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Everything posted by SurgicalBrute

  1. Furis Ignis - Decapitate the Aging World One man black metal band from Germany getting released through Iron Bonehead Track 5 is a bit of a ripper IMO
  2. Morbid Winds - The Black Corridors of the Abyssal Depths of Existence Opened Their Gates Sloppy, punk-inspired, raw black metal...released as one giant 30 minute track, which is kind of weird. Solid music, though
  3. Lo-ish-fi, synthy, mostly mid-paced black metal from Germany. Missed this from last year, probably because it was only released on one of those kvlt "$666.00 - Bandcamp is only for promotional purposes - derp" dweeb labels.
  4. Yeah, that's the dude...more specifically, when he was with Seigneur Voland and Kristallnacht, which I can hear now that I'm looking for it. Honestly, I don't typically go out of my way to dig around for sketchy bands, but I do seem to stumble into them more than I'd like...and yeah, a lot of them are garbage, or at the very least, way overrated. Right now I don't see too many coming out of France, or at least not many that seem to be getting much attention from anyone. Seems like these days, the Quebec scene has most of the french speaking dirtbags
  5. Honestly, for some reason I've never dug too hard into Vlad Tepes, but I defintely love me some Mütiilation...especially Vampires of Black Imperial Blood. Yeah, the bands I saw being cited were a fair bit sketchier, and I wasn't sure what the policy here was on naming that kind of thing, so I figured I'd avoid specifics. Lets just say it was a band started by a guy who was in prison for grave desecration
  6. Didn't look...has anyone put up the new Altar of Gore demo? Cavernous new jersey blackened death by 2/3 of Death Fortress
  7. Not always the case, but for the most part I like my black metal lo-fi and fuzzy with a bit of melody underneath, so a lot of the so-called "raw black metal" bands are really enjoyable to me. That being said, as long as the production isn't super-crisp sounding, cleaner doesn't necessarily detract from a band for me. ...and not to drag up an old conversation again, but in regards to RABM, my issue with it isn't the lyrics. Hell, even in English I can't understand 99% of what extreme metal bands are singing anyway. My only real problem with it is that the vast majority just isn't really very good black metal. It's a scene that seems overly populated by members, or at least former members, of various punk scenes and the result just sounds like some kind of hardcore or crust punk with some black metal trimmings attached to it. I know it's not all like that, I've heard a couple of bands that I have genuinely liked, but I'd say the majority I've heard would fall into that category
  8. Just found this out recently, but apparently that "Finnish" riffing style was actually an import from a couple of French black metal bands. It just seems to have gotten associated with Finland because of how prevalent it is for the black metal bands over there to use it.
  9. Schrat was last year, but I'll allow it because I think it came out literally on like the last week of 2021...Alchemist must be a reissue though, because that ones old
  10. Is that what happened with the bearded wookie from Utah? That sucks to hear, I miss that dude, though I understand it to a degree too. I just decided that if Beirne wants to spam the thread with a 100 texts about getting another goddamn Macabre vinyl in the mail or if Ric wants to send 50 texts to himself at 4 in the morning...whatever, that's why my phone has a silent mode. I won't lie though, there is only so much Florida death metal/Dim Mak/Cannibal Corpse talk I can handle myself before I just full-on start ignoring the conversation... ...but thanks everyone for the warm reception.
  11. Vaino - Metsänpeitto Not going to blow anyone away, but not a bad little black metal album
  12. Yeah Zack...those guys are killer. Found them and Haunting Depths a few years back, right around the same time, and though they were both awesome. Unfortunately seems like Haunting Depths fell off the face of the earth after that one album, but Nocturnal Triumphs been killing it ever since. Still annoyed I had to hit the high seas for their last one though ...Anyway, Eliminator's new one came out today
  13. Mark...good to see you man Father A...I'll try not to crap up your forum too much
  14. Is that where everyone posts?...I'm still trying to figure out where everything is located Yeah...I saw a bit of that conversation about the underground disappearing, but like I said over there in a reply, I don't think that's accurate. Underground metal isn't just one big blob, there's degrees to it. Most of the underground stuff that gets noticed by wider audiences is stuff that's essentially become so buzzed about that it really can't helped but get noticed. In other words, it's really only underground in name only by that point
  15. Oh yeah...this is the thread for me Crude and tinny as hell with the production, but this album was surprisingly awesome. Now if only I could find a copy somewhere Grole - With a Pike Upon my Shoulder Pure early Darkthrone worship...but really, really good Darkthrone worship Gauntlet Ring - Upon The Wings Of The Black Eagle
  16. Been waiting on this one...glad to see it's getting a somewhat wider release after the last one was basically cassette only to some kind of underground fan club or something. I mean there's underground and then there's "are you kidding me with this shit" Anyway, these guys kill if you like fuzzy, somewhat melodic black metal Nocturnal Triumph - s/t
  17. Honestly surprised more people didn't latch onto that Qrixkuor album. It was like there was a ton of build up while people were waiting for it to drop...then it just kind of disappeared from people mentioning it
  18. Going to try and hit a few different points here with one big post, so hopefully that’s okay. @FatherAlabaster …didn’t realize that was you, but I’m pretty sure I remember that conversation about Finnish death metal. If I’m remembering right, that was the year Scum dropped “Garden of Shadows” which made my year-end list. As for posting on No Clean Singing, not going to lie and say I don’t get a kick out of people leaving comments about the bands I talk about, but I don’t think I’ve really let that go to my head or anything…I mean, I don’t really post that much there anymore, so I doubt anyone beyond some of the oldest visitors really even recognize my name. Beyond that, unless I missed some change to how he does things, Islander will pretty much post guest articles by anyone who wants to take the time to write something. It’s definitely not some kind of “we elite few” situation. I’m pretty sure he just asks me to send him one because he likes to see how many of the bands he actually recognizes each year. I’ll also add, that my list there doesn’t completely reflect the albums I’d have chosen if I was just writing something here on the forum. I know more recently Islander has been trying to be more careful about which bands and labels he covers on his site, so the last couple of years I’ve tried to be respectful of that as well when I make my selections. @markm…Yes, that was probably me you saw buying the Auld Ridge albums on Bandcamp. That’s the same guy who does the Albionic Hermeticism releases, only this project uses a lot more ambient stuff in the mix. Also, I’m not surprised that Neil Jameson’s list on Invisible Oranges reminds you of the stuff I talk about. That dude and I have weirdly similar tastes, and I don’t mean in the same way Whitenoise or Navy have the same taste as me. For some reason that guy and I seem to almost always pick a bunch of the same bands come list season…it’s weird. Finally, I’ll just say in regards to the underground metal discussion. I think it’s important to remember that the underground isn’t just one thing…it basically comes in levels, just like what I’d call mainstream metal. So usually when you see an underground band make its way into the wider consciousness of the more mainstream metal world it’s because it’s been forced up to the very top of the underground scene. Most of the times those guys don’t go looking for that stuff, it’s just that the buzz has become so strong that they finally get wind of it. That’s why a lot of the bigger blogs and magazines are usually about an album behind on things. If you pay attention you’ll see, they almost never catch onto the album that everyone in the underground is buzzing about. It’s almost always the follow up release that gets all the press.
  19. I guess I'm supposed to come here first and say hello ...so, hello Not sure what all to say. I'm a late arrival from the Metal-fi board where most of these other recent trouble makers came from. Took me awhile to finally sign up, just because I got busy with life and kind of forgot everyone else said they were migrating over here, but when Whitenoise, or whatever the hell he's calling himself now, made a recent mention of the place, thought I'd come finally check it out. My tastes tend to run more to the underground and extreme side of things. Wasn't really a conscious thing, just kind of fell in that direction, so when i pop up it will probably be posting some kind of rough sounding death or black metal band. Doesn't mean I'll turn my nose up at a good traditional band though, or even some cheesy sounding power metal if I'm in the right mood. I even like a little doom or grind on occasion. I can be kind of quite on a board, depending on what's being discussed or how busy I am with other shit, but I usually pop into whatever forum I'm on fairly frequently, even if it';s just to lurk around like a creeper. Other than that, there isn't a whole lot to say. I'm sure you'll get a feel for my personality pretty quick, and If I screw something up by posting in the wrong section, just let me know
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