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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to dilatedmind in General Pics (Holidays, walks, outings etc.)   
    Epic sky last night on my street!

  2. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in General Pics (Holidays, walks, outings etc.)   
    My show is finally up!

  3. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to True Belief in Paradise Lost   
    I’ve had this album for a while now and it’s a bit of a ‘miss’ from me. I enjoy the return to the heavier sound and ol’ Nick’s vocals are spot on here... but there is nothing memorable about the album. I’ve listened through twice and not reached for it since. The overall sound just doesn’t work for me I’m afraid. No hooks, no riffs...just a big ‘meh’.

    And for the record this has not one single resemblance to Shades of God. It’s closer to Lost Paradise or even Paradise Lost with a shittier sound. Sometimes heavier is not always better.
  4. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Requiem in What is the true definition of black metal?   
    Black metal is the snow-covered forest at sunset; the full moon glimpsed through jagged trees; the candle that flickers in ghost winds; the indelible emptiness of the lonely human soul that cries out to empty skies.
  5. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to dilatedmind in What's on your mind?   
    Good to have you back man
  6. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What's on your mind?   
    Welcome back Grayscale
    So the stupid placement of our a/c, double bricked house, and temps in the low 30s celsius are combining to make life kind of miserable. Heat just stacks on heat with no relief becasue the a/c blows straight into the kitchen wall. I'm serious considering throwing the spare matress on the floor in there tonight so I can get a half decent night's sleep.
  7. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Requiem in What's on your mind?   
  8. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from Will in What's on your mind?   
    I´m still alive at least. I´ve been too exhausted mentally (too much forced socializing) and physically too to do much of online interactions, the problem of being an introvert.. There is a limit, and sometimes the limit will be filled with shit you would not prefer. Trying to finish my cook school, not much left and been practicing at a restaurant, working mostly evenings so usually when i get home i just shut the outside world away and grab a book to my hands. The free days that i´ve had i always try to focus on my daugter, who i haven´t seen nearly enough feels like (weekly but still..) Funny thing i saw an email of this post and meant to reply to it earlier, but it just slipped my mind. Got another email today reminding me of this great place. I  haven´t been awol just from here, basically from everything apart from little bit of facebooking.  Of course listening to Metal every day, no better way to relax and get the annoying shit out of your head imo. \m/
  9. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from deathstorm in What's on your mind?   
    I´m still alive at least. I´ve been too exhausted mentally (too much forced socializing) and physically too to do much of online interactions, the problem of being an introvert.. There is a limit, and sometimes the limit will be filled with shit you would not prefer. Trying to finish my cook school, not much left and been practicing at a restaurant, working mostly evenings so usually when i get home i just shut the outside world away and grab a book to my hands. The free days that i´ve had i always try to focus on my daugter, who i haven´t seen nearly enough feels like (weekly but still..) Funny thing i saw an email of this post and meant to reply to it earlier, but it just slipped my mind. Got another email today reminding me of this great place. I  haven´t been awol just from here, basically from everything apart from little bit of facebooking.  Of course listening to Metal every day, no better way to relax and get the annoying shit out of your head imo. \m/
  10. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from Natassja in What's on your mind?   
    I´m still alive at least. I´ve been too exhausted mentally (too much forced socializing) and physically too to do much of online interactions, the problem of being an introvert.. There is a limit, and sometimes the limit will be filled with shit you would not prefer. Trying to finish my cook school, not much left and been practicing at a restaurant, working mostly evenings so usually when i get home i just shut the outside world away and grab a book to my hands. The free days that i´ve had i always try to focus on my daugter, who i haven´t seen nearly enough feels like (weekly but still..) Funny thing i saw an email of this post and meant to reply to it earlier, but it just slipped my mind. Got another email today reminding me of this great place. I  haven´t been awol just from here, basically from everything apart from little bit of facebooking.  Of course listening to Metal every day, no better way to relax and get the annoying shit out of your head imo. \m/
  11. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from dilatedmind in What's on your mind?   
    I´m still alive at least. I´ve been too exhausted mentally (too much forced socializing) and physically too to do much of online interactions, the problem of being an introvert.. There is a limit, and sometimes the limit will be filled with shit you would not prefer. Trying to finish my cook school, not much left and been practicing at a restaurant, working mostly evenings so usually when i get home i just shut the outside world away and grab a book to my hands. The free days that i´ve had i always try to focus on my daugter, who i haven´t seen nearly enough feels like (weekly but still..) Funny thing i saw an email of this post and meant to reply to it earlier, but it just slipped my mind. Got another email today reminding me of this great place. I  haven´t been awol just from here, basically from everything apart from little bit of facebooking.  Of course listening to Metal every day, no better way to relax and get the annoying shit out of your head imo. \m/
  12. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What's on your mind?   
    I´m still alive at least. I´ve been too exhausted mentally (too much forced socializing) and physically too to do much of online interactions, the problem of being an introvert.. There is a limit, and sometimes the limit will be filled with shit you would not prefer. Trying to finish my cook school, not much left and been practicing at a restaurant, working mostly evenings so usually when i get home i just shut the outside world away and grab a book to my hands. The free days that i´ve had i always try to focus on my daugter, who i haven´t seen nearly enough feels like (weekly but still..) Funny thing i saw an email of this post and meant to reply to it earlier, but it just slipped my mind. Got another email today reminding me of this great place. I  haven´t been awol just from here, basically from everything apart from little bit of facebooking.  Of course listening to Metal every day, no better way to relax and get the annoying shit out of your head imo. \m/
  13. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Parker in What's on your mind?   
    Just got back from spending the night at my girlfriends place. We are very happy together. BTW, someone (sorry, can't remember who right now) has a stormtrooper (SW, not NS) as an avatar, and that's way cool!
  14. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from dilatedmind in Say Cheese   
    Metal in the dark.. \m/

  15. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from Balor in Black Metal tone   
    For true kvlt tone you need to use the Burzum method. Find the smallest amp possible and use a headset as a mic.  
  16. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from Tortuga in General Pics (Holidays, walks, outings etc.)   
    Only ones i have aren´t really great scenery shots, just something filled with a LOT of candles.. i´ve rarely had a camera that´s any use in challenging conditions. :/ 

  17. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in Behemoth   
    This basically.  I revisit it regularly and can play most of it in my head such is its level of memorability.  I only owned "From The Pagan Vastlands" prior to this record from a Behemoth point of view.  2 very different releases indeed.  "O Father, O Satan, O Sun" is one of my favourite tracks ever.
  18. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to True Belief in General Pics (Holidays, walks, outings etc.)   
    It's no secret that down here in Australia we are becoming lazy bastards....and it seems that our local
    Shopping centre has introduced a slide from one level of the car park to the next for those who can't be stuffed taking the stairs....

  19. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from Amebix in Behemoth   
    Just an amazing album, there is just something that got its hooks on me right away from the first listen, and the attraction haven´t gone away. Messe noire is not just my favourite track on the album, but one of my favourite tracks of all time. Definitely bit of an "odd" album, but that just makes it special to me.
  20. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to deathstorm in What's on your mind?   
    Got my cpap machine hopefully it can make  my sleep apnea better  
  21. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from Will in What's on your mind?   
    I posted this as a youtube comment, therefore copy paste.
    My real issue with the thing is that basically they are claiming that they are unable to make great albums without these extraordinary circumstances they are reaching for. Music production is more and more accessible to almost anyone these days, and at an extreme level of quality too. All it really takes is massive effort. Claiming that it´s impossible to get their vision realised any other way than with a Wintersun hq, is just bullshit. It´s actually a syndrome that many famous and highly skilled people in music production sometimes talk about. The feeling that "i need this and that to actually be able to go to next level". Most of the time it´s just untrue, and it´s just setting invisible barriers to yourself, that in reality aren´t even there. So people are basically funding an artists false approach on music production, and a mental barrier he has set to himself.
  22. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What's on your mind?   
    I posted this as a youtube comment, therefore copy paste.
    My real issue with the thing is that basically they are claiming that they are unable to make great albums without these extraordinary circumstances they are reaching for. Music production is more and more accessible to almost anyone these days, and at an extreme level of quality too. All it really takes is massive effort. Claiming that it´s impossible to get their vision realised any other way than with a Wintersun hq, is just bullshit. It´s actually a syndrome that many famous and highly skilled people in music production sometimes talk about. The feeling that "i need this and that to actually be able to go to next level". Most of the time it´s just untrue, and it´s just setting invisible barriers to yourself, that in reality aren´t even there. So people are basically funding an artists false approach on music production, and a mental barrier he has set to himself.
  23. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to DukeThylacine in What's on your mind?   
    Firstly, happy International Woman's Day to all metal ladies on this forum
    And secondly...I've finally been to the Sabaton + Accept concert I was waiting 7 and a half months to! It was an amazing day (despite being a rainy Monday).
    Firstly, my friend forgot his concert ticket (!!!), but luckily my dad was free so he went to his house, got the ticket and brought it to the city where the concert was (distance: ~40km)...(we travelled by train and my dad drove there by car). Because of this delay we missed the opening act, Twilight Force, which only played for half an hour. Accept came next and they rocked the whole arena! The feeling of seeing these legends live, in flesh and blood, I could describe, but it would take a lot of text on this post
    Anyway, they played classics like Restless and Wild, Metal Heart and Balls to the Wall, as well as some of the newer stuff and the atmosphere was amazing! (got into a few moshpits during their performance)
    Then, when Sabaton started to play the whole arena just exploded! When the first song, Ghost Division, started I spent most of the time just trying not to trip or fall because the crowd was moving in every direction...like boiling water basically. Almost every song was greeted equally by the audience, with a lot of noise, but at specially the song Last Dying Breath which was dedicated to the defenders of Belgrade in WWI. Although this song means a lot to us, still I think that the best one was the acoustic version of The Final Solution. The acoustic version is a f##king tearjerker..much better than the original, IMO.
    When the concert ended, my friend and I walked 4.2km to Kalemegdan - a park and a medieval fortress. Despite visiting it a lot of times, in all weather conditions, I've never been there at night. It looks absolutely wonderful!...and eerie in some places
    I was so glad we made that visit because parks closer to the river bank look amazing when looked upon from the fortress. All those lights shining, making a perfect contrast, like fireflies in the night.
    (and here's a little picture I thought you'd appreciate..I call it "A Path to Darkness")
    After this visit, we walked 4.2km back to the train station to catch the morning train. (note: we aren't familiar with bus lines in this town so we decided to walk, and there was a closer train station but the first train departed in 7am, while the one we caught was at 4).
    Overall it was a great experience. A lot of memories to look back to one day. And I really hope this isn't the last time I see Accept live.
  24. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to CharleyMetal in Female Vocalist Available   
    Hi there, 

    My name is Charley and I am looking for a new project to sink my teeth into. 

    I sing power/symphonic/death/opera metal and enjoy turning my hand to any vocal style. 

    I have toured (UK only) so have some experience there too (even if only a little). 

    My equipment is a good standard. I use Shure products including wireless Beta 58 microphone and in-ear monitoring. 

    I have also had vocal tuition myself (as you never really stop learning) from trained opera tutors to Nightwish's very own Floor Jansen. 

    If you fancy making some music and doing live shows, please do get in touch. 

    My email address is [email protected]



  25. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Requiem in What's on your mind?   
    I'm actually planning on making some really interesting posts here on the forum, but I need your help FA. Please send me $20, which will help me pay for my internet connection, and you'll be able to download some great Requiem moments. I'm sure I'll think of some quality posts. It's impossible for me to produce high quality posts at the moment due to the great expense of electricity and my macbook which does not allow me to realise my posting dreams. Send $20 now and show your support! 
    Ok I just went to their crowdfunding page and watched the youtube video. At first it was really strange and funny but by the end I was sort of on board hahaha. Amazing that they actually want to build a Wintersun Headquarters. They're currently at 237k Euros which is amazing considering they haven't had to send out a single physical copy of anything. 
    I just don't get the Wintersun love. 
    Edit: I just don't get the Wintersun hate. Reading some of the comments on various metal news sites that have covered this makes me feel sorry for all the losers out there posting angrily about why Wintersun shouldn't be doing this. Yes it's still funny, ambitious and weird, but there's a lot of hate out there. 
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