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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. Banned for not listening to the leprechaun, unless you listen to Anus Ov Ye Göatlord instead.
  2. Nein, nein, du bist doing it all vrang. Ich kan nicht underschtondten deine Sentence at all.
  3. Hey Iceni... Your lyrics are Immortalized: http://metalforum.com/promote-your-band/4852-anus-ov-ye-goeatlord.html
  4. Hails from the depths of blackhearts, my brethren. I present vnto yov the blackest ov the Black... the grimmest ov the Grimm. Featvring world-renowned True Black Metal Artist Obesitor Magnus, and Æpefæce, the widely reviled international criminal, newly released from prison after being fovnd dead in a shack on Svalbard. The classic albvm Necronomie Ov Grimnitvde will be presented here, hatefvlly ripped from the blackest vinyl. Vpdates will be granted to the world at the sole discretion ov Anus themselves; I merely bear this gift vnto mankind. Weep as ye are torn limb from limb by this catastrophe, this absolvte disaster, this vtter abomination ov an albvm. ANUS OV YE GÖATLORD is: Æpefæce: Skinpovnding Obesitor Magnus: Gvtsshredding Borg: Pit ov Hell-cries Nurgotard: chants ov Goatsbane, flute, harp Thickhëad: poet ov torment and woe
  5. You might also like Fit For An Autopsy, they're the one deathcore band I listen to. The first Red Chord album is pretty cool too. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Great, nice to meet you! Welcome to the forum.
  7. Surprised there isn't one already... Eh, I love The Shadowthrone, still one of my favorite black metal albums. Nemesis Divina is ok, I thought Rebel Extravaganza and Volcano were both good in different ways, and really couldn't stand anything after that.
  8. Yup, another City fan here, liked Alien too, and sometimes enjoy listening to Physicist and Ocean Machine (though I really have to be in the mood). I did like that one track you put up in the RTSAY thread. A lot of Devin's solo stuff leaves me cold, though I have a lot of respect for his musicianship and his attitude.
  9. Chicken pot pie for breakfast!
  10. Nein, du hast schtarted it mit das post: Ich nicht schtarted nöthing.
  11. Ach, take it! Take anyting du wanst! Just Bitte Bitte schtop mit Der Fäkendeutsche!
  12. One time in Raleigh, an inch of snow shut the city down almost completely for a day. Talk about unprepared.
  13. Nein! Das ist nicht Der NiebelungenKleaner! Schnell mit Der Soapenstein!
  14. So it stuck up there? Lucky, all we have is frozen puddles and black ice today.
  15. Unless they're a younger relative and you don't like their crap music and you really wish they would listen to better stuff... don't make me dig up those posts of you complaining about your brother.
  16. Oh man! That's terrible! I'm sorry to hear all of that.
  17. Re: Extreme raw blackened deathgrind ... is it still music ?
  18. Bullshit, they were both hot. Skydive. Fly a plane or a helicopter?
  19. The only logical answer is Bigfoot. The real Bigfoot. If you're Harrison Ford... Would you rather wind up with the chick from Raiders Of The Lost Ark, or Princess Leia?
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