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  1. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in How was your day?   
    Today's been pretty great. Weather wasn't great but who cares. Caught up with the girlfriend and our guide dogs decided they don't want to kill each other so yay :D. Lost track of time and suddenly realised we'd taken three hours to have lunch...yep things are defs back to normal.
  2. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in Alcoholics Associated   
    So you're a fan of reds then Natassja? I'm still yet to try a decent wine and plan to save that Riesling for a special occassion. I'll probably spring for a good red in a couple of weeks though.
  3. Horns
    Natassja given a Damn from RelentlessOblivion in What Are You Listening To?   
    Iron Maiden - Prowler
    Sepultura - Inner self
  4. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to GratuitousTK in What Are You Listening To?   
    Atheist- Unquestionable Presence/ Piece of Time.
    I've listened to that album three times a week for about two or three months now.
    Chuck Schuldiner being dead makes me very depressed.
  5. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Death - Individual Thought Patterns 
  6. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What's on your mind?   
    Thanks Natassja.
    In other news I'm catching up with the girlfriend Thursday. Yay for that and for my week being busy for a change. Got a restaurant booking to make in the next couple of days as well because I want to make damn sure there's going to be a table for the girlfriend and I when we celebrate our 1 year anniversary in two weeks time.
  7. Horns
    Natassja given a Damn from MacabreEternal in Alcoholics Associated   
    a random 2013 california merlot from local filling station. 
  8. Horns
    Natassja given a Damn from MacabreEternal in Alcoholics Associated   
    Hardys' Merlot on offer in Tesco  
  9. Horns
    Natassja given a Damn from deathstorm in Deicide Vs Vader   
    I need to listen to first Deicide again now,  haha ! good times  I never got into Vader ..first three Deicide are regularly played here
  10. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to GratuitousTK in What Are You Listening To?   
    Darkthrone- A Blaze in the Northern Sky
  11. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Your Artwork   
    I've had this done for a while, and I actually have the shirt, but I'm happy I can finally share the design I did. The shirts came out great, too. These guys are modern progressive/melodic death metal from the UK, touches of djent, shades of Ihsahn.

  12. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to Frostaudn in What's on your mind?   
    Tomorrow I'll leave to Germany for a 1,5 week. The first few days I'll stay with my parents and will probably visit some cities with them. Wednesday I'll travel to Summer Breeze, which I look pretty much forward to since they have a great line-up this year. Though it's kinda stupid I will be there on my own, but oh well. Still a lot of awesome bands to see
  13. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to H34VYM3T4LD4V3 in The Movie Thread   
    I want to go and see Inside Out, looks funny and it's getting rave reviews, looks better than Frozen, although thats not that difficult tbh, but it will never reach the popularity that Frozen has. I mean Frozen was I decent film, about 6.5/10, but it is far from a masterpiece, and it's horrificly overrated.
  14. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to AtTheGates in Draw something   
    Wow. You guys are fucking awesome at this! I draw like a 3 year old lol. No artistic drawing talent at all...
  15. Horns
    Natassja given a Damn from H34VYM3T4LD4V3 in The Movie Thread   
    I wouldn't mind seeing 'The Lazarus Effect' though I have read lots of people saying it's a rip off of 'Flatliners'.  'Schindlers' List' is obviously very moving, great film, Ralph Fiennes was really good in it.
    I saw 'We need to talk about Kevin' recently, I had heard a lot about this film and I enjoyed it.  Felt so bad for Tildas' character.
    Yeh I wanna see 'Inside Out' love the animation  
  16. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in Favourite metal quote   
    "A kid once asked me if I ever get hangovers. I said to get a hangover you have to stop drinking" - Lemmy Kilmister
  17. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Gorguts "From Wisdom To Hate"
  18. Horns
    Natassja given a Damn from AtTheGates in What's on your mind?   
    I prefer to think of the Autistic brain as just tuned to a slightly different, more sensitive, channel  and if people have a problem with that well..that is their lookout   
  19. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What's on your mind?   
    Ah I miss the days when my sight was good enough to be involved in a striking discipline (Tae Kwon Do in my case). I'd say do it - at the very least you'll get a great workout and learn some practical self defence skills.
    That sounds like a serious thing. I sincerely hope you're ok
  20. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to GorboGorboze in What's on your mind?   
    So I don't think that root canals are that great, I've had 3 and two failed, just seems like a place to keep a low grade infection for several years, and ain't nobody got time for that. Good luck to you  natassja7. the underlining is a symptom of my awkward cutting and paisting teniques, and not ment for emphasius.   once I get started underlining I find it hard to get free from it.
  21. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to Frostaudn in What's on your mind?   
    I'm sorry that read that Natassja. Hopefully you're all well
  22. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Draw something   
    That's a really cool drawing. I know a couple of other people here draw a bit, hopefully someone will get on board. 
    Not really what you asked for, but here's a very quick "killer bunny" I did on my phone. 

    Draw the World Turtle. 
  23. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to Avaline in Draw something   
    "Draw something"....he ordereth. : D
    This site is pretty awesome, a technique that would normally require hours of work, only takes a 15min here haha. But it doesnt give you any sense of accomplishment because of that. :/ It would be even easier with a graphic tablet.
    Come on. Or maybe we should make it a game of "draw me something"? One person asks for something, the next one draws it, asks for another. Draw me a metalhead bunny.

  24. Horns
    Natassja gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Gorguts "Obscura"
  25. Horns
    Natassja given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Ah ok thanks Macabre.
    Shining V - Halmstad
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