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satan 59

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Everything posted by satan 59

  1. What Are You Listening To? Sabaton - Primo Victoria, on national radio.
  2. Bob Dylan Like a bit of Dylan.
  3. Royal fucking baby, I'm sick of it all. Just another leech on my taxes.
  4. Sorry not a fan, sounded a bit dated. 6/10 YBfkDH3F1GA
  5. Fields of the Nephilim Doom:VS Rammstien Combichrist Sabbath
  6. The UK is always changing, some for good and some for bad. We have less crime but more racist crimes. Since the soldier being murdered in London a few weeks back people are a little more scared, there is a lot more religious intolerance towards muslims. Also with the long drawn out deportation of Abu Qatada, the Muslim community has been having a tough time.
  7. Joboas don't come to my door any more (I'm blacklisted I think), which is a shame. Love chatting with them, I usually go and out one of my satan/devil t-shirts on if I see them coming I have a lot of banter with the street preachers, it's my free entertainment.
  8. If I sold a kidney could I buy one?
  9. What's on your mind? Carr Mill Dam? The pub or the one on the lake? I'm just up the road from there. Over near bury st Edmunds where the brewery is.
  10. satan 59


    Vegetarianism Pit? Put, fat fingers and a couple of beers.
  11. satan 59


    Vegetarianism Don't know if that's a complement or a pit down. xx
  12. satan 59


    Vegetarianism Quorn & nuts do for me.
  13. satan 59


    Vegetarianism So I am weak then, never mind.
  14. They've been playing this a lot on the radio station I listen to in work, Team Rock Radio.
  15. So I had 100 of hour of tattooing, love the pain. Have the top of my ear pierced and it hurts like fuck, WFT.
  16. Wolves in the Throne Room - Thuja Magus Imperium
  17. For Blut. Tomorrow I'm going to a town which has this on draft. I'll have a couple for you, cheers.
  18. That wasn't bad Dave 8/10 XdtJ_BTmDVM
  19. http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc98/SATAN_59/IMG_1131_zps22dfe90c.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc98/SATAN_59/IMG_1130_zps2f44ffbb.jpg
  20. Feck, you can keep them to yourself. lol
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