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Bundy was an illegitimate child and found that out when he was 14. He was forced to act like his grandparents were his parents and that his mother was his sister. There's also reports that his grandfather was abusive to everyone in the household. Ted exhibited violent tendencies from a really early age, so there's probably more merit to the idea that there's certain underdeveloped parts of the brain that account for serial killers. He had a thing going on like Gacy did where he could play, I don't know, "normal" while hiding the more monstrous side of himself. He was involved in the local Republican party and was involved in his community in a similar way. When he was in college, he dated a girl who he was mad about who broke up with him, and it was recognized later that a lot of his victims had a vague resemblance to her.

Changing the subject, but there was an article that came up on All That's Interesting about a serial killer named Joe Metheny who started disposing of his victims' bodies by chopping them up and mixing them with pork, then made that into burgers and sold them to customers at his barbecue stand. Pretty fucked up. Here's the article:


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I've been watching a couple of documentaries about the Delphi murders of the two teenagers. Can't believe there have been no leads after the footage one of the girls cleverly filmed. Audio too. Seems there is no DNA either? Such a sad horrendous case. My heart goes out to their families. 

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On 7/9/2021 at 12:14 AM, Natassja said:

I didn't know that about Debbie Harry, I'll have to check it out, thanks for info. I'm not sure if i've seen that Bundy film, i'll have a look..yep he was a monster. His arrogance in court was unbelievable. He studied law and also had a Bachelors degree, he defended himself at his trial, but you probs know this. He even proposed to his girlfriend at his trial. fucking nuts.

that bundy debbie harry thing happened nat because Wikipedia said so. its watertight, Wikipedia is never wrong😂 iwish this was true. tbh i read biography for all sorts of famous people mostly on Wikipedia as its so easy to do, not just serial killers,its often interesting reading

re why they do it i suppose its complex reasons why they do these terrible things, no way id say its ok what they do but definitely brain damage must factor in like you said on previous message and different parts that get affected, very interesting what you said about fred west and brain damage from that fall.apparently he had another one prior to that where he came off motor bike and fractured his skull. he would get in to these rages after this point which he didn't before apparently. 

cant believe bundy proposes to girlfriend during trial. what was he thinking. after hed done all that. he must have been so deluded that he thought he would get away with it

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On 7/14/2021 at 11:18 PM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

that bundy debbie harry thing happened nat because Wikipedia said so. its watertight, Wikipedia is never wrong😂 iwish this was true. tbh i read biography for all sorts of famous people mostly on Wikipedia as its so easy to do, not just serial killers,its often interesting reading

re why they do it i suppose its complex reasons why they do these terrible things, no way id say its ok what they do but definitely brain damage must factor in like you said on previous message and different parts that get affected, very interesting what you said about fred west and brain damage from that fall.apparently he had another one prior to that where he came off motor bike and fractured his skull. he would get in to these rages after this point which he didn't before apparently. 

cant believe bundy proposes to girlfriend during trial. what was he thinking. after hed done all that. he must have been so deluded that he thought he would get away with it

His trial was just the Ted Bundy Show ..me..me..me... 

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On 7/18/2021 at 1:17 PM, Natassja said:

His trial was just the Ted Bundy Show ..me..me..me... 

natassja have you seen the jeffrey dahmer interview, no thought for his victims.at least he says hes the only one to blame.what a warped mind he had.     ted bundy trial is quite something, i will need to watch more of that. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/18/2021 at 1:17 PM, Natassja said:

His trial was just the Ted Bundy Show ..me..me..me... 

natassja a serial killer who gave me the creeps back in the day was dr death Harold shipmen. convicted of 15 murders. They reckon he murdered in excess of 250 of his patients. Apparently so many of his patients would be in good health then suddenly theyd die. Most  of them from what i read were cremated so no chance for I'm guess coronars inquiry. He still gives me the creeps even if hes not around anymore. Forging the will when he got caught. The audacity that some of these people have nat. 😫

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/12/2021 at 11:33 PM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

natassja a serial killer who gave me the creeps back in the day was dr death Harold shipmen. convicted of 15 murders. They reckon he murdered in excess of 250 of his patients. Apparently so many of his patients would be in good health then suddenly theyd die. Most  of them from what i read were cremated so no chance for I'm guess coronars inquiry. He still gives me the creeps even if hes not around anymore. Forging the will when he got caught. The audacity that some of these people have nat. 😫

Yeh Shipman was horrendous.. I think one of the reasons he got caught was he re-typed some wills and one of the keys of the typewriter was off as in it typed the key higher up than the rest of the letters..unless I'm thinking of a different case I'll have a read about it. 

There has been a four parter on for last few weeks about Rachel Nickell murder. Terrible case. They used a cop as a honey trap to try and convict Colin Stagg. He did a year but it wasn't him. Last one was Friday night gone but I missed it. They eventually got the guy. That's one of the worst cases I've ever heard about. Poor girl. Worse that her kid was there and witnessed it all too. Bless him.

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On 9/6/2021 at 2:18 PM, Natassja said:

Yeh Shipman was horrendous.. I think one of the reasons he got caught was he re-typed some wills and one of the keys of the typewriter was off as in it typed the key higher up than the rest of the letters..unless I'm thinking of a different case I'll have a read about it. 

There has been a four parter on for last few weeks about Rachel Nickell murder. Terrible case. They used a cop as a honey trap to try and convict Colin Stagg. He did a year but it wasn't him. Last one was Friday night gone but I missed it. They eventually got the guy. That's one of the worst cases I've ever heard about. Poor girl. Worse that her kid was there and witnessed it all too. Bless him.

yeah at least its not just me natassja who gets creeped out by what harold shipman did. you could well be right about what you said about the typewriter. Tbh almost as shocking is the fact that his colleagues did not notice the unexplained deaths related to shipman. numbers went up awful lot. not read case for while but im sure unexplained deaths were up 400% around time he was practicing medicine. surely they should have flagged this up.  


tbh id need to google Rachael nickel murder. does not ring any bells, it sounds awful that her kid witnessed it. 



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Conspiracies are rife everywhere, flat earth, space, etc, etc, there are people all over the world believing all sorts of weird shit. Aussies aren't immune from conspiracies, (we have nut jobs too!) but until last night I didn't realise our nut jobs had a local crime conspiracy to hang their hat on. I saw a thing on TV last night that claimed 19% of Australian's believe that the Port Arthur massacre was set up by the government to allow them to buy back peoples guns. Mass death and an expensive buy back scheme just to melt down weapons, sounds like a winning government policy all round!

Our gun laws are spoken about all over the world, some of what they say is even true, and it's no secret that some of the harshest of our gun laws came in as a result of Port Arthur. Some of the protests from land owners and gun owners at the time the laws were coming possibly rivals anything the NRA could put together. In one town with a population of about 12,000 the Prime Minister (Mr. Eyebrows) meet with a reported 30,000 people. Such rallies happened in many towns and cities and the government held strong to create some very unpopular rules.

But to think our government, or any one in our government, had the ability to pull off a massacre and keep it a secret from all but a small group of people (nut jobs) is unbelievable. Our governments cant keep secrets between two people in a locked room let alone something that would require multiple levels of people working to make it happen!


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On 9/6/2021 at 2:18 PM, Natassja said:

Yeh Shipman was horrendous.. I think one of the reasons he got caught was he re-typed some wills and one of the keys of the typewriter was off as in it typed the key higher up than the rest of the letters..unless I'm thinking of a different case I'll have a read about it. 

There has been a four parter on for last few weeks about Rachel Nickell murder. Terrible case. They used a cop as a honey trap to try and convict Colin Stagg. He did a year but it wasn't him. Last one was Friday night gone but I missed it. They eventually got the guy. That's one of the worst cases I've ever heard about. Poor girl. Worse that her kid was there and witnessed it all too. Bless him.

i do remember that Wimbledon community common murder at time. yeah its bad.  yeah her son had terrible nightmares as after for ages ive read. apparently theyve eased and he sees light at end of the tunnel which is very good.

not good they tried to convict an innocent man of the murder. same thing happened im sure with jill dando murder as i remember. they tried convicting barry George of the murder but as i recal he was later aquitted. 




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13 hours ago, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

i do remember that Wimbledon community common murder at time. yeah its bad.  yeah her son had terrible nightmares as after for ages ive read. apparently theyve eased and he sees light at end of the tunnel which is very good.

not good they tried to convict an innocent man of the murder. same thing happened im sure with jill dando murder as i remember. they tried convicting barry George of the murder but as i recal he was later aquitted. 




Yeh it was terrible, there was a programme on the other night with her son who is now in his thirties, after his mother's murder he moved abroad with his father. The programme was about him coming back to UK and meeting some of the people who worked on the case. Was quite interesting. 

The Jill Dando case was awful. Yeh, I don't think they got anybody for her murder..?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/12/2021 at 1:22 PM, Natassja said:

Yeh it was terrible, there was a programme on the other night with her son who is now in his thirties, after his mother's murder he moved abroad with his father. The programme was about him coming back to UK and meeting some of the people who worked on the case. Was quite interesting. 

The Jill Dando case was awful. Yeh, I don't think they got anybody for her murder..?

natassja the program sounds interesting ive read hes gone abroad but didn't know about what you mentioned. 

its very very bad for her son. Apparently hes doing better now. i read interview where he said he had too many nightmares re the event but he said theres light at the end of the tunnel. Hes more at peace. Its inspiring to read such words but id rather his mum was still alive. 

re jill dando murder. you may be right. dont recall who was convicted of that murder. very strange murder. whyd anyone want to kill jill. 

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15 hours ago, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

natassja the program sounds interesting ive read hes gone abroad but didn't know about what you mentioned. 

its very very bad for her son. Apparently hes doing better now. i read interview where he said he had too many nightmares re the event but he said theres light at the end of the tunnel. Hes more at peace. Its inspiring to read such words but id rather his mum was still alive. 

re jill dando murder. you may be right. dont recall who was convicted of that murder. very strange murder. whyd anyone want to kill jill. 

Aye it was terrible what happened to Jill, on her own doorstep also if I recall correctly. 

In other news i've just bought a book for my Uncle for christmas, it's a prison wardens account of his time in Parkhurst, got 5 stars on Amazon 😛  Should be interesting, tempted to read it first taking care not to crease the binding ha!


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yeah on her door step too. No one found guilty of it either like you say, she could have been killed as retaliation for the uks  bombing of the sebian equivalent of the bbc and she may have been killed by serbian hardliners as jill did an appeal for kosovan refugees which annoyed them alot. Interesting theory imo proposed by English equivalent of fbi. Apparently very similar bullet and/or gun was used in some German assasinations around the same time.  


yeah sounds like interesting book. trick is not to get caught😂 

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On 9/22/2021 at 10:52 PM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

yeah on her door step too. No one found guilty of it either like you say, she could have been killed as retaliation for the uks  bombing of the sebian equivalent of the bbc and she may have been killed by serbian hardliners as jill did an appeal for kosovan refugees which annoyed them alot. Interesting theory imo proposed by English equivalent of fbi. Apparently very similar bullet and/or gun was used in some German assasinations around the same time.  


yeah sounds like interesting book. trick is not to get caught😂 

I remember hearing something along those lines in reference to Jill's murder. Real shame. That's nuts about the gun / bullet being similar in German assassinations..damn..

Haha aye! I'll try and keep it in decent nick lol !

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On 9/24/2021 at 2:28 AM, Natassja said:

I remember hearing something along those lines in reference to Jill's murder. Real shame. That's nuts about the gun / bullet being similar in German assassinations..damn..

Haha aye! I'll try and keep it in decent nick lol !

yeah its possible re bullet theory that same bullet used in jills murder and other murders means same killers, imo like alot of these things element of truth is not the same as what actually happened which is unsolved. 


i was reading about john wayne gacey murders. apparently hed show some of the victims how to get out of handcuffs. he had concealed key so he could get out. then the victim would try to do the same, which sadly did not end well for them. some people. 

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On 9/27/2021 at 11:48 PM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

yeah its possible re bullet theory that same bullet used in jills murder and other murders means same killers, imo like alot of these things element of truth is not the same as what actually happened which is unsolved. 


i was reading about john wayne gacey murders. apparently hed show some of the victims how to get out of handcuffs. he had concealed key so he could get out. then the victim would try to do the same, which sadly did not end well for them. some people. 

Gacy, evil bastard.

There was a good thing on telly tother night with that David Wilson and Emilia Fox, they are going over cold cases and was interesting think it was on C4 but not sure I'll go check it out and let you know. Worth a scan if you missed it think they're re-runs like but I missed it first time round. 

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16 hours ago, Natassja said:

@blaaacdoommmmfan it is called 'In the Footsteps of Killers' on one of the channel 4 channels. Sure I watched it on More 4.

natassja will look that up. probably can watch on catchup. thanks


obviously id have to mention the sarah everard murder. thats so bad. a met policeman abducting member of public essentially then doing what he did.😫 Was another met police shocker, im guessing the worst. plus makes it bad they missed all sorts of previous stuff. his nickname apparently in the police was the rapist.  

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/4/2021 at 9:14 PM, Balor said:

If Ramirez did not end up doing what he did with the life he had, I would be surprised.

Balor hello again. You might be right. I don't think it's just the  environment they grew up that makes them bad however it doesn't help. Do you think it's a case of if there's really amazing good people there's got to be there polar opposite and Ramirez is that. 


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On 11/25/2021 at 2:59 PM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

Balor hello again. You might be right. I don't think it's just the  environment they grew up that makes them bad however it doesn't help. Do you think it's a case of if there's really amazing good people there's got to be there polar opposite and Ramirez is that. 


I think genetics might play some sort of role, but most is probably environment.  In other circumstances, he might have gone on to work in a competitive field (where being a sociopath might be a benefit!), or to become just another closeted though harmless freak.  But I am no psychologist!

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      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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