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Everything posted by markm

  1. Smile/A Light for Attracting Attention Elder/Reflections of a Floating World
  2. Russian Circles/ Gnosis -on MacabreEternal's EOTY list.....indeed someone put a little fire up their arses on this one. Strong effort, less meandering than most post metal, mas gritty and riffy.
  3. No preview needed for me....will probably be my first 2023 purchase released in 2023 https://yourlastrites.com/2023/01/24/profane-order-one-nightmare-unto-another-review/
  4. TRESPASSER/ἈΠΟΚΆΛΥΨΙΣ Curta'n Wall - Siege Ubsessed!-Checking this out from M-F pal Ferday on my Bandcamp feed-he likes these dungeon synth campy jokester bands like Old Nick-this may be more serious in intent, but a similar fun USBM synthy folk take on BM with some clean female vox and a decidedly fantasy dungeons and dragons Renaissance Fare metal vibe...actually pretty enjoyable. Ye shall submit to the Curta'n Wall
  5. Wow, that's pretty good. Yes, it makes us feel alive with the knowledge our time is short so make it count. Feel something while you are here. We will all be six feet under soon enough. This shouldn't be a hard question. Uh..... In the early 80's metal for me was a middle finger to the establishment, it was rebellion. Today, it's my wife saying "can you turn that down"-haha.....the more things change the more they stay the same. In the modern era, I see metal as this secret little corner of my life that allows me to embrace all kinds of extremity and feelings that aren't easily expressed in other settings-antisocial, pathological, primal feelings of hostility, rage, insanity, existential dread and the embrace of all manner of genre defying creative expression....metal taps into lizard brain. Piece of Mind is one of my favorite 80's metal albums. Metal is the secret of the hangman, the smile on his lips. Or as Nails recently wrote, you will never be one of us. That's metal. The middle finger.
  6. I'm rockin' about 450 tracks on my Sonos 2022 metal playlist with a couple of albums I picked up late 2021. Random current playlist : pretty good mix if I do say so myself- Gevurah 40 Watt Sun Mizmor and Thou Boris/Fade Voivod Dream Unending Skumstrike Sumac Pleabeian Grandsand Immolation Spiritworld KEN Mode Boris/W Chat Pile Gaerea GGGOLDDD Bill Callahan/REALITY-one of the better non metal folk alt rock albums of 2022
  7. These are always so hard for me. Today 1. Judas Priest 2. Boris 3. BAN 4. Cult of Luna 5. Taylor Swift
  8. No doubt, but there's a big difference in my mind between daytime highs in the mid teens-20's which we might get during the occasional cold snap and haven't seen this year at all Vs average highs in the 40's. A sunny day in the mid 40's with low wind really isn't bad. January was crazy with a great number of days in the 50's, several pushing 60...I pay hyper attention because, I'll get on the water when it gets close to 50 degrees air temperature or above. I'll get OTW mid 40's with low wind. And here we go again, next week here in early February it looks like we'll get close to or above 60 mid week. It sound great but I find it unsettling. We boaters on the Potomac actually want the snow fall in Western MD and West V because the river flows south from West to East. We typically get bigger water in the Spring if there's good snow melt which of course has not happened so far and looks doubtful Yep, that all makes sense. I've thought about downsizing when I (hopefully ) retire to the Carolinas. Ashville, Raleigh, etc. Looks like a nice area to live.
  9. One might not think the Mid Atlantic and North East are that different, but it's pretty mild here. Average winter temps in January and February range in the 30's to 40's, only occasionally below 15-20. But we've had a very warm winter with many days in the 50's. The tradeoff of course is muggy summers.
  10. IDN man, I had a summer stock acting gig in Hattiesburg Mississippi right out of college , summer of '90. Fucking miserable. I think I'd die without AC in that environment. Literally like living in soup. California weather on the coast is just about perfect. We lived in the South Bay of LA between 93 and 2000, near Marina Del Ray, Manhattan Beach. We asked realter asked why the homes didn't come with AC and she laughed-you're by the water not the valley! I read somewhere that Ventura just N or LA is more consistently 70 degrees than anywhere else in U.S. at least. But the change of seasons are nice I have to admit. I could do without the humidity of DC tho.
  11. Ya, that's a little rough for working class people born in the northeastern US not to mention Canada without the luxury of spending their winters Sydney LOL.
  12. I'll be interested in your thoughts, Dead having not played the game myself.
  13. With the breakdown (apparently) and political polarization I see here in the good ole USA, it's really a metaphor for making a life, trying to create community and a semblance a civilized life when the pillars of society, government even that you grew up with seem to be crumbling 🙃
  14. Skumstrike/Deadly Intrusions -long overdue on my part as its been taking up space all year in my Bandcamp wishlist and I listened to it multiple times....I've been overly hedging my bets. Grabbed a physical copy-surprisingly available on Amazon given it's underground, raw vibe but ya never knows...this rules.
  15. Holy shit, he's 9 already?! Happy Birthday to your boy.
  16. I'm not a gamer, had no experience with the storyline, but I think it's pretty affecting-a horror mirror to reality, but I'm probably reading to much into it haha
  17. Anyone watching The Last of Us? I'm finding it more unsettling that I was expecting from previews with obvious parallels to our current pandemic reality with a feeling that societal systems are falling apart.
  18. F.A. so sorry it's been such a struggle for your family this winter. Wishing you well!
  19. Acid King/Beyond vision-one pre released track...rather dull, sadly as I love me some AK. I'll have to wait til March to hear the rest.
  20. Now on to the new Obituary album. So far, this is reasonably fun.
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