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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. When I was growing up I wasn't supposed to enjoy Nirvana, and all the cool kids listened to Cypress Hill... Actually I always got more shit for not liking things that were popular than I did for listening to the "wrong" stuff.
  2. Deftones, Fear Factory, Mars Volta, ATDI, Rammstein but I think it's regional, too, or specific to groups of friends. None of my friends in the south liked Gojira or Isis, but they're pretty popular here.
  3. Banned because everybody's got one.
  4. Banned for uncivil body-related profanity.
  5. Banned for having too many points in your ellipsis.
  6. Banned for being confused about his own reason for banning.
  7. Banned for just doing what the voices told him to.
  8. dont sell urself sh0rt br@ u r fvck!ng c0r3 2 teh b0n3
  9. Ok, I'm just about through De Mysteriis again. The last time I listened to it was six or seven years ago. Impressions: It sounds just like I recall, but I like it better now. The guitars are good, but rarely stand out for me (still prefer older Darkthrone's take on black metal guitar). The drums are really, really good. Vocals. Um. I'm on both sides of the fence here. The raspy "growls" still just sound like a caricature to me. I prefer the intensity of someone like Garm (probably my favorite black metal vocalist). But where the vocals really come out is in the melodic passages - for some reason these really connect with me now. Unique and well-done. They deserve everything that people say about them. I'm going to keep giving this album a third chance. Thanks for bringing it all back up.
  10. Skitliv - Skandinavisk Misantropi fuck yes.
  11. I'm liking Skitliv so far, thanks for the recommendation. His vocals are a bit more laid-back here, but they sound great. His tone/delivery reminds me a bit of Grutle and the guy from Leviathan. As far as Attila's performance on De Mysteriis goes, I know we've exchanged views on it before, but it's also been several years since the last time I gave it a shot. I'll dig it back out and see what I think.
  12. I liked Dead too, but Attila always put me off. I liked Maniac better. He was a fucking beast live, too. What don't you like about his vocals?
  13. Some of it's OK, some of it's boring. I really have to be in the mood. I'd rather see a slam band live at some crappy basement show than listen to a CD. Don't know Pathology, I will have to give them a listen.
  14. How about you turn off your computer for a little while and go listen to some good music?
  15. Eating - digesting my leftover curry Drinking - digesting my coffee Listening - Alice In Chains and also my kid's toy piano Doing - about to give my kid a bath Thinking - I want to break the piano, but he loves it, so I can't; still sad about Layne Staley; need to finish drums and lyrics for another song; etc etc the fun never stops
  16. I can understand a lack of interest in metal based on speed, distortion, vocal styles, even lyrics. There have been times when I've stepped away from listening to metal for a while, a few months here and there, and I've been put off by its abrasive qualities when I start listening again. Especially if I've been listening to stuff with a lot of dynamics. And of course the opposite holds true: when I've been listening to metal for a while, I'll toss on a rock album and be like "what is this slow, boring, predictable garbage?"
  17. I even know some pretty successful and knowledgeable musicians who don't have a lot of respect for metal. It's not surprising considering what passes for "metal" on the radio. And even when you get into the more extreme stuff, there are a lot of shitty metal bands who inexplicably have careers and good production values, and of course the uninspired former titans who are making a living by phoning it in. As it's always been, metal is challenging music. Some people just don't want to put the work in. One of the best guitarists I know only started opening up to metal after I played him Individual Thought Patterns...
  18. I'm curious, why bother with burning and listening? Is it just that you have a CD player hooked up to your stereo? It doesn't improve the sound quality... My phone has a 32gb card in it and it can play .wav files, so I'm not really missing out on sound quality. The weak link these days is my ears!
  19. Dude, you guys are a cornucopia of song titles. My doom band's first song will be called "Striving For Inferior Nothingness". It will only be available on vinyl. No one will hear it...
  20. I imagine some of you have heard these guys as well, but I thought I'd toss it up here - another really good band from the same scene/time as Electric Wizard: c3KATdqdoLg
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