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  1. Today
  2. Evile - "Five Serpent's Teeth"
  3. D'ANGELO AND THE VANGUARD - Live At North Sea Jazz Festival
  4. Yesterday
  5. Frank Zappa - Sleep Dirt Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
  6. I forgot KK was released this week. I guess I should look into getting it. Not sure why but I could never get into Nocturnus AD I still own The Key and Thresholds from before they came back with the AD but the later stuff just never hooked me. NP: Manowar - The Triumph Of Steel
  7. New Altar of Gore Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies https://altarofgore.bandcamp.com/album/litanies-of-the-unceasing-agonies?from=feedfan-mikevivisect Goatpenis End https://brazilianritualrecords.bandcamp.com/album/end Brutally Deceased Chasms https://brutallydeceased.bandcamp.com/album/chasms
  8. My feedback after partial listening : Kerry King - From Hell I Rise (2024) The sound of the album is good, less dry than on Repentless and World Painted Blood. More powerful too. As for the songwriting, you get the impression of hearing tracks not chosen for Repentless. This isn't a criticism, as I believe KK recently made it clear that these tracks were intended for a new Slayer, and that he would compose the next album from new ideas. As for the ones on this album, they're in the same vein as Repentless and WPB. Not really indispensable, even if I note a few nice riffs from time to time. Marc Osegueda mimics Tom Araya's screamed vocals with great conviction, even if I eventually couldn't stand Tom's monotone vocals. I would have preferred Marc to have drawn more inspiration from his 1990-era vocals, especially as he has the vocal capacity to do so. Paul Bostaph sounds less diminished than on Repentless. I've always thought he was fabulous in Forbidden, but a bit out of place in Slayer. Right, then. To sum up, I'll be listening to From Hell I Rise again, but I doubt I'll be doing any allday listening. Nocturnus A.D - Unicursal (2024) Here, we follow in the footsteps of the Paradox album. I haven't listened to Unicursal in its entirety, so I can't give a real verdict on its completeness. The snare drum sound is a little weak when it goes into blast beats, and at times I find the keyboards a little too dominant in the mix. But then again, I felt that on a few passages. Between these two albums, I'm more likely to listen to Nocturnus A.D. than Slayer (oops sorry, Kerry King).
  9. In discovery mode : Kerry King - From Hell I Rise (2024) Nocturnus A.D - Unicursal (2024)
  10. Evile - "Enter the Grave" Evile - "Hell Unleashed" Evile - "Skull" Evile - "Infected Nations" Getting my fix!
  11. Satan's Taint - Guardians Of Valhalla EP (Bobby got growly) BAT - Under The Crooked Claw
  12. Olbak - Arlekvinens Forfall, solo act from Catalonia Spain now living in Norway, 2023 Pyra - Those Who Dwell in the Fire, black/death Italy
  13. Last week
  14. I don't know if you've noticed a small rise of this project called Dark Aries Project, which seems to be a solo project but with 3 shadow elements behind it, telling them what to do and how to do it. The videos are quite disturbing, horror, and violently critical of today's society, managing to mix anxiety, horror, and post-metal into a unique style. It almost seems like a cult trying to leave coded messages of some kind. The intro of the latest video is disturbing... is it a coincidence that after it there was an assault on the Slovak president? Who or what is Dark Aries Project? Let.me kow. His music is not so bad
  15. JAMES BROWN - Live At North Sea Jazz Festival
  16. Scream bloody gore (1987) - Death Severed survival (1989) - autopsy Clandlstein (1991) - entombed Wolverine blues (1993) - entombed Mass appeal madness (1991) - Napalm death Nazi punks fuck off (1993) - Napalm death
  17. TRENCHKOAT - War Eater WAR GHOUL - Kingdom Of Silence
  18. The myriad of EP's, comps and re releases can be confusing to to say the least. Be careful not to get Various Failures and White Light From the Mouth of Infinity or Love of Life as Various Failures is a comp and pulls from both of those albums plus some others and you'd end up with many of the same songs. I actually have all of those and like having both sets, but there's so much overlap it's probably not worth it.
  19. Ersatz indeed, although there are plenty of bands who can Cannibal Corpse with Cannibal Corpse and not lose a step. This band is one for whom it seems the entire internet has an unapologetic hate-boner, myself included. The years of redoing classic rock songs certainly didn't help things, not to mention the fact that Barnes has shown zero growth as a musician beyond junior high school over all these years. I can't say I blame people for directing their derision toward him. There are bands I personally don't care for, and plenty of examples of personalities in extreme metal that simply rub me the wrong way making it difficult for me to enjoy their music, but I can almost always pull something mildly redeeming from a casual listen. This stuff. I got nothing. It's just bad, and unlikely to ever get better. NP: Speedkiller - Inferno Speedkiller - Inferno | Helldprod Records (bandcamp.com) Exactly what you'd expect and want. The slant is ever so slightly away from thrash and into death metal, which works in their favor. Plus it helps keep the pizza-thrash label away from them (Sorry. That genre label still makes my inner cantankerous old man groan in pain.). This is comparable in style and quality to Magnus. Very enjoyable.
  20. Megadeth - The World Needs A Hero (album)
  21. All of these are on BC so no problem with sourcing Swans. I don't normally go for live albums but I imagine it will work well in the context I am going to listen to it: zoning in and out while working.
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