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What gear do you use?


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Re: What gear do you use? I have never liked Apple's OS, it just feels awkward and restrictive. I have an iPod that my wife bought me, which I liked using more before you had to use iTunes for everything (Musicmatch Jukebox was a much better player and management system), and up until recently I had an iPhone purchased by my employer. When I went to pick out my own phone, I got an HTC Vivid Android phone, and I can't believe I didn't switch sooner. Everything on it works much better than on my iPhone, it has a bigger screen, and I can do whatever I want with it.

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Re: What gear do you use? I reckon using Google Chrome, it's been working like a dream for me. Used to use FF, but 'bout a year ago changed. As it comes to topic related issues, only reason for me to get a Rickenbacker is just the Lemmy issue. Maybe when I'll get my hands on one I'll start liking it more that Ibanez, but until then I'll be a Ibanez fanboy :D

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Re: What gear do you use? Haven't tried one of those either, but what I checked, they don't have so much 5-string basses with dual humbucker mics in them. That's one thing I've gotten in liking when choosing a bass to play. But I'll give one try if I'll get my hands on one.

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Re: What gear do you use?

Just got back in to bass after a 7-8 month hiatus. Total newbie at it' date=' but I love it. Currently rocking a really awful Silvertone "Crusher" bass and with a 15w Fat Boy practice amp. Face it, you guys are jealous. :lol:[/quote'] Actually, if you have that purpleish colored Crusher, that color I could be a little jealous :D Though I prefer matte black myself, but that one seemed nice in pics
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Re: What gear do you use?

Hahaha Yes I do have that purplish one. Strange color, but I'm poor and it got mediocre reviews so I figured "Why the fuck not?" Gives me something to jam on instead of spending money on a 300$ bass and possibly losing interest a year or two down the line. Honestly, I just want people to jam with, cuz playing by myself gets kind of boring sometimes. I can only play "Seven Nation Army" so many times....
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Re: What gear do you use?

Kinda like I started also. I got Ibanez RD300 from local shop for 200€ and played it for like one and half years. Nowadays it's just hanging on the wall since I got Ibanez K5 that I've been using like three years or so. After one months playing with RD300 I got that Loco amplifier that I mentioned earlier. I even modded the RD300 to use lowest string from 5-string set as a E-string so that I got crunchier sound. I had to file the cut in the neck a bit so that I could make it fit. I've been thinking that I'd like to get Ibanez SR706 (SR506 might be acceptable also) and EWB205WNE basses on my wall 'cos I've been thinking on changing to 6-strings and acoustic for beach/camping/street/whatever reason :D
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Re: What gear do you use? I haven't ever owned an acoustic guitar, I keep on meaning to buy just a mid-range one so I can put in my hour a day of practice when I'm away on holiday or camping or whatever but instead always end up getting something else, last time I went in planning on getting an acoustic, instead I ended up ordering the Dean Razorback Skulls which is now my pride and joy although I really want to change the pickups, this time though I'm sure I'll end up with an acoustic...although that Dean Zero Angel Of Deth is pretty tempting...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: What gear do you use? Hey murph, have you gotten acoustic guitar yet? If not, I reckon to get one quickly. Summer is good time to be playing (or even holding) guitar around outside ;) Just been watching as my friend carries his guitar always to parks and everywhere and gets people (especially females) around him as he plays. I wonder if acoustic bass would do the same...? :D

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  • 11 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Uhm, well... My first bass was Ibanez GSR200L and I absolutely hated it. It was the cheapest left-handed bass available at the time though. Since then I still use Fender Rumble 25 (cheapest practice amp, I know, gonna try and get something from Orange), but managed to change the bass and got myself Rickenbacker 4001 from '78 with heavier strings (55-110). Magnificent sound.

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  • 7 months later...

Over a few years I play bass, I didn't become choosy. I'm very into P sound since I started to listen Iron Maiden. LOL But, when I was a teenager, my head-on collision with RATM debut album changed my perception. It was a shock - not only Steve Harris sounded nice, and it was completely different sound, sound of Music Man. In the meantime, I've started to burn with desire of possesing a 5 string. Of course, I did want all these attributes in one guitar. Of course, in Poland money is always a problem, when normal salary is under 500$ a month and guitars are rather more expensive than in USA. But I've fastened my ass, gathered about 1500$ and searched patiently the German and British ebay for a bargain. And I found it! It's Sandberg VM5 slightly customized by manufacturer - like no other VM5 I saw in the Internet it has passive electronics from the beginning. I see, there's a nice group of bassists here, so comment hard and show your actual things. My other basses, amp and more in forthcoming posts. Not bassists - you can comment, too! Isn't it pretty? vAvPH2v.jpg9aRVXix.jpgvUD4xJr.jpgsFlWBxA.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

I showed you my guitar and NO ONE reacted. So I can afford myself to do a little bump with my standard rehearsal/gig equipment. 2zyzf42.jpg Not the biggest, not the loudest, but it works very fine with any kind of music I play. Trace Elliot 1048H (but I don't use horn) and Ashdown EVO II 500, found it in very affordable price and I don't regret my choice. It kills much more expensive, solid state ampegs. Moreover, here are my backup basses: - My first bass, blind luck. Japanese Cimar P-J from '70s made of luthier plywood, I suppose. Discovered it by unlacquering - did want a "wooden" guitar, these times it was super-cool looking for me lol. Sounds really nice and is very comfortable, despite rather funny price - i've paid about 200$. It's better than Japan Fenders from '80s, no joking. -Peavey Zephyr V, ancestor of the grind bass series. Fucking heavy (about 5,5kgs. Can I use metric units and remain being understood?), but soft on a fretboard, 24 easily accesible frets and thin body combined with not very long scale, ca. 33,5", made it my primary bass for over a year. Unfortunately, sound was very middle tone-based, so when I finally recognized I'm in love with precision, I gave it to my girlfriend. Sometimes before gigs I borrow it for a peace of mind - every guitar fails, but not this one - absolutely rock-solid shit. -Fenix PB-80, just good korean P a year younger than me. nice look and good playability without even a touch of sound madness. Original pickup sucks a little, but I've learnt to use it for awesome, lowlowlow sound with a guitar sounding "tshr tshr" when picking, maybe because of rather vintage output. My sandberg can't do it that good. come on, show your gear. I love discussions about gear, it's neverending story.

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