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  1. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    At least until the thunderstorm knocks the power out.
    D a v i d - B o w i e - L O W
    D a v i d - B o w i e - H e r o e s
  2. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    At least until the thunderstorm knocks the power out.
    D a v i d - B o w i e - L O W
    D a v i d - B o w i e - H e r o e s
  3. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    At least until the thunderstorm knocks the power out.
    D a v i d - B o w i e - L O W
    D a v i d - B o w i e - H e r o e s
  4. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Darkthrone - Sardonic Wrath
    Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
    Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall
    Cruciamentum - Charnel Passages
  5. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah man I'm funny that way, I want it hard & heavy nearly all of the time. Wasn't easy being a metalhead growing up in an era when the hard heavy music I craved didn't really exist yet and even as a kid I was always conscious of that. I was always frustrated by the fact that aside from Sabbath there weren't any other bands who served it hard all or even most of the time. Most of those 70's bands I grew up with would have one or two songs or maybe just brief sections of songs that were hard and the rest was softer fluff.
    That's why I latched onto the Ramones in '76 as my instant favorite band because they kept it hard and fast 95% of the time. Not sure why grabbing a guitar, running it through a distortion pedal and strumming the fuck out of it was such a novel concept in the mid 70's when I was in school.
    Wish I had been born just a little later so that I could have had more hard musical options at a younger age. Even you just 4 years younger than me had some heavy metal to listen to in high school. I missed out on that by being a boomer. Now all these years later most of the people who I connect with on music are 5 or 10 or 15 years younger than me. That's when I probably should have been born, early 70's like Navy and Hungarino. 
  6. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from Hungarino in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2021 Edition   
    I was all set to check out this Paranorm band you've been touting too, until you went and compared them to Vektor. The fuck dude?!? Now I'm not even gonna bother with 'em. Guess I'll check out that new Esoctrilihum instead.
    But I'll let you redeem yourself Hungalorian, at least that Abkehr is pretty damn good. I saw on the other thread that you did ultimately decide to buy it. Looking through my library I notice I already have their 2019 album Feuer, but I haven't listened to it in awhile.
    New one from Diaboli - Awakening of Nordic Storm. In the same vein but not quite as good as the last one or the stuff from 10 - 15 years ago, but still it's Diaboli and Pete's my guy. After Archgoat and Azaghal, Diaboli is probably my next favorite and most listened to Finnish black metal band. Ahead of Horna, Baptism, Sargeist, Behexen, Impaled Nazarene, Barathrum, Kêres, Förgjord, Lathspell, Oath, Sielunvihollinen, Rienaus, Nattfog, Korgonthurus, Marras, Malum, Vihan Messu, Anal Blasphemy, Black Mass Pervertor, Clandestine Blaze and all the rest.
  7. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from Innominate in What Are You Listening To?   
    Extinction of Mankind - Storm of Resentment 
    Noise Aholic - D-Beat Chainsaw Noise
    Visions of War - Shit Parade
    Hellshock - Only the Dead Know The End of War
  8. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Could very well end on mine as well.
    My commute to my normal office is 20 minutes. EP length. I do have to travel regularly for work, sometimes up to 5 hours a day. I don't really mind. It will get old one day, but for now it gives me time to think, listen to podcasts, and jam out. I've tried working from home, but honestly I don't really care for it. I'm redoing my home office, so that may change in the future.
    Ordinance - In Purge there is no Remission
    Wode - Burn in Many Mirrors - can't believe this is the same band that made Servants of the Countercosmos
  9. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Clandestine Blaze - Secrets of Laceration, would not be at all surprised to see this one on my list come January.
  10. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral gave a Damn to Innominate in What Are You Listening To?   
    Broken Bones - Decapitated
  11. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    In some of our larger cities there's so much traffic it can sometimes take you 2 or 3 hours just to get to or home from work if you live in the outer suburbs. The pandemic changed that briefly last year but it didn't last long, the traffic came back as bad as ever.  This is why Americans are so in love with our cars, we spend so much time in them.
    Blut Aus Nord - Hallucinogen
  12. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    That's right fellas, whitewater paddling is an addiction. The power of surging water, careening towards rocks, boulders and falls; the fear of danger,  adrenaline, surfing, drops, V-shaped holes, it scares the shit out of you, you survive and you go back for more punishment. It's a whitewater thang, (if you haven't experienced it), you wouldn't understand. 
    The D.C.-Baltimore greater metro area is one of the great paddling communities in the U.S. The U.S. Olympic team trains here. Now, our WW team is not great, cause we put all our money in big pro sports-but regardless, we've got the Potomac river which is an amazing river in my backyard. The Potomac feeds into the Chesapeake Bay which offers limitless paddling (sea kayaking) and within 2-5 hours driver you've got a slew of great rivers in Western Maryland, West Virginia (yes, the banjos are playing) and Pennsylvania-The mighty youghiogheny, The Cheat, The Savage, The New, the Gaulley-I could go on. You may have gone WW rafting, but paddling your own craft, navigating consequences, taking your life in your own hands-it's an amazing feeling.
    So yes, about 2.5 hours each way-paddled from about 11-5 and back home. 
    Grab a handful of metal discs and hit the road!
    Motorhead/ Ace of Spades
    Alterage/Succumb-This one surprised me-in a good way
  13. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from navybsn in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    Hahaha awesome!! I love how accommodating you lot are, willing to change thread titles just to suit our silly little complaints. This instance makes perfect sense to me though as it has been pointed out that almost nothing can be considered to be completely and truly 100% without flaws.  And I know that makes people exclude things that they love but maybe they see some tiny little flaw there that they think disqualifies it. Which is of course nonsense. Because at the end of the day who's really to say what's a flaw and what's a feature?
    One of my all time favorites by a German band that never gets mentioned:
    Morrigan- Celts
  14. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from Hungarino in What Are You Listening To?   
    I always wonder if everyone gets shown the same ads on a given video or if everyone gets different ones tailored specifically for them by what they've been talking about or searching for lately. Big Brother is watching. Not sure but I think I'd probably get different ads if I were to search for the same video 3 or 4 days in a row. All I do know for sure is that I am damn glad the election is over and I don't have to skip all these annoying Tronald Dump ads.
  15. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from Hungarino in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2021 Edition   
    Ifrinn - Caledonian Black Magick 
    Scottish black metal
    They dropped a pretty good 30 minute demo back in 2016 and now this Friday they will follow up with their second release, a 25 minute EP. Liking this a lot right now.
  16. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from blaaacdoommmmfan in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    Scotch Filet, or boneless Ribeye Steak as we call it over here is my preferred cut for steak. Second choice would be what we call tenderloin or filet mignon (your so-called Eye Filet) and then my 3rd choice is skirt or flank steak for when I make fajitas. I do like me some fucking fajitas. I get big 1 1/2" to 2" thick ribeyes which cost like $20. I dry rub them and cook them in an iron skillet with butter and olive oil over a medium flame for 4 minutes on each side which generally comes out somewhere between rare and medium/rare. If it turns grey it's rubbish so I won't even bother with thinner ones. I only eat it once a month at most because they're at least $15 US a pound so I wait until I can get a nice thick and well marbled one.
  17. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from blaaacdoommmmfan in Whatcha Eatin'?   
    Yeah, 22 pounds worth, that would probably last my 7 year old for about a week or so if I let him haha.

  18. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral gave a Damn to JohanV in What Are You Listening To?   
    Guess not super original but quite enjoyable. Energetic riffy death/thrash.
    Steel Bearing Hand - Slay in Hell
  19. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    New Nattverd was quite the surprise, much better than their last I thought. I'm deffo digging it although I would hesitate to call it flawless or anything like that. 
    Haven't gotten to the new Imperium Dekadenz yet even as I've enjoyed some of their previous stuff quite a bit. Maybe today is the day.
  20. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    I think "flawless" was probably a poor choice of words for the thread title. On the other hand maybe the OP was truly in search of that one flawless album, his white whale so to speak and I'm totally misunderstanding. Either way I agree that we've all probably listed our favorites so many times compiled in so many different ways that it all becomes redundant at some point especially as our opinions change over time and as you say we can't remember what we've listed. That said I can never say no to a chance to make another list.
    But also you do bring up a good point that one man's flaw is often another man's attribute. Or what you might think of as a flaw at first you can learn to see as an album defining high point. Funny how our own opinions of certain music can change so drastically over time both positively and negatively. 
  21. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral gave a Damn to BMB in What Are You Listening To?   
    Inquisition - Black Mass for a Mass Grave
  22. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Old Coven - The Awake of Ascendant Darkness
    Black Curse - Endless Wound
  23. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What are you drinking?   
    Yeah, I could give up drinking anytime (unless I'm at a metal festival with the guys and then all bets are off) as I generally only have 1 or occasionally 2, not enough to get me drunk or have it alter my behavior. I think sorta like Vin's golden dragon kimono having a whiskey to sip on in the evenings just makes me feel like an adult and helps put me in the mood to relax.
    But dark chocolate is a different story. I'm hopelessly addicted, I just can't stay away from it no matter what I do, I love it too much. I've successfully given up ice cream and cookies and all kinds of garbage food loaded with sugar over the last 2 years, but I can't stop nibbling on the luscious decadent dark chocolate late at night, usually with almonds. I rationalize that it supposedly has some type of minor health benefits and it goes quite nicely with the whiskey in the evenings. If society ever breaks down completely and we enter a post-apocalyptic dystopian phase and they stop making dark chocolate I'm gonna have a problem when my stockpile runs out. I wonder what the withdrawl symptoms might be like? 
  24. Horns
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What are you drinking?   
    Now if she could only resist those young tender livers.
  25. Haha
    GoatmasterGeneral given a Damn from Natassja in What are you drinking?   
    Now if she could only resist those young tender livers.
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