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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. I think that was the point. They took a lot of pains (some might say "liberties") to emphasize the connections with the Lord Of The Rings. Remember, it's for dumb people too and they might not get it.
  2. So, Brooklyn has just released this year's supply of Post Road Pumpkin Ale and Oktoberfest. Their Oktoberfest in particular is a very nice malty beer, well-suited to the change of season. Very nice cold - I usually like my beers a little warmer. I was surprised to read that they brew it in the Spring and store it cold for the Fall. It tastes very fresh. I suppose that makes sense with the style, though - lagers are fermented colder (that's what "lager" means, after all!) I'm already tired of the glut of pumpkin beers I'm seeing everywhere... they all kind of taste like cloves. It's a cheap trick. Post Road is decent, just like all the others. Nothing exciting. Sierra Nevada's Flipside Red IPA, however, is very nice indeed. Much like all of their other stuff. Less cloying malt than Torpedo, a little bit more body and quite a bit more hop character than their flagship Pale Ale. Highly recommended, by me anyway.
  3. Get real drunk and stay up til 6 in the morning. It should help the nerves.
  4. All you're seeing here is Brits and Yanks, anyway.
  5. All the drums and backing tracks. I've seen guys do this schtick before. So fast and so boring at the same time! It's very rare that my favorite songs are written by very technically minded players. There's a lesson in there somewhere...
  6. Somebody, please, take this man's Casio keyboard away from him immediately.
  7. You know who can play really well? Yngwie Malmsteen. You know who still sucks even though he's an awesome guitar player? ...yeah - Yngwie Malmsteen. And go ahead and toss Satch and Vai in there too. They use their formidable talents to write bullshit. Being able to shred on guitar doesn't mean a whole lot.
  8. This is good, at least Poison has one fan. I'd feel really bad for those guys if nobody liked them at all...
  9. It's too easy to make analogies like this to try and aid our understanding. I don't think they're accurate. The reason we have to make analogies to begin with is that we're not equipped to understand most things in their own terms. All we are is patterns - patterns of matter, patterns of information. Those things persist for a while and then dissolve, and then we're gone. There doesn't need to be any separate entity or substance, and there doesn't need to be an ultimate reason for anything. We're programmed to look for reasons in everything because we evolved as social animals who had reasons for our actions and had to deal with the actions of others on a daily basis. If someone wasn't equipped to understand the motivations of people around him, that person would be at a severe disadvantage. So we feel dissatisfied if we can't figure out why things happen. But the rest of the universe is under no obligation to satisfy us by being understandable, or provide us with "reasons" for anything. It doesn't mean a thing. So what? Make friends and have fun.
  10. Welcome! Hope you enjoy the forum.
  11. I have a "soft" song I just re-recorded for the album. I've always had a good bit of contemplative, mid-to-slow paced material on Black Harvest albums in the past, and I've been imagining this song going either in the middle or near the end of the album. I got it done yesterday and listened to it with the rest of the songs... and fuck me, it doesn't fit. It's one of my best songs and it doesn't have a place with the rest of the music. I used to be able to pull this kind of thing off. It sucks doubly because it's the song that got me talking with the label guy about putting out another album in the first place. I may have to make it a hidden track or something! Eh.
  12. Welcome! I love a lot of that stuff, nice to see a fellow Converge fan around.
  13. Um. There are too many bands. There isn't one to single out. The genre is too big. Check out the recommendations thread, or suggestions or whatever it's called in the death metal section. There are a bunch of youtube links. Have a listen and see if any of it appeals. Old? New? Melodic? Technical? Brutal? Progressive? Eh...
  14. That's great news! That should keep your people fed for another two weeks at least. The helicopter is still down, or we'd airlift you some more rations.
  15. I take it you've heard Attack Attack...
  16. EverythingStartsWithCore and Tommy The Race Car Driver are both younger than you guys IIRC. ...something to feel good about?
  17. 33, turning 34 in a couple months. Or is it 34 already...? aaagh.
  18. Good luck, man! Stay active when you're not driving, that can be a real killer. Hope you enjoy it!
  19. Battle Of Staffarda: "Consistently Fresh" [ATTACH=CONFIG]795[/ATTACH]
  20. Eating: Nothing. Low blood sugar. I really need food. Drinking: Nothing Listening: The song I'm working on is playing in my head Doing: Break from drum programming, typing here, about to get lunch Thinking: Time zones are funny, hope my wife and kid are having a good time, I should be out enjoying myself on such a lovely day, mixing songs with one ear is tough, should have had protein last day I'll have to work on music for a while, get the fuck off the computer!
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