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Everything posted by markm

  1. Skumstrike/Deadly Intrusions -long overdue on my part as its been taking up space all year in my Bandcamp wishlist and I listened to it multiple times....I've been overly hedging my bets. Grabbed a physical copy-surprisingly available on Amazon given it's underground, raw vibe but ya never knows...this rules.
  2. Holy shit, he's 9 already?! Happy Birthday to your boy.
  3. I'm not a gamer, had no experience with the storyline, but I think it's pretty affecting-a horror mirror to reality, but I'm probably reading to much into it haha
  4. Anyone watching The Last of Us? I'm finding it more unsettling that I was expecting from previews with obvious parallels to our current pandemic reality with a feeling that societal systems are falling apart.
  5. F.A. so sorry it's been such a struggle for your family this winter. Wishing you well!
  6. Acid King/Beyond vision-one pre released track...rather dull, sadly as I love me some AK. I'll have to wait til March to hear the rest.
  7. Now on to the new Obituary album. So far, this is reasonably fun.
  8. Tribunal/Weight of Remembrance (23)-gothic doom, MDBish And checking out pre released Katatonia tracks from Sky Void of Stars. Dr. TG says it's noice and I can't disagree after 2 tracks although after my eardrums have been tarnished by too much goat metal it sounds the epitome of clean, bright and shiny, like something my overgrown kitten would keep climbing on the counter to paw at which is what she was trying to do to my IEM's while listening. "Leave it"! But forget it, these feline buggers don't listen for shit. I always knew I was more of a dog guy. Wives don't listen either.
  9. He seems like a Bloodbath kind of guy, not that there's anything wrong with that.
  10. Thanks for the rec, I just received a copy in the mail. Seems like the kind of piece that benefits from printed lyrics. This will take some time to absorb, but I like it.
  11. Yeah, my reaction to the new one was prolly a time and place kind of thing. Repeat listens will tell the tale if it holds my interest. The cool thing about Lore was the combination of the dexterous, almost elegant psych prog interspersed with these great Monster Magnet/Fu Manchu Sabbathy riffs which they've moved away from.
  12. I'll have to look at their monthly reviews, then. I've mostly come them to get some beta on an album I might be interested in and start one of the reviews and have a -wtf moment-like just give me the skinny about the album without the doctoral thesis. It's just metal, sure there are some heady ideas here and there but it's not all existential Nietzsche or Sartre theory-except maybe some of those DSO lyrics-I'll give you a pass there-haha
  13. I like Altar of Plagues' White Tomb and Mammal a good deal but haven't listened to them in some time. I'm an Agalloch fan for sure-post black is not quite right, but they def include some post stylings....but so do so many bands....looking at you, Gaerea.
  14. I enjoy Deafheaven. fwiw, they haven't claimed to be a BM band since their first two albums and the last one was simply a post rock album. Agalloch have post metal elements in their music. They don't often get called post black but on a purely technical level, I'd throw them in. Also Wolves in the Throne Room.
  15. So Boris-Fade dropped late in December is quite an immersive drone experience and after one listen might be my favorite of the 3 albums they dropped in 2022. It's only available on Bandcamp. I bought it. downloaded into a Flac file and I'm just about done listening on my my stereo first speakers and finished with my LCD-3 headphones. I went bourbon, but some sensory narcotic help dropping in and zoning out might be a good call as this is wordless, exploratory drone trance music to explore the existential existence of your mind. We're talking about 50 minutes of Sunn0)))ish psych noise drone-heavy, meditative, and beautiful in its own way...more accessible than Sunn0)), swirling formless that the band describes as "not bound by concepts of rock music" into (my words now) a formless void of noise, feedback and general awesomeness.....
  16. I gave it a Spotify proper listen yesterday driving to the river for good upstream workout with some friends. I like it. These kind of drone albums interspersed with harsh and clean singing are definitely a sporadic-when the mood strikes-listen but I think it's good. I just ordered a copy. I'm pleasantly surprised you like it. You might enjoy the drone album Boris just dropped at the end of the year-Fade https://boris.bandcamp.com/album/fade Driving home, last night Elder/Innate Passage hit me hard. I bought Reflections of a Floating World (2017) but it never did much for me. It was the absence of their heavier stoner riffs of lore with increased focus on prog that turned me off and I skipped their 2020 release. I can't say if there's much different from Reflections because I haven't listened to it in a long while, none of those qualities bother me with Innate Passage-perhaps merely an acceptance of what they are doing, but the arrangements, the songwriting, but the interplay, the intermittent hard stoner riffs sans any real metal influence and synth orchestrated touches, and the improved smooth vocal harmonies hit me as beautiful, sophisticated, etc. I just grabbed this on BC.
  17. 2019 film. Even if your not a fan of 60's/70's folk rock but know their music, it's really well done. Camron Crow film. Crosby became a junkie, cleaned up and all the members weren't even speaking to each other when he died this week. Quite a story.
  18. David Crosby was one of the great folk rock voices and songwriters of our time. Watching David Crosby: Remember My Name -NPR Cameron Crow interview hipped me to this....4 star reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.
  19. Weird wasn't the right word...my Spotify account lists them as an experimental drone duo and I think of experimental drone like Sun0))) to be weird to people who aren't drone friendly. Labyrinthine caught my attention on one of the EOTY lists from one of the newer 9C writers who clearly likes droney experimental stuff....I also like the new Ken Mode album who I've loosely followed since the late aughts....Null moves closer to No Wave noise from the sludge/metallic hardcore that won me over originally when I was exploring Converge and metallic hardcore. https://ninecircles.co/2023/01/05/best-of-2022-d-morriss-list/ I agree, I'd be quite surprised if experimental drone were something GG would "kin to"....
  20. Social D-S/T and Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell. I have a couple of KJ albums also.
  21. I was surprised how much I enjoyed a once through as I generally think Lore was their high water mark.
  22. GG, I have that S/T Killing Joke and Social D album, first one I bought back in the 90's....good shit. And, then credit where credit is due-you convinced me to grab their earlier albums which are even better.
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