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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. Spontaneous combustion? Can't really dust for vomit?
  2. !T.O.O.H! - Rad A Trest Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris Oxes - Oxxxes
  3. Fuck yes. I just now finished listening to the whole Cop album.
  4. Political leaders from all across the spectrum have us concentrating on meaningless wedge issues in an effort to divide us. Once you politicize something, you control the dialog and you force people to "take a stand". So as a country we're becoming more immune to rational argument, and easier to control, because people think that deciding what "side" of which "issues" they're on and then backing the pols who are on "their side" is the essence of political involvement. Those decisions are mostly made emotionally, and have a lot more to do with group loyalties and other social considerations than they do with the good of our society as a whole. The fear of persecution that Iceni is talking about is real, even if the persecution isn't. I could never deny that - I've seen it in action myself numerous times. I think the fear is created by mostly baseless propaganda, as a political tool. It's particularly ironic because the right to worship as one sees fit is one of the few rights that seem to be well-established and protected in this country.
  5. Banned for putting me in a catch-22 situation. I won't have the power to rid the earth of hipsters until I get 10000 posts, and I can't do that if I'm banned.
  6. Maybe it's because the songs are a bit poppier and more upbeat. That's not usually my thing, but they did an amazing job on that album. And there's still plenty of dark stuff on there. Pete's lyrics just kept getting more personal and more interesting. That album rules.
  7. This and World Coming Down are my two favorites. Can't stand October Rust. But I didn't think this one got negative reviews, did it?
  8. Banned until you can prove your worth by ridding your continent of hipsters.
  9. Out of range? For the "Living Embodiment Of Metal"? Hardly... Banned for your lack of ambition.
  10. Banned for not using his power to immediately take care of our hipster infestation here in Brooklyn. They're still here. We need your help.
  11. I hope you have years left with them! I've got one grandmother left, and unfortunately she's been in the hospital a couple of times recently, but she's a tough cookie. She's 93. When she turned 90, I asked her how it felt to be 90 years old, and she said, "a lot like 89..." and then she looked off into the distance and sighed and said, "not like 70, though."
  12. Both my grandfathers are dead now and I know exactly what you mean.
  13. It's addictive! It'll definitely feel like a worthwhile investment...
  14. Killer, thanks for your feedback. That's the most recent one that I've written. Sometimes I feel like anything over two minutes is long-winded anymore, I spent four years writing with a grind band. I used to put together six minute songs! Eh. Anyway. I'm always happy to hear opinions from people I don't know, usually opens my eyes to a different way of looking at my stuff. It's hard to have perspective when it's so personal.
  15. That's a great track as well. Really looking forward to buying this album.
  16. I think it's coming out here next month, but some promo tracks are streaming: STREAMING: Gorguts ?Colored Sands? | Decibel Magazine
  17. I've been talking to the guy who runs Oak Knoll about putting out the new one once I'm finished. We always go album by album. I think he's taken a step back from the label for a while, but we talk pretty frequently online and we're both hoping it'll work out as an Oak Knoll release. Jeremy's been there for me since the beginning of Black Harvest, so I would really like for him to be involved.
  18. And it also doesn't matter whether they're attractive or not. But sadly orcslayr is right - I've seen it at the local level more times than I can count. Although to be fair, the last time we played a grind show, there was one band that had a very attractive female singer with awful clean vocals, and their songs had nothing redeeming, and the crowd rightly shunned them despite her looks...
  19. I'm curious what you think of that... it's a very old song even though the album it's on only came out two years ago. More doomy than anything I've done lately by a long shot. For me, it's back to !T.O.O.H.!
  20. Aaagh, you're right. I forgot about that. This is where the genre battle really fails to be useful. Good luck...
  21. I didn't think it was hard to get accepted! Are they being more picky now?
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