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1 minute ago, AlSymerz said:

I fell asleep though Hereditary. I tried to watch it again and feel asleep a second time. The movie got so many rave reviews and I remember the trailer being interesting enough for me to decide to see the movie. But the movie as just boring and uneventful


Are you more of a true crime/serial killer guy? I ask because I gravitate toward the supernatural in my horror films, and Hereditary definitely hit the right notes for me, but I know people who simply can't stand make-believe in horror, and that was their problem with the film. They usually enjoy movies like Fincher's Zodiac and it's ilk, and I definitely respect the craftsmanship of those films, they just don't really work for me on a horror level. It's sort of like talking to the "hard" sci-fi guys who will carefully discuss and dissect the details of terraforming down to a granular level, but absolutely hate the twist in Event Horizon because it doesn't work for them on an objective and practical level.

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6 minutes ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

Are you more of a true crime/serial killer guy? I ask because I gravitate toward the supernatural in my horror films, and Hereditary definitely hit the right notes for me, but I know people who simply can't stand make-believe in horror, and that was their problem with the film. They usually enjoy movies like Fincher's Zodiac and it's ilk, and I definitely respect the craftsmanship of those films, they just don't really work for me on a horror level. It's sort of like talking to the "hard" sci-fi guys who will carefully discuss and dissect the details of terraforming down to a granular level, but absolutely hate the twist in Event Horizon because it doesn't work for them on an objective and practical level.

Can't believe any one fell asleep to hereditary 

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41 minutes ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

Are you more of a true crime/serial killer guy? I ask because I gravitate toward the supernatural in my horror films, and Hereditary definitely hit the right notes for me, but I know people who simply can't stand make-believe in horror, and that was their problem with the film. They usually enjoy movies like Fincher's Zodiac and it's ilk, and I definitely respect the craftsmanship of those films, they just don't really work for me on a horror level. It's sort of like talking to the "hard" sci-fi guys who will carefully discuss and dissect the details of terraforming down to a granular level, but absolutely hate the twist in Event Horizon because it doesn't work for them on an objective and practical level.

I'll watch any horror, it was just that Heredity sucked. The idea was good enough and there was some good scenes but the story was poorly written and the producer failed to do his job.

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I’m with Orca here, I actually think it’s an issue with many modern horror films, they have an interesting concept, and maybe have a dozen cool scenes, but the overall package is less than impressive. Now, I know it’s not realistic to expect modern horror to be pumping out new films, the quality of the exorcist, the thing, Blair, witch, project, scream, nightmare on Elm Street, etc, but I also don’t think it’s too much to ask we get at least one movie every couple of years that isn’t a convoluted mass.

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13 hours ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

I’m with Orca here, I actually think it’s an issue with many modern horror films, they have an interesting concept, and maybe have a dozen cool scenes, but the overall package is less than impressive. Now, I know it’s not realistic to expect modern horror to be pumping out new films, the quality of the exorcist, the thing, Blair, witch, project, scream, nightmare on Elm Street, etc, but I also don’t think it’s too much to ask we get at least one movie every couple of years that isn’t a convoluted mass.

I'm in agreement that truly excellent horror films are far rarer than they should be. Don't know about lumping Blair Witch and it's insufferable characters with no payoff as being quality though. Scream was also really clearly the precursor to meta-horror like Cabin In The Woods and Tucker and Dale, but that self aware trope thing is wearing really thin with me. Then there's Hollywood's awful tendency to try and remake and adapt anything where they happened to find a nickel on the ground the day of filming. Seriously a remake of Straw Dogs? Who in the hell was asking for that? They clearly don't know what they're doing anymore.

I'd definitely say we've got it a little better now than we had in the nineties and aughts. I enjoyed Hereditary as I said, and we've had a few flawed, but interesting attempts to test the waters with the audience. The Witch was almost certainly the most well crafted of these from a technical perspective. I had major issues with Midsomer, but I get why some people would like it, and it certainly makes a mockery of that stupid Wicker Man remake that was attempted (again Hollywood, who's idea was that? Fire them yesterday). Overall though I don't really see American horror films getting anywhere near the big three in the foreseeable future (The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, The Shining). There are diamonds in the rough, but goddamn is there a lot of rough.

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4 hours ago, AlSymerz said:

and movies in general. Books are better anyway.

I don't like horror books or movies.

But yer can't say one is better than the other. They are different experiences and those who see a movie expecting it to replicate their experience of a book are being very naïve. I'm not accusing you of this - we can accuse the Orca of a lot, but not naivety  - but I just wanted to shoehorn a general comment onto your specific one.

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1 hour ago, AlSymerz said:

Books are better than movies.

You've paid yer 10 quid, so here's yer argument. Saying books are better than movies is like saying whales are better than volcanoes. Books are books. Movies are movies. Whales are whales and volcanoes are what they are. You can prefer whales to volcanoes. Good for you if you do, but preference does not equate to a superior value  and to assert that whales are 'better' you'd have to closely define what better actually means in general or at least in this case.

I prefer cats to a poke in the eye wth a sharp stick, and I can define why that is and by what criteria I make that judgement. Better? Define better - more pleasant to me, not (usually) harmful to me, easily accessed - yep, cats win. Less damaging to the environment? Well, no one cares about my eye but me so cats lose. Morally superior? That's a meaningless contrast and surely no judgement can be made.

You can prefer books to movies for any number of reasons just like you can prefer your favourite music to mine, but you have to carefully define better in this case too if you want to think your music is better and on most criteria you won't be able to rationally defend your judgement beyond 'it's what I like.' And - as we have all here been over endlessly - there's nothing wrong with that.

I love books. I have a library full of them and I am always reading 6 or 7 books - some in my study, some in another room downstairs and some upstairs in my bedroom. Books give me so much that movies can't, but I love movies too. The interactions of mise en scene, natural features artfully presented and the intimacy of human form, movement and voice gives me feelings and thoughts that books cannot. They are different media, almost different magisteria, and they do different things, like whales and volcanoes.

2 hours ago, AlSymerz said:

Of course you are free to disagree, but it doesn't make me wrong, or stop me saying it.

Of course not. And I hope you have had your money's worth. Any further argument will require actual payment.

Oh, and😏

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33 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

You've paid yer 10 quid, so here's yer argument. Saying books are better than movies is like saying whales are better than volcanoes. Books are books. Movies are movies. Whales are whales and volcanoes are what they are. You can prefer whales to volcanoes. Good for you if you do, but preference does not equate to a superior value  and to assert that whales are 'better' you'd have to closely define what better actually means in general or at least in this case.


I paid nothing. Your analogy is ridiculous, or it's naive. You can chose which.

35 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

I prefer cats to a poke in the eye wth a sharp stick, and I can define why that is and by what criteria I make that judgement. Better? Define better - more pleasant to me, not (usually) harmful to me, easily accessed - yep, cats win. Less damaging to the environment? Well, no one cares about my eye but me so cats lose. Morally superior? That's a meaningless contrast and surely no judgement can be made


Again, ridiculous or naive. But since you seem to be going with it, I was not asked, nor was I inclined, to give reasoning for my statement. I can quite easily, as you proved, make a ridiculous statement that defines what I said but at the time no such definition was required.

39 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

You can prefer books to movies for any number of reasons just like you can prefer your favourite music to mine, but you have to carefully define better in this case too if you want to think your music is better and on most criteria you won't be able to rationally defend your judgement beyond 'it's what I like.' And - as we have all here been over endlessly - there's nothing wrong with that.

Thank you for your permission however as you can clearly see it was not required as I had earlier stated that the books are better than movies and in the context of my post there was nothing wrong with how it was worded. It only became and issue when you decided that one sentence in a paragraph was not to your liking.

42 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

I love books. I have a library full of them and I am always reading 6 or 7 books - some in my study, some in another room downstairs and some upstairs in my bedroom. Books give me so much that movies can't, but I love movies too. The interactions of mise en scene, natural features artfully presented and the intimacy of human form, movement and voice gives me feelings and thoughts that books cannot. They are different media, almost different magisteria, and they do different things, like whales and volcanoes.

Congratulations I like books too, they are much better than movies, and in nearly all cases the books of movies are better than the movies as well.


43 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

Of course not. And I hope you have had your money's worth. Any further argument will require actual payment.

There will be no payment as the only argument is one you created by deliberately taking a sentence out of context.

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5 minutes ago, AlSymerz said:

Perhaps it's not me that's taking it personally because I'm still having fun.

If you say so - impossible to know over the Internet.

Anyway, if I have offended you I apologise. I thought my absurd analogies and winking emoji would put my comments in the realm of harmless banter. If I was wrong I'm sorry, and if you are winding me up, then I guess you win. 

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I love horror films because they make me feel alive. There is nothing like the thrill of watching a terrifying scene and feeling your heart race, your palms sweat, and your adrenaline surge. Horror films challenge me to face my fears and overcome them. They also stimulate my imagination and creativity, as I wonder how the filmmakers came up with such horrifying ideas and effects. Horror films are not for everyone, but for me, they are the best form of entertainment. They are the ultimate escape from reality and the mundane.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/21/2024 at 5:03 PM, RelentlessOblivion said:

I liked Cabin in the Woods, but I do tend to avoid most of the meta-horror. You’re right though very few horror films these days get me genuinely excited about the genre.

Agree. I might add the writing in horror flicks has been steadily declining the last 30 years or more IMHO, even the artistic value, and enough with the jump scares. The movies with true horror, tension and atmosphere are few and far between

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Writing in movies of all genres has declined. Very few movies today have a decent script and too many rely on CGI to make an impression. Hollywood lost the plot years ago and they continually prove it by releasing remakes, redos, sequels, prequels, and whatever other poor excuse they offer for taking an old movie and totally fucking it up.


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1 hour ago, RexKeltoi said:

Agree. I might add the writing in horror flicks has been steadily declining the last 30 years or more IMHO, even the artistic value, and enough with the jump scares. The movies with true horror, tension and atmosphere are few and far between

It's probably because the components of horror films are far too projected, and this includes jump scares which I think can still be executed competently. You just see it all coming. There's still been an effort to revitalize the genre, but with the current emphasis on condensed start to finish plot facilitating action a ton of the old tricks just don't carry over the way they should. The lack of patience with the plotting makes it so that horror films really can't even try and include false trails that would otherwise lead viewers to be caught off guard. I think some of the most successful horror films of the last decade or so have resorted to pulling a complete genre jump midway, like Event Horizon or Bone Tomahawk.

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1 hour ago, Nasty_Cabbage said:

It's probably because the components of horror films are far too projected, and this includes jump scares which I think can still be executed competently. You just see it all coming. There's still been an effort to revitalize the genre, but with the current emphasis on condensed start to finish plot facilitating action a ton of the old tricks just don't carry over the way they should. The lack of patience with the plotting makes it so that horror films really can't even try and include false trails that would otherwise lead viewers to be caught off guard. I think some of the most successful horror films of the last decade or so have resorted to pulling a complete genre jump midway, like Event Horizon or Bone Tomahawk.part of it is down to our ever shortening attention span as a species. Many people want instant gratification or to ride the nostalgia wave. We see it in music and TV shows as well. With that being said I am quietly optimistic about 28 years later and hopeful that Alien: Romulus Won’t suck. 


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10 minutes ago, RelentlessOblivion said:


Totally agree and Bone Tomahawk was a fantastic horror. Even the atmosphere of B movie cult classics like Lets Scare Jessica to Death or The Other with a fantastic performance by Uta Hagen are far superior to most modern horrors, an exception for me would be The Babadook very well done with lots of tension. I not particularly interested in action for a horror movie myself personally and not using social media etc... has kept my attention span within normal parameters. I was going to start a thread on Horror movies but it is probably better to use this somewhat active one I suppose? 

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3 hours ago, RexKeltoi said:

Totally agree and Bone Tomahawk was a fantastic horror. Even the atmosphere of B movie cult classics like Lets Scare Jessica to Death or The Other with a fantastic performance by Uta Hagen are far superior to most modern horrors, an exception for me would be The Babadook very well done with lots of tension. I not particularly interested in action for a horror movie myself personally and not using social media etc... has kept my attention span within normal parameters. I was going to start a thread on Horror movies but it is probably better to use this somewhat active one I suppose? 

Correct, my fellow moderators and I are pretty quick to close down duplicate threads so a new one wouldn’t last long.

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On 6/10/2024 at 8:17 PM, AlSymerz said:

Writing in movies of all genres has declined. Very few movies today have a decent script and too many rely on CGI to make an impression. Hollywood lost the plot years ago and they continually prove it by releasing remakes, redos, sequels, prequels, and whatever other poor excuse they offer for taking an old movie and totally fucking it up.


One remake of a classic I see as an upgrade was Colour From Outer Space original being Die Monster Die. Shockingly it had Nicholas Cage in a major role since virtually every other film he has done has been shite and the remake of The Wicker Man which he starred in could be the worst remake I can think of. Only remake I can think of that might be worst is The Haunting, it was laughable compared to the 1963 original. Foreign horror films are so much better this century especially IMHO. Train to Busan is a good example for recent horror flicks that was far superior to Hollywood productions. I hated the remake of Suspiria, it lost everything the original had and made it out to somewhat of a lesbian horror flick, gone were the glorious colours and set pieces of Argento's. 


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The Shining mini series was better than that stupid Kubrick version. But the extra time gave them a chance to actually tell the story.

But it's the latest, more recent, remakes that are an issue. Whether it's shit like The Fall Guy, or Roadhouse, or whether it's horror like IT, Carrie, Firestarter etc. The remakes are too often done with little to no consideration for the original. Even Hellraiser which stuck reasonably well to what Barker wrote couldn't replace the original with it's pre-CGI make up and real camera work.


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25 minutes ago, AlSymerz said:

The Shining mini series was better than that stupid Kubrick version. But the extra time gave them a chance to actually tell the story.

But it's the latest, more recent, remakes that are an issue. Whether it's shit like The Fall Guy, or Roadhouse, or whether it's horror like IT, Carrie, Firestarter etc. The remakes are too often done with little to no consideration for the original. Even Hellraiser which stuck reasonably well to what Barker wrote couldn't replace the original with its pre-CGI make up and real camera work.

Re The Shining I respectfully disagree, but all art is subjective etc etc. I do prefer the book, but that’s because much like yourself. I find that with very few exceptions books are superior to the movies they inspire.


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