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  1. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from RexKeltoi in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    Vinyl palooza this weekend. That's what happens when I go out of town and my wife leaves me alone in proximity to a record store. Went in just to grab my daughter a couple for her birthday and walked out with a stack.
    Bathory - Hammerheart
    Bad Religion - Suffer
    The Sound - Counting the Days
    Sepultura - Bestial Devastation 
    Sepultura - Morbid Visions 
  2. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    I'm liking this. I am their audience.
    I was being deliberately provocative as I know it is a well loved American classic, but I also meant what I said.
    Whereas I read this as a teenager and became totally immersed in it and read it a handful of times. It is dense and slow but immensely rewarding. That said I bought a new hardback three volume in one edition to replace my old Penguin paperbacks that were falling apart a few years ago and I couldn't get into it. I guess I had to be there - a smart but naive teenager aching for the world  - to appreciate it, and I am no longer that boy.
  3. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Same. I actually started reading Gormenghast because it was mentioned in one of Zelazny's Amber novels. I didn't get through the first book either. Kids these days, all gratification, no effort.
  4. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    @Nasty_Cabbage & @Thatguy - think Moby Dick is bad, try The Gormenghast Chronicles. If you think Moby Dick is obsessive prose, it can't hold a candle to this overly celebrated piece of crap.
    I digress...
    Rotting Christ - Non Serviam
    Rotting Christ - Pro Xristou
  5. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    A slog would be too generous. I never made it far enough in Gormenghast to get to the fantasy part. I made it maybe 50% through the first book which was all just description of day-to-day castle life iirc. I bailed. Better things to do with my life. If I want Fantasy, I'll go to read Robert Jordan, Terry Pratchett, Roger Zelany, Neil Gaiman, or at least someone who can write an engaging story.
    And I meant "bad" in the sense of bloated prose laden tedium. The story is great, the writing could be better (re: Moby Dick).
  6. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    W.A.S.P. - Live...In The Raw
  7. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What Are You Listening To?   
    Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans
  8. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    That's interesting...I'm not a huge funeral doom guy, but I always felt like Ahab, at least early Ahab, was one of the few that clicked with me without too much trouble. 
    Yeah...I'm really only familiar with Call of the Wretched Sea and The Divinity of Oceans, so I'm glad they pulled a couple from those albums...especially Old Thunder. I actually didnt expect to like that set as much as i did, but it's got me interested in going through their more recent stuff
  9. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    Was a pretty good set last weekend. Sound at Power Plant Live was slightly better than the Marketplace stage although still somewhat blown-out. Played 2 from this album which was good for me as it was the only one of theirs I ever had.
  10. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to AlSymerz in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2024 Edition   
    New Oxygen Destroyer. Album coming in August
  11. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2024 Edition   
    New Altar of Gore
    Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies


    Brutally Deceased

  12. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2024 Edition   
    Whoredom Rife - Den Vrede Makt
    Nächtlich — Exaltation Of Evil
    ROTTEN TOMB - The Relief of Death (top notch release here)
    EXHUMATION - Master’s Personae
    Kratti - Haudanvartija
  13. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Warmoon Lord - Burning Banners of the Funereal War (2019)
  14. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    Gyibaaw - Ancestral War Hymns
    Been a long time since I listened to this one, but it's a damn good album
  15. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from JonoBlade in What Are You Listening To?   
    MDF day 5 final report. Pretty decent day. This fest was fairly end loaded. Started slow and kept snowballing. Don't mind. Weather was great, company was better, and except for the cluster fuck at the main intersection, the new layout worked fine.
    Daeva - more black than last few times I've seen them (more black thrash then). Solid set.
    Spirit Possession - maybe the set of the fest. I'll need some time to process but if I had to vote now... No idea this was just 2 guys. Holy shit this ruled.
    Ripper - not bad. Greasy fun, but nothing special.
    Primordial - love these guys. Good set if a bit long form for a festival. I thought his other band (Dread Sovereign) was better, but possibly because I'd not heard it before and went in with no expectations. Still enjoyed Primordial a good bit.
    Abbath - decent. He seemed relatively sober. Still couldn't understand a fuckin thing he said. Played some Immortal but mostly newer stuff. I wanted Pure Holocaust. Oh well.
    Cryptopsy - pizza break but managed to catch their set while eating. All of Blasphemy. Would have rather Whisper Supremacy, but it was good save for the 2-3 times the PA dropped out.
    Grave Miasma - knuckle dragging cave man shit. Decent.
    Skipped Gorguts and Mayhem. Body conservation if I want to finish strong.
    Bloodbath - sound was blown out. Ditched for a good spot for Archgoat.
    Archgoat - absolutely crushing live. Killer set spanning Anglecunt to the new record. I mean what can you say. Looked forward to seeing them for years and they did not disappoint.
    And that's a wrap. Last fest until 25. Nice way to close out fest season. The weather was great, the food and riffs were tasty, and the beer was cold and plentiful. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  16. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    Agreed...Spirit Possession set really was fucking killer. I'd heard those dudes could go, but I wasn't ready for that at all...and I didn't know it was just two guys either. What's even crazier though...found out afterwards, the guitarist doesn't use a pick to play any of that shit!
    As for the rest...my thoughts on day 5:
    I actually dug that Ripper set. Being first act of the day on the last day of the fest is always tough, but they managed to get the crowed up and moving pretty good, which says something. Honestly wish they'd played the day before instead of Sacrifice...would have paired better with Forbidden and Deathhammer.
    Daeva set was nice...no complaints there at all. Recommended if you get the chance.
    Primordial was good as well...no complaints about their set other than it maybe wasn't quite as engaging as some. Mostly I was just glad to see there weren't any tech issues this time around. Last time they came through on MDF their guitar was cutting out on the one side and borking their set.
    Cryptopsy isn't usually my thing, but honestly that set was pretty nice...minus the already mentioned couple of times where the sound dropped out for everything except the drums.
    No real interest in Abbath, so it was time for food and a break.
    Gorguts is the exact opposite of what I like in death metal, but there was a perfect spot over by one of the outdoor bars to watch them without having to wade into the crowd, so I decided I'd sit through it. Some of the older songs were cool, and everything sounded on point, but having now seen them twice, I think I'm good.
    Mayhem meant break time again...they did sound good from up in the garage...but not good enough to go back down.
    Archgoat was a total monster. They've never disappointed, but they threw down this time. May have been one of the best sets that I've seen from them.
    Final band of the fest was Mortuary Drape, and as much as I like them, I didn't think they had a chance in hell of following up after Archgoat annihilated everyone...but damn was I wrong. Deathfest couldn't have picked a better closer for the last night because they honestly didn't give up an inch to Archgoat. Absolutely massive set from start to finish.
  17. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    MDF day 5 final report. Pretty decent day. This fest was fairly end loaded. Started slow and kept snowballing. Don't mind. Weather was great, company was better, and except for the cluster fuck at the main intersection, the new layout worked fine.
    Daeva - more black than last few times I've seen them (more black thrash then). Solid set.
    Spirit Possession - maybe the set of the fest. I'll need some time to process but if I had to vote now... No idea this was just 2 guys. Holy shit this ruled.
    Ripper - not bad. Greasy fun, but nothing special.
    Primordial - love these guys. Good set if a bit long form for a festival. I thought his other band (Dread Sovereign) was better, but possibly because I'd not heard it before and went in with no expectations. Still enjoyed Primordial a good bit.
    Abbath - decent. He seemed relatively sober. Still couldn't understand a fuckin thing he said. Played some Immortal but mostly newer stuff. I wanted Pure Holocaust. Oh well.
    Cryptopsy - pizza break but managed to catch their set while eating. All of Blasphemy. Would have rather Whisper Supremacy, but it was good save for the 2-3 times the PA dropped out.
    Grave Miasma - knuckle dragging cave man shit. Decent.
    Skipped Gorguts and Mayhem. Body conservation if I want to finish strong.
    Bloodbath - sound was blown out. Ditched for a good spot for Archgoat.
    Archgoat - absolutely crushing live. Killer set spanning Anglecunt to the new record. I mean what can you say. Looked forward to seeing them for years and they did not disappoint.
    And that's a wrap. Last fest until 25. Nice way to close out fest season. The weather was great, the food and riffs were tasty, and the beer was cold and plentiful. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  18. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah Agalloch works on CD but not so much live. Weekend Nachos was fun, but they're no Birdflesh. It was 18 for Bolzer last. Better set than last night but it was still pretty damn good. Ahab was cool towards the end but I only ever had their first 2, so wasn't familiar with a lot of the set.
    Today should be good. Lineup is getting better building towards tomorrow. Tentative list for today:
    Perdition Temple 
    Yellow Eyes
    Death Hammer 
    Soilent Green 
    Spectral Voice 
  19. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Nevermore - The Politics Of Ecstasy
  20. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    MDF day 5 final report. Pretty decent day. This fest was fairly end loaded. Started slow and kept snowballing. Don't mind. Weather was great, company was better, and except for the cluster fuck at the main intersection, the new layout worked fine.
    Daeva - more black than last few times I've seen them (more black thrash then). Solid set.
    Spirit Possession - maybe the set of the fest. I'll need some time to process but if I had to vote now... No idea this was just 2 guys. Holy shit this ruled.
    Ripper - not bad. Greasy fun, but nothing special.
    Primordial - love these guys. Good set if a bit long form for a festival. I thought his other band (Dread Sovereign) was better, but possibly because I'd not heard it before and went in with no expectations. Still enjoyed Primordial a good bit.
    Abbath - decent. He seemed relatively sober. Still couldn't understand a fuckin thing he said. Played some Immortal but mostly newer stuff. I wanted Pure Holocaust. Oh well.
    Cryptopsy - pizza break but managed to catch their set while eating. All of Blasphemy. Would have rather Whisper Supremacy, but it was good save for the 2-3 times the PA dropped out.
    Grave Miasma - knuckle dragging cave man shit. Decent.
    Skipped Gorguts and Mayhem. Body conservation if I want to finish strong.
    Bloodbath - sound was blown out. Ditched for a good spot for Archgoat.
    Archgoat - absolutely crushing live. Killer set spanning Anglecunt to the new record. I mean what can you say. Looked forward to seeing them for years and they did not disappoint.
    And that's a wrap. Last fest until 25. Nice way to close out fest season. The weather was great, the food and riffs were tasty, and the beer was cold and plentiful. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  21. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah man, fueled by Ibuprofen at this point. Text me if you get a chance on a break and I'll buy you a beer.
  22. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    MDF day 5 final report. Pretty decent day. This fest was fairly end loaded. Started slow and kept snowballing. Don't mind. Weather was great, company was better, and except for the cluster fuck at the main intersection, the new layout worked fine.
    Daeva - more black than last few times I've seen them (more black thrash then). Solid set.
    Spirit Possession - maybe the set of the fest. I'll need some time to process but if I had to vote now... No idea this was just 2 guys. Holy shit this ruled.
    Ripper - not bad. Greasy fun, but nothing special.
    Primordial - love these guys. Good set if a bit long form for a festival. I thought his other band (Dread Sovereign) was better, but possibly because I'd not heard it before and went in with no expectations. Still enjoyed Primordial a good bit.
    Abbath - decent. He seemed relatively sober. Still couldn't understand a fuckin thing he said. Played some Immortal but mostly newer stuff. I wanted Pure Holocaust. Oh well.
    Cryptopsy - pizza break but managed to catch their set while eating. All of Blasphemy. Would have rather Whisper Supremacy, but it was good save for the 2-3 times the PA dropped out.
    Grave Miasma - knuckle dragging cave man shit. Decent.
    Skipped Gorguts and Mayhem. Body conservation if I want to finish strong.
    Bloodbath - sound was blown out. Ditched for a good spot for Archgoat.
    Archgoat - absolutely crushing live. Killer set spanning Anglecunt to the new record. I mean what can you say. Looked forward to seeing them for years and they did not disappoint.
    And that's a wrap. Last fest until 25. Nice way to close out fest season. The weather was great, the food and riffs were tasty, and the beer was cold and plentiful. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  23. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    MDF day 5 final report. Pretty decent day. This fest was fairly end loaded. Started slow and kept snowballing. Don't mind. Weather was great, company was better, and except for the cluster fuck at the main intersection, the new layout worked fine.
    Daeva - more black than last few times I've seen them (more black thrash then). Solid set.
    Spirit Possession - maybe the set of the fest. I'll need some time to process but if I had to vote now... No idea this was just 2 guys. Holy shit this ruled.
    Ripper - not bad. Greasy fun, but nothing special.
    Primordial - love these guys. Good set if a bit long form for a festival. I thought his other band (Dread Sovereign) was better, but possibly because I'd not heard it before and went in with no expectations. Still enjoyed Primordial a good bit.
    Abbath - decent. He seemed relatively sober. Still couldn't understand a fuckin thing he said. Played some Immortal but mostly newer stuff. I wanted Pure Holocaust. Oh well.
    Cryptopsy - pizza break but managed to catch their set while eating. All of Blasphemy. Would have rather Whisper Supremacy, but it was good save for the 2-3 times the PA dropped out.
    Grave Miasma - knuckle dragging cave man shit. Decent.
    Skipped Gorguts and Mayhem. Body conservation if I want to finish strong.
    Bloodbath - sound was blown out. Ditched for a good spot for Archgoat.
    Archgoat - absolutely crushing live. Killer set spanning Anglecunt to the new record. I mean what can you say. Looked forward to seeing them for years and they did not disappoint.
    And that's a wrap. Last fest until 25. Nice way to close out fest season. The weather was great, the food and riffs were tasty, and the beer was cold and plentiful. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  24. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to AlSymerz in What Are You Listening To?   
    High On Fire - Snakes For The Devine
  25. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah man, fueled by Ibuprofen at this point. Text me if you get a chance on a break and I'll buy you a beer.
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