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  1. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from CumBloodSucker in Hello   
    Welcome, as it happens Finland is home to a good chunk of my favourite death metal bands.
  2. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Mithras - Behind the Shadows Lie Madness
  3. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Fantomas - The Directors Cut
  4. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    I remember that episode, and I remember even 17-year-old to me being triggered when they called Slayer Death Metal, even back then I was insufferable if people miss labelled a band, apparently…
    NP: Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
  5. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    I remember that episode, and I remember even 17-year-old to me being triggered when they called Slayer Death Metal, even back then I was insufferable if people miss labelled a band, apparently…
    NP: Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
  6. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    I remember that episode, and I remember even 17-year-old to me being triggered when they called Slayer Death Metal, even back then I was insufferable if people miss labelled a band, apparently…
    NP: Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
  7. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    I remember that episode, and I remember even 17-year-old to me being triggered when they called Slayer Death Metal, even back then I was insufferable if people miss labelled a band, apparently…
    NP: Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
  8. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    Black Funeral - Vampyr
  9. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art
  10. Haha
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    That settles it, no more speech to text for me
  11. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Ophthalamia - A Journey in Darkness
  12. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Such a good album, shame they weren’t able to find that magic more consistently
    NP: Obtained Enslavement - Centuries of Sorrow
  13. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Hungarino in Feeling like an outsider   
    Hmm I wonder, then again I did once write a Sociology paper analysing subcultures defined by social deviance so folks will write essays on practically anything.
    Also Rock of Absu definitely only play Stone of Destiny.

    It’s worth noting that most bands don’t enjoy long careers, especially in extreme metal. It’s not really surprising that the local scene isn’t the same now as it was back in his day.
  14. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from thrashinbiker in Feeling like an outsider   
    I feel like exactly that sentiment sums up metal, at most other outsider sub cultures. If you don’t get it, you never will, I wonder how many teenagers said exactly those words to their parents when the first discovering metal, or rap in the early 90s, before it became a commercial product, or to a lesser extent, wrestling, UFC, video games, D&D etc
  15. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from thrashinbiker in Feeling like an outsider   
    Welcome to late stage capitalism my friend, you provide a market, we’ll mass produce the product as long as it’s profitable. Metal isn’t immune to corporate greed. Goes back to my original point really, we cynical few who actively seek out metal, who see kinship in strangers on an internet forum, who desperately cling to the rocks of Absu and Horna lest we drown in an ocean of trivium, are the outsiders.
    Side note it’s hard thinking of band names which sound suitably like rocks when ripping off the cuff like that.
  16. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Dead1 in death metal albums with fry vocals only   
    I tend not to notice vocals unless they’re bad, at least in the extreme metal subgenres. So for me Suffocation, or Immolation to both have little in terms of vocal variety are just as enjoyable as Death or Kronos. Speaking of which they might actually fit what the OP is after vocals wise, particularly on Colossal Titan Strife, albeit the other elements of the sound have more in common with slam or tech death then metalcore.
  17. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Balor in Feeling like an outsider   
    That’s more my point metal isn’t exclusively an outsider genre, however there is still a difference between the more accessible stuff you could play at work and no one bats an eye, Metallica, Judas Priest, etc compared with, for example, playing some Archgoat, Napalm Death, or Cemetary Urn.
    Moreover we do get weird looks for, correctly I might add, insisting linkin park aren’t metal. So I would actually say metal has simultaneously never been more mainstream or more an outsider genre. 
  18. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Gorgoroth - Destroyers or About How to Philosophise with the Hammer
  19. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Hades - Again Shall Be
  20. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Gorgoroth - Destroyers or About How to Philosophise with the Hammer
  21. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    Great now I’m having philosophy flashbacks, next you’ll be espousing the virtues of ethical egoism…
    NP: Enslaved - Frost
  22. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    I was being somewhat facetious, having studied philosophy, I’m well aware anyone familiar with the concept of ethical ego ism would rightly point out just how flawed it is, though I do find it very amusing, how the satanic bible shares many similarities with that particular concept. Also, being a socialist, I’m all aboard the utilitarianism train.
    NP: Sadistik Exekution - We Are Death, Fukk You
  23. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Dead1 in What Are You Listening To?   
    I was being somewhat facetious, having studied philosophy, I’m well aware anyone familiar with the concept of ethical ego ism would rightly point out just how flawed it is, though I do find it very amusing, how the satanic bible shares many similarities with that particular concept. Also, being a socialist, I’m all aboard the utilitarianism train.
    NP: Sadistik Exekution - We Are Death, Fukk You
  24. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    I was being somewhat facetious, having studied philosophy, I’m well aware anyone familiar with the concept of ethical ego ism would rightly point out just how flawed it is, though I do find it very amusing, how the satanic bible shares many similarities with that particular concept. Also, being a socialist, I’m all aboard the utilitarianism train.
    NP: Sadistik Exekution - We Are Death, Fukk You
  25. Horns
    RelentlessOblivion given a Damn from Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Great now I’m having philosophy flashbacks, next you’ll be espousing the virtues of ethical egoism…
    NP: Enslaved - Frost
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