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Everything posted by RelentlessOblivion

  1. Re: Pantera! gotta love Pantera, Dimebag was such an incredible guitar player, and his guitars always looked so cool too, Pantera were one of the first metal bands I discovered about 8 years ago now and while my taste in metal has changed even in that short time (I know someone who has been into metal for 30 years) Pantera has remained among my fave bands
  2. Re: 334 members and where is everyone??? In my home town the metal scene is a little stagnant, and the few bands that are emerging all sound the same, I have a vision for a band that will change all that but putting it all together is proving exceedingly difficult
  3. Re: Rate the song above you! well that was weird, what the hell language was that? and you weren't kidding about it not really being that metal 4/10 just too strange I love the opening line to this song but that vid is a bit strange
  4. Re: gaming hmmmm gaming, I pretty much like anything violent, as with metal my family doesn't get why I'm into gaming and speaking of funny gaming moments when I had first bought Call Of Duty Modern Warfare and got up to the part with the dog thats barking my dog started running around in circles and barking at the TV, must've thought it was a real dog or somethin' but it was just so random and funny
  5. Re: Rate the song above you! no no no the 4/10 was more because I'm not overly keen on harsh vocals, those were tolerable so it got a four, most harsh vocals I rate around 1 like some cheesy power metal from time to time it's half the fun of the genre, 7/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6W7jMURpGU here's some Rainbow because Richie Blackmore + Ronnie James Dio = AWESOME!!!
  6. Re: VEGETARIANISM hahahaha that's actually pretty funny
  7. Re: Rate the song above you! um guitar was good, drums were okay, not a fan of harsh vocals but those were tolerable. still seemed like christian death metal so 4/10 here's the polar opposite
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To? Anthrax - Medusa
  9. Re: Classic Album Tours I think if there's variety in terms of the sound on the album it probably works better, I wouldn't want to see Megadeth playing Th1rt3eN all the way through because most of the songs sound the same, plus its not exactly their strongest album, but Iced Earth's Burnt Offerings would probably work well
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To? Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
  11. Re: Rate the song above you! to be honest that was kind of boring, the solo was okay but in my opinion the rest was just generic 4/10 here's a bit of Maiden
  12. Re: 334 members and where is everyone??? not really a big metal community in my home state of South Australia, most of 'em are into metalcore which isn't really even metal
  13. Re: Now...? ha it's only 5:19 PM here in South Australia listening to Iced Earth's Burnt Offerings album and trying to decide which song is my fave, think it might be Dante's Inferno
  14. Re: Rate the song above you! I've heard better from Iced Earth, 5/10 and speaking of Iced Earth here's something a little more atmospheric
  15. Re: VEGETARIANISM have to agree there, three things I wouldn't want to live without: Metal, Meat and Alcohol
  16. The latest release by Megadeth is not what it should be, whilst it is a good album, fairly solid all the way through one just gets the impression that it was forced just a little bit. There are some good songs on the album, Never Dead being the stand out, but those who bought the Youthanasia album may remember Millenium Of The Blind and New World Order. All in all the album fails to live up to expectations created by the previous Megadeth release "Endgame". Th1rt3eN lacks both the aggression and speed that made Endgame such a great album, Mustaine and the others really dropped the ball on this one and it is easily one of the weaker Megadeth releases. The album simply fails to impress and appears outright fragile in places. A 2.5/5 from this very disappointed Megadeth fan
  17. Re: band t'shirts! 15 bucks for a concert, bloody hell thats cheap, I've paid more then that for a t-shirt
  18. Re: Metal Jokes! so a new death metal band is writing their first song and the vocalist turns to the drummer and asks "hey dude how do you spell WHRAAAAAAAAH"
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To? Slayer - The Anti-Christ
  20. Re: Pink Floyd I do listen to more metal then other forms of music but I'm trying to find a style of playing guitar that is uniquely mine at the moment and some of those other musical styles can be really complex, and in my opinion some flamenco guitar players could probably give us metal guys a run for our money in the solo department check this out for an example
  21. Re: band t'shirts! I'm hoping to add Exodus, Testament, Motorhead and Iced Earth tees to my collection, and a Rainbow tee would be cool
  22. Re: Pink Floyd I've actually got a broad range of music other then metal that I like, besides the bands I mentioned before I also like the blues, flamenco guitar, and even classical music like Beethoven and Bach, I'm trying to learn from those styles of music because I think it will make me a better guitar player
  23. Re: best metal guitarist (your opinion) Iommi is a good guitar player no doubt I just think there are better guys out there, but I have a hell of a lot of respect for Iommi
  24. Re: band t'shirts! holy shit you have a lot of tees I've got Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills single cover Megadeth - Cyber Army (after I joined said Cyber Army) Megadeth - United Abominations album cover Metallica - Damaged Justice tour tee Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny album cover Anthrax - Spreading The Disease album cover Slayer - South Of Heaven album cover AC/DC Rock 'n' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution AC/DC Black Ice tour tee Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Dio - RJD tribute tee Pantera - Reinventing The Steel album cover
  25. Re: MotorHead why is it that so many bands seem to be wrongly classified as NWOBHM just because they are from England?
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