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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. Ulver - Messe I . X - VI . X I need some headphones for this. Haven't heard much that they've done since Perdition City. I hear Steve Reich in here.
  2. Weird trip down memory lane today, I just dug up some demo recordings from 12 years ago. Not quite lost to the ether. It was very strange hearing something I'd done and not remembering it. Featuring the first versions of some riffs that made it onto an album in 2011... where did the time go?
  3. I thought they named themselves after a guy named Ezra who couldn't get a tan.
  4. Uncultured swine is really the best kind, no added hormones.
  5. At least they don't grow back into your flesh... When I had a labret (those chin piercings), one of my beard hairs started growing on the inside of the piercing, backwards into my mouth. Now that's an experience I'll neither forget nor repeat...
  6. I'm surprised that you don't get good Mexican food in NM. I love Mexican food. We have some awesome places here. You should make my chili recipe! Guaranteed awesome.
  7. Re: Whatcha Eatin'? Somehow I thought you'd be eating better, now that you're home for the holidays...
  8. Do you let your beard write any lyrics? They like to be included... don't do anything to hurt your beard's feelings or you might regret it.
  9. I like that song. I also like Depeche Mode, but don't tell anyone.
  10. Re: Whatcha Eatin'? Thank you! I hope my kid's not sick, he's not eating either. Oh well. I'll lose a few pounds. They'll come right back after Christmas...
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To? It's always that way, shit! Someone should just decide. Screw consensus. Four Fucks From Utah, too many words, doesn't have a ring to it...
  12. Unsane - Blood Run This is fun. I've always found this album too simplistic, but my kid loves it. He keeps climbing up on the chair in front of the speakers and shaking his fists.
  13. Actually I can't eat my stew today either... I'm thinking my wife's food poisoning was actually a stomach bug. Woke up really nauseous and shaking last night, and barely kept from throwing up. Mlech. Bbth ugh fuck. I don't know if I can keep anything down today, though coffee is essential.
  14. Re: Whatcha Eatin'? Je pense que La Ghoule ne comprends pas. C'est bon; elle ne peut pas manger mon potage.
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To? Awesome! Disciples isn't a bad band name, either...
  16. Melvins - Tres Cabrones Woke up with Melvins in my head this morning. An omen?
  17. It's a few degrees below freezing here, and for some reason the heat in our building stopped coming on. It just snowed again, too. The last snow that we had melted over the weekend, and the stuff on the roof leaked through our upstairs neighbor's bathroom window, flooded their bathroom, and leaked through our ceiling to flood ours as well. I'm not much of a summer person, but I'll trade with you Southrons. Ugh.
  18. I've been saving a half bottle of good rye for the occasion. Finally found a place that sold Sixpoint's "Global Warming" winter ale at a non-rapacious price. A really good beer! Malty without being sweet, with Sixpoint's signature fresh hop profile - bitter, but not resinous, maybe a little bit of funk. I don't think they ship much outside of N.Y. state. Two issues with Sixpoint - they over-hop everything and their beers have a very limited shelf life. The store near my house routinely stocks beer that expired months ago. But since this stuff is seasonal, it's brewed fresh... and I like hops. So there's no problem. I also had some Blast IPA from Brooklyn recently. Unfortunately this was a bit of a disappointment. The hop profile was great, but it had an almost sugary sweetness without enough body for my taste. I love a lot of their beers, but don't think I'll be getting that one again.
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