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Everything posted by Vampyrique

  1. I was always surprised at how much hatred Nile received from the metal community. The ancient Egyptian vibe/atmosphere combined with death metal is winning formula. But it seemed to me they were a victim of their own 'commercial success' or whatever modicum of praise they received from the metal press.
  2. Eating isn't just about getting nutrients though. You need to think about the health of your whole body and its relation to diet, which includes thyroid health, hormones, metabolism, liver health, stress etc, regardless of whatever the makeup of your diet is. I'm not advocating a high-meat diet, but I think a good diet should include meat at least once or twice a day. Part of the reason why I think veganism is radical is because it is firstly a diet whose priority isn't health first, and it is typically tied into political movements. I understand the moral issue that vegans have but realize that you are emphasizing this over your own health. I think ethical issues are a factor in every industry (pesticides, contamination etc). The methods of how you consume foods is important. Whether you boil, steam or eat vegetables raw makes a difference health-wise, in terms of digestibility, nutrient availability, as well as exposure to toxic anti-nutrients. But consider researching the health problems commonly associated with foods that vegans typically consume because there are many with respect to lentils and beans, nuts and seeds, grains, veggies, soy etc. But there's pros and cons to every food group. I can't say I've thought the food pyramid or was anything but an obvious attempt to get people to support eating foods from each major industry so I've never taken it seriously. I think it's always best to do your own research before trusting any organization who may simply have an agenda to push. There's propaganda on all sides. Regarding meat and carcinogens, I'm guessing it is the methods used to cure meat, or cook meat which can be an issue especially for those who routinely use the BBQ. You can go vegan if you want, but I recommend you do your own research, and do more than watching a few videos from one side. I'm sure you'll get a temporary benefit in so far as a break from digesting meats and dairy, but you could also get this from occasional fasting and/or not over-eating via huge meals. But if you do go vegan, pay close attention to how your body is reacting otherwise you can ruin your health as so many have.
  3. I'm in the same boat, navigating the waters without a moral compass. I can't stay faithful to one book. Too many temptations. I hear the call of Cthulhu sounding from below or else above from somewhere on my bookshelf... I think you should consider both sides of the argument before you jump aboard a diet fueled by a somewhat radical ideology. You need to understand that a vegan's priorities are in this order: the health and well-being of other animals, followed by the health and well-being of you. It isn't uncommon for vegans to end up in the hospital or waste away due to well-known nutrient deficiencies, protein insufficiency, and numerous problems from eating a diet high in greens, grains, legumes and soy etc. I don't think I need to going into any real detail because it's well documented. Unless you really value feeling better psychologically by consuming an inferior diet which can only be offset by incredibly meticulous meal and nutrition planning, you may find it to be a difficult struggle in the long term. Plus, unless you are growing all of your food in your own garden, I don't think you can really verify that animals aren't being harmed or that their habitats aren't being destroyed by mass agricultural/farming operations and methods. Don't let vegans fool you into thinking that all protein is created equally. Powdered protein isn't as good as the real thing, nor is the amino acid profile of protein the same amongst all foods. Avoiding eggs (the highest quality protein) is just silly idealism, and beef gelatin is incredibly healthy due to its high content of glycine, proline, and alanine, which can actually compliment the comparatively less favourable amino acid profile of, say, a steak (if you only ever eat the same cuts of meat).
  4. You must possess a plethora of Renfields who do your bidding. It's too much work for one vampire, especially because virgins aren't as easy to come by these days... One would have thought that eating octopus would be taboo due to its obvious relation to Cthulhu, or the common Cthulhi if such a breed exists. But I suppose that's a necessary part of the worship. Cthulhu thus demands of his followers: Eat of my tentacles, drink of my ink! But I trust that vampire squids are off the menu, right?
  5. Out of curiosity, are Cthulhu worshipers allowed to eat octopus?
  6. This isn't 1940s Big Brother after all. Brother Google's probably got advanced algorithms that scan your entire music collection in wave form, then filter out the exact song you're playing just to listen to you. All of that Cthulhu Fhtagn chanting you do... They're onto you.
  7. An impressive feat indeed. Not only did you narrow it down to 20, but you also ranked them. What was your criteria? I'll try to come up with a list...
  8. You just don't understand vampirism, do you? The psychotomimetic frenzy that follows an adrenochrome binge is unrivaled by any other drink. However, it's likely that he simply ran out of virgins and is now resorting to beer because, like all good Counts, he never drinks...wine.
  9. Wait until he realizes that Google is recording everything and listening to him 24/7. Then the paranoia will set in. But eventually he'll learn to love Big Brother. How appropriate is the name of this thread? I think I can answer for Google: they're listening to @RelentlessOblivionright now!
  10. Hottest on the planet!? I'm not sure if you're brave or depraved. But I'll just stick to my classic Dimmu Burger w/ cheese then, for it is only ever accompanied by the occasional Stormblast.
  11. Carolina Reaper Pepper? I'm intrigued by its name, but I'm also not a masochist. Does the nuclear blast occur when first tasting the burger or after it has been digested? Or both... and then some?
  12. I don't really trust the reviews of those who approach reading fiction with a political agenda. It seemed like 99% of the detractors' reviews hinged on their own level of outrage rather than on the quality of book itself. I'm actually very much interested in reading books by authors who have lost their minds precisely for the belief that the books may end up being more interesting.
  13. Vampyrique


    Has anyone read VALIS by Philip K. Dick? I was intrigued by that infamous interview of his where he was talking about his gnostic delusions, or whatever it was that he was trying to say.
  14. I remember reading reviews of the book, and countless people gave it one star due to some blatant racism and sexism. In other words, it was probably just a couple of racial epithets thrown about or perhaps the appearance of those problematic traditional gender roles, met a century later by a histrionic dose political correctness. Ironically, I've read some reviews that regard Dracula as some sort of gay allegory. So, is Bram Stoker a villain or a hero? I hope my 'unabridged' Bram Stoker anthology isn't censored. I feel inclined to check now. Congratulations on picking up that cassette. However, you may need to print off a Nadsat glossary for reference or memorize the book's argot beforehand, otherwise you'll end up listening to A Clockwork Apple instead. The book is hilarious!
  15. Vampyrique


    No. I must have forgotten it.
  16. Yes, it is possible to channel the Musica Universalis into audio form. But, obviously, the Music of the Spheres can only be captured on rounded physical medium such as compact discs and records. This explains why cassettes and mp3s are no good. Or maybe modern science is right: random insignificance manifested in meaningless material form begetting only more random insignificance, eternally unchanging for no reason whatsoever. A universe comprised of monotonous ones and nihilistic zeroes. But, alas! I tried the scientific method but oh-the-horror of my journey when I realized my empirical steps behind traced a pattern of presupposed logic; that infernal abstract law, and the manifestation of metaphysics before my eyes. O cursed philosophy! Like a full moon rising to match the fulminant lure of alchemy!
  17. Vampyrique


    "That was when I saw the Pendulum. The sphere, hanging from a long wire set into the ceiling of the choir, swayed back and forth with isochronal majesty. I knew - but anyone could have sensed it in the magic of that serene breathing - that the period was governed by the square root of the length of the wire and by π, that number which, however irrational to sublunar minds, through a higher rationality binds the circumference and diameter of all possible circles. The time it took the sphere to swing from end to end was determined by an arcane conspiracy between the most timeless of measures: the singularity of the point of suspension, the duality of the plane’s dimensions, the triadic beginning of π, the secret quadratic nature of the root, and the unnumbered perfection of the circle itself."
  18. I knew I forgot to do something. Antarctica? I knew it all along! The government is hiding everything over there, aren't they? O Agartha, hallowed centre of this hollowed earth!
  19. I'm really surprised by all of the caffeine hysteria pushed by the media. I don't think it's fair to synonymize coffee, tea, energy drinks, and pepsi, just because they all contain caffeine or reduce them down to caffeine. They are all very different with different pros and cons. Side effects from coffee, like jitters, are usually due to lowered blood sugar which can cause the release of stress hormones (to raise blood sugar) so it's best to have coffee with cream and sugar and with a meal rather than an empty stomach. Headaches or migraines from coffee are often caused by blood-sugar instability. In extreme cases, the inability to handle caffeine can be due to poor liver health, and problems with glycogen stores. Coffee is great for metabolism, cognition, and many other things. If you want to experience a calm, focused clarity along with mental energy, then take something Theanine with your coffee. For the last few months I've increased my coffee intake to eight cups a day without issue.
  20. Can't wait to see this film! Judging by the trailer it looks like it could be the best unintentional comedy of the year. Is this a Tommy Wiseau production?
  21. I'm usually ok with over-the-top imagery. Satanic mimes in pro-wrestling attire posing with medieval weaponry just happens to be my thing. @Requiem Which CoF era imagery bothers you so much? I enjoy most of it, minus some of the later stuff. For example, when Dani looked like a glitter-goth Good Guy doll, like Chucky pimping Edward Scissorhand's clothing line. And that says a lot because I was totally fine with the short-lived blonde-wig era. I agree about Dimmu's best image being early 00s, but is Dimmu's recent image better or worse than when they let Stian run with his top-hated top hat & cape gimmick?
  22. Were they polemically sent? Did you talk to the dead? I wanna know, I wanna know what you spent. I toiled long moonlit nights, cosmic furnace ablaze, working some serious alchemy until, at last, I had produced enough gold-painted lead blocks to afford some Crowley. I've got his magickal magnum opus Liber Aba, among others, but I'm not even sure where to begin with this. I mean, I tried beginning with page one but that was precisely the problem. Did you get a chance to read this? I haven't given this a read yet, but I hear it's 'controversial' which I assume is a synonym for good. I thought the film was excellent.
  23. Are you sure about your unsurety? I second this fantastic book! Written by the darksome duo of Dani Filth and Gavin Baddeley. For a few hundred pages you'll venture into England's shadowy past, all things gothic, horror films, the occult, metal music, femme fatales etc. It's almost like an encyclopedia of those subjects and their place in our culture. Dani then correlates these themes to the Cradle cannon, so if you've liked anything lyrically or visually in Cradle of Filth, you'll find the paper trail here. Tons of outstanding photos, some poems...What more could one ask for?
  24. I recently listened to Khronos and enjoyed it, moreso than Sleep of the Angels. What are your thoughts on Khronos? I figured I should go chronological, so Genesis is next on my list.
  25. Interview With the Vampire is indeed excellent, along with Coppola's version of Dracula. Don't forget about some of the worthy lesser known 90s vampire films like Embrace of the Vampire and Nadja.
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