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Sorry I haven't been around.

Started a blog, which has been taking up most of my (limited) talking about metal time. Here/here, in case anyone's interested.

I really should start posting on here again, though. In fact I will. First stop - the death metal section!

Thanks for the shout-out. 


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This made me very sad. I guess since I graduated in 2016 I've devoted much of my time scrambling to find work and working a lot as well. I had more time as a student I suppose. Im also on facebook quite often as well as IG. I just looked up some of my old posts, god who was I? Haha

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Hey @Thrashman @mindy6158, nice to see you both around.  The list was a sad one to write and I think the remaining regulars all hark for a time when we had some of the more familiar faces around.  Whilst this post was not intended to be a lure to get people posting again it is great to see you - however fleeting this may be - and stay safe out there!

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Whoa, Mindy and Thrashman! Nice to see you both, and nice post @MacabreEternal. I definitely get nostalgic about the community as it stood a few years ago. I also understand not having the time, I've had precious little of it myself lately and have actually gotten off of FB to try and get my head back on straight.

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Man, it feels like I haven't logged in in forever. I had a pretty serious bout with depression, and for the longest time I didn't even find it fun to listen to music anymore. I'm on an upswing now, though. I'm in a new death metal band and we've got a backyard gig coming up, I'll be 20 soon, and things are looking okay, which is more than I could ask for. Going to post some stuff that helped get me back on the extreme metal track.

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On 4/4/2019 at 3:24 PM, Thrashman said:


Sorry I haven't been around.

Started a blog, which has been taking up most of my (limited) talking about metal time. Here/here, in case anyone's interested.

I really should start posting on here again, though. In fact I will. First stop - the death metal section!

Thanks for the shout-out. 


I’m hardly doing any blogging now... have been doing about ten million posts on here instead :D

P.S. Yeah, come back @BlutAusNerd, definitely missing your presence ?

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