess it's only fair they want some work-life balance.
    What's wrong with that?  Why should we slave 50-70 hours a week?    In the 19th and 20th centuries people were literally killed fighting for better working conditions.
    Why should people still keep working in shit conditions?  Why should they accept abuse from customers or employers?  Why should they do unpaid overtime?  Why should they let their bosses run their lives?
    Also what do you think about this?  1700 illegally sacked workers just won a court appeal against QANTAS for their sacking. The airline was deliberately trying to water down their rights and protections.
    Is that arrogant workers?  Or should the workers just suck it up and get lower paid jobs with the new contractors?  
    But more critically can you see why more and more employees no longer offer any loyalty to their employer?  The system is breaking down.  For every action there is a reaction.  Rich fucks rorting  workers and eroding their livelihoods over 30 years would eventually lead to those same workers thinking "fuck you". 
    And with death of unions and collective bargaining in many workplaces, most workers are doing the only thing they can - silent quitting, ceasing to do unpaid overtime and taking advantage of the flexible working arrangements (eg lower hours) companies themselves championed for 40 years. 
  24. Horns
    Dead1 given a Damn from Thatguy in What's on your mind?   
    You want to play capitalism well then you have to pay employees more.  It's the laws of supply and demand.
    Always find it hilarious capitalists (including small business people) want to get the big bucks but don't want to pay their workers for it.
    And why is it OK for big corporations to jack up their prices but not for workers to demand better pay and conditions for their labour?
    So people should put up with being treated like shit?
    And the amazing thought that has never crossed the minds of senior executives including those in government - offer better service and you won't have as many angry customers.
    But that involves investing serious money and probably some hard work by those executives.  And we can't have that.
    It's cheaper to offer shit service and then have some crappy helpline to act as a safety valve and the illusion of doing something.
    As for tradies near every tradie I know used to work 6-7 days a week. When it's not working on site, it's at home getting quotes, invoicing, servicing equipment, picking up supplies etc (probably like your life on the farm).  Most of that is unpaid work.  (And then one carpenter I knew being required to do some free work on his boss's house over weekend just to keep his job).
    One builder I knew quit well before COVID and became a garden maintenance guy because he literally never saw his kids.
    So I guess it's only fair they want some work-life balance.
    What's wrong with that?  Why should we slave 50-70 hours a week?    In the 19th and 20th centuries people were literally killed fighting for better working conditions.
    Why should people still keep working in shit conditions?  Why should they accept abuse from customers or employers?  Why should they do unpaid overtime?  Why should they let their bosses run their lives?
    Also what do you think about this?  1700 illegally sacked workers just won a court appeal against QANTAS for their sacking. The airline was deliberately trying to water down their rights and protections.
    Is that arrogant workers?  Or should the workers just suck it up and get lower paid jobs with the new contractors?  
    But more critically can you see why more and more employees no longer offer any loyalty to their employer?  The system is breaking down.  For every action there is a reaction.  Rich fucks rorting  workers and eroding their livelihoods over 30 years would eventually lead to those same workers thinking "fuck you". 
    And with death of unions and collective bargaining in many workplaces, most workers are doing the only thing they can - silent quitting, ceasing to do unpaid overtime and taking advantage of the flexible working arrangements (eg lower hours) companies themselves championed for 40 years. 
  25. Horns
    Dead1 gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in Pantera and Slayer influences   
    I was into "metal" as I saw it well before 2010, but I guess that particular section of the scene didn't really enter my orbit until probably around '05 or so. Kind of tough to pin a specific year on it. The scene has definitely become more accepting since, though. You're correct on that score. I do know I was more than well aware of Killswitch Engage and Trivium right from the start of their careers, though. I just really didn't have anything nice to say about them and mostly still don't. Absolutely rejected their sound in particular. My way into accepting a lot of that generation of metal bands was more through the side door of the more technical end. Specifically Dillinger Escape Plan if we're talking about introducing foreign genre elements onto my sonic palette. It was a case of my taste and the music moving in opposite directions. I know there are and have always been people who find the mathy stuff to be insufferable wankery, but I always found their concept-forward, ideas first approach infinitely more enjoyable than Trivium and their ilk who I always saw as kind of adopting as little of the notorious unapproachability of metal as possible and calling themselves a hybrid. Sort of like calling Nickelback hard rock because the singer uses a little bit of a rasp. I was seeking something harder to grasp. Something that would send most other people running the other way. Something that took time to find the pleasure in, and the caustic insanity of technical death and DEP along with the more consciously ugly and obscure elements of a lot of European death and black metal gave me that. Killswitch and Trivium did not.
    But like I said, I eventually softened a little bit on some of that stuff. Mainly just from knowing a lot of people and the many many different routes they've taken through metal in general. I still won't voluntarily listen to Killswitch, but you might convince me to give the Hacksaw to the Throats and Black Dhalia Murders of the world another go if I'm in a good mood. 
    Good call on naming Shadows Fall and Lamb of God as the sort of exceptions to the rule. I do remember enjoying Of One Blood (Mainly because it's ATG worship) and As The Palaces Burn which is easily the most heavily Pantera centered band of the whole lot, although apparently Mr. Blythe is a big fan of Rust in Peace apparently. Wouldn't have pegged him for that, but eh.
    And I had nurtured an affection for in Flames since at the very least Clayman, probably earlier, so Reroute to Remain and the whole Soilwork thing really didn't fly with me either.
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