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Everything posted by SurgicalBrute

  1. Medieval Demon - Black Coven Hellenic black metal, due out in September https://medievaldemon.bandcamp.com/album/black-coven Nice...been in the mood recently for this kind of thing and this is hitting the spot
  2. Well yeah, but that decade was 30 years ago. You've had entire generations of metal fans who were born and grown up since then who don't necessarily have that connection with it. With metal being such a fractured collection of sub-genre nations these days, you could easily have people who just go right around thrash without a second thought Nah...think crankier and more obstinate
  3. Well, yeah but so is speed metal, traditional heavy metal, and what would essentially be considered doom metal...how many people here would you image don't really like those styles...because I know I can name at least one 😜😆
  4. You'll be okay...it's not so much that people here don't like thrash. It's more that there's some of us who generally like other styles more. For example, I tend to prefer a bit of death or black metal mixed into my thrash
  5. I try to avoid these kinds of threads myself, because it's usually for the best. Only reason I popped in was because I found that one statement to be so over the top I couldn't help myself...but I should have known better
  6. Who the hell let them back on!?...I thought I'd run them all off by now!
  7. A generalization that could easily be applied to almost any group when you look at their worst actors. "Metal fans aren't right in the head, look at that music they enjoy and how it's always going on about murder, rape, horror, etc. Those people clearly aren't right in the head." Every day you literally have to tolerate people making decisions that affect you based on a multitude of reasons...many of them you most likely wouldn't agree with even if the decision itself is something that's favorable to you. Did it really matter if people wanted Roe vs Wade gone because of religious reasons vs because of their own moral standards? The end result was still exactly the same.* People make decisions based on a whole host of factors including, but not solely based on, religion. It sounds like what you're objecting to isn't religion or religious people though. It sounds like you're objecting to outcomes that you don't personally like, and falsely assuming that if there weren't religious people those outcome would have gone in your preferred way *For the record, before anyone tries to come at me. Whatever feelings I may hold personally, I think it was an incredibly bad idea to strip federal abortion protection away.
  8. Honestly, I remember grabbing the demo for these guys a few years back, but something about the way they started getting hyped combined with an almost yearly release cycle of material, kind of killed my interest in them
  9. New Innumerable Forms Philosophical Collapse due out in September https://innumerableforms.bandcamp.com/album/philosophical-collapse
  10. On that I totally agree. While it varies from release to release, I'm not bothered by the production from stuff I'd find on labels like Hell's Headbangers, Dark Descent, etc. When I hear "modern production" my mind goes to what I mentioned before...the kind of production they'd use on melodeath, techdeath, or "modern" death metal bands (The kind of stuff that Bierne is usually into with those damn clicky drums). I don't consider a lot of the current wave of cavernous, osdm bands to really have a "modern" production
  11. Sentenced - Shadows of the Past
  12. Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes Funebre - Children of the Scorn
  13. Honestly don't find the production on any of those albums to be particularly thin. Demigod especially, seemed to have a pretty meaty sound on Slumber. For me, when I hear the words "thin production", my first thought goes towards an immediate comparison against typical black metal production...if it's thicker than that, by my standards it's not thin
  14. and don't you fucking forget it
  15. Just remember...once you start pissing on the floor we send your ass to that farm we sent the dog to when he got old
  16. Like I said previously, it's not how I would have personally handled an introduction on a new forum, but I also didn't read it in the aggressively negative light like you all did, either. I basically just took it at face value...dudes trying to avoid forums where wrong think is seen as a problem. I've seen too many of them myself to at least not understand mindset. Even then, why would I care if someone came in and said "Boy, I sure hope this place isn't full of overly sensitive dickheads, I don't get along with them"? I'm not an overly sensitive dickhead (if I do say so myself 😁) so it sure as hell isn't directed at me. Now if someone wants to start out like that, and it puts them on the mods radar, that's on them. Either they'll find a way to settle in, and it becomes a moot point, or they'll say something to get booted, and problem solved Again...I didn't interpret the original post as some major offense. As far as I could tell, hackles didn't seem to go up until after Zack said he thought this was Nokturnal Boredom, at which point yeah...it definitely got weird
  17. C'mon old timer. Where have you been...they coined that term like a whole year or so ago 😜 I don't usually run into it myself, but part of the reason I gravitate towards the type of music I do is specifically because I dislike that type of production so much
  18. I'd argue you're missing a certain perspective here, and that's, with some exceptions, rarely do forums start out as echo chambers. Again, going back to MA for an example, most people there were already long time members many of whom remember when the board wasn't a near police state. What happens, and this is the point I was making earlier, is that as certain perspectives change, as certain people who are more aligned with those perspectives get into roles of moderation, the "out" group, so to speak, either leaves or gets driven off until only the pure remain. Then it just becomes a crabs in a bucket situation where they slowly start to pick off the members who remain....again, this is why that place is a shell of itself. No one is signing up who isn't either already aligned with the thinking or there to stir shit up. As for this board, I'm not going to defend how things progressed, but the original comment wasn't "I'm here for a fight" it was more "I hope this place isn't full of ideologues and people can just agree to walk away and let it be". Not really the most controversial statement...especially given the climate of a lot of other message boards
  19. Fuck dude...I'd give you a second horns up for just this if I could. She's a grade "A" nutter
  20. Ten years ago, I'd have agreed...these days, not so much
  21. If you ever have a day to kill, get yourself a bottle of something strong, and search up RPG.net. Supposedly one of the largest table top rpg forums on the net, I've seen bans on there for some of the most absolutely milquetoast reasons you can imagine. It's probably the one place on the internet that truly and legitimately pisses me off
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