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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    While finishing up putting new speakers into my Tacoma
    Seraphic Entombment - Sickness Particles Gleam

    Altar of Obedience - Morbid Devoties

    Massacra - Final Holocaust

  2. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from navybsn in What are you drinking?   
    Founders Breakfast Stout

  3. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from markm in What are you drinking?   
    Founders Breakfast Stout

  4. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from JorKid in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2023 Edition   
    Korgonthurus - Jumalhaaska
    Late November

  5. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Hungarino in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2023 Edition   
    Chilean Death Metal Day
    INFAMOVS will release their first new album in roughly 6 years. Look for "Stench" to drop sometime towards the end of 2023.
    ...and motherfucking Sadism will be dropping their new album, "Obscurans", at the end of November
    Not Chilean Death metal, but new Desecresy is out
    "Deserted Realms"
  6. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    SuitNP: Dungeon - Into The Ruins
    ▶︎ Into The Ruins | Dungeon | Dying Victims Productions (bandcamp.com)

    Suitably theme appropriate for this time of year.
  7. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Ynkleudherhenavogyon - Honan Bleydh II, Cornwall England, apparently it's all in Cornish, like the band name.
    Slidhr - White Hart! black/death Ireland/Iceland
  8. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sulphur Aeon - Seven Crowns and Seven Seals
    "Swallowed by the Ocean's Tide" is one of my favorite death metal albums, and I enjoyed the two follow ups well enough as well, but this new one isn't cutting it. While I can definitely hear their previous efforts in the music, it feels like there's no edge in it anymore. It almost reminds me of what Hooded Menace did on their last one, making an album for people who don't really Sulphur Aeon. That being said, I can see the impending knob slobbing from the overall metal community coming for this new one from a mile away.
  9. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from navybsn in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    Yoth Iria - Flame Of The Whirling Swords

  10. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to RelentlessOblivion in What Are You Listening To?   
    Phobocosm - Bringer of Drought
  11. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Serpentboi1992 in What Are You Listening To?   
  12. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Warkrusher - Armistice
    Canadian Death/Thrash/Crust
    Not as Bolt Thrower-esque as I expected, but it's good

  13. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Malum - In Nauseam
    Norwegian black metal

  14. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from navybsn in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2023 Edition   
    Korgonthurus - Jumalhaaska
    Late November

  15. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to navybsn in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2023 Edition   
    Lock it down now. Go ahead and put this in my top 5 EOTY list.
    Demoncy - Black Star Gnosis - Dec 1

    Ipsissimus of Shadows
  16. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Took me a second to get back to this, but I knew I wanted to listen based on the rec. This is pretty bloody good. I like how you wouldn't really turn your head at this stuff broken down riff by riff, but the weird factor comes from how they're put together. It almost borders on straight blackened thrash in some spots. Other places it gives off a riffy galloping death vibe. It's like that quiet kid in kindergarten who built a tower out of lincoln logs, jenga pieces, legos, and hot wheel tracks. Impressive that it stands at all, and that it's actually pretty solid is even more baffling. Definitely my kind of thing. Good stuff.
  17. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Temple of Void - Lords of Death, Detroit death 2017
    Death Fortress - Triumph of the Undying, black/death NJ 2017
  18. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Cosign this whole statement 100%. I'm not looking for anything revolutionary, but if a whole album goes by and you haven't managed to get me to perk my head up from what I'm doing for even a riff or two, then there's just nothing there.
    Saw a comment once on another board, they were talking about those caveman-core bands, and I think they nailed why they sound so uninspired. It's because they're not even taking their ideas from the better death metal bands from before. Instead the vast majority seem to take their ideas from the first batch of bands to come out of that scene. So you just get these copies of copies of bands that really didn't have much to bring to the table to begin with
  19. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah brother, I think we talked about it when Djinn came out and we basically both came to the same opinion. Devoid of Light was pretty solid, but each follow up album seems to be weaker than the last. My comment about them being propped up was more in regards to how most people seem to be thinking just the opposite, to the point I recently saw someone refer to Djinn as a "modern day masterpiece". Considering the direction they're moving in, comments like that make me wonder a bit about the taste of their fan base, and if its the increasing emphasis on the non-black metal elements that's making them seem more and more appealing.
    Solipnosis - Sintesis Silenciosa
    Proggy blackened death thrash (if there is such a thing) from Chile. You guys on the weirder end of the music spectrum might enjoy this

  20. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    As a devotee of black metal moreso than any other current genre on the board, I can say that it is flooded by too much mediocrity and has more bands/projects floating by on reputation than substance. It's still hip to be into bm and I think that contributes. There's tons of great bands out there and the occasional implementation of genre tropes in a pleasing way, but not much that gets me excited to go slaughter a few Christians or burn a historic church. Those post-2010 acts with discographies more than 2-3 deep are exceedingly rare. Same could be said for all genres, I probably just noticed it more in bm. Haven't really had anything "light ye fires of hell" this year although I haven't had the time to do any real deep expeditions into the wilderness that guys like GG and Surge frequent as in years past. DM is easier and doesn't require much thought as I'm just looking to headbang. Same for trad metal.
  21. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Grower as in tolerable for the occasional spin. I liked COADS, but it was weaker than Devoid of Light. They're a decent band, and I love the twin guitar leads. Not bad live. I think the trajectory of their material is pretty clear at this point. Maybe they should go prog or pull a Tribulation and change directions all together.
  22. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Konfession - Rural Hypostasis, Austria. Nice find Surge, this is killer.
    Virulent Spectre - Satanic Territorial Moloch, USBM
  23. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Konfession - Rural Hypostasis

  24. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Skuggeheim - Daudssyklusen
    Mostly overlooked, one man, lo-fi Norwegian black metal.
    Comp of all his EP releases including the newest one. It's actually not as rough sounding as I was expecting, and there are a surprising number of melodic, interlude tracks on here with no actual vocals

  25. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    Is that one of those hanging spitting bug things from Elden Ring on that Altarage cover? Kill it! Giants Flame now!
    I love that Teitanblood album. That reminds me I think they have an album out that I'm missing. Between them and Impetuous Ritual I almost always have something utterly obscene and filth caked to listen to. Been slacking lately though.
    NP: Ceremonial Bloodbath - The Tides of Blood

    Ah, what a wonderful morning to peer into the depths of hell.
    I can't really pretend to know much about how some of these music contracts work / who owns what etc. After a fashion I do what I can to keep my music consolidated to a single service and hope the artist in question sees it. If the phrase "the more things change the more things stay the same" isn't a cliche by this point I don't know what is. When I truly want to support a band I'm not all that far from a major city where a lot of hard touring bands stand a good chance to stop and play a gig. I go to shows, I buy the merch directly from the band and their roadie/technician if they have one at the show itself. I enjoy shooting the shit with some of the old road warriors out there, and I'm not above networking to find a crash pad and some good local grub in a safe neighborhood for a band to park their van and crash for the evening.
    When you get into the contractual details of intellectual property, umbrella companies that encompass many different smaller commpanies, and some of the shady stunts even well respected labels have tried to pull over the years I start to find a bunch of it is nearly indecipherable. It's always geared to grant the label or publisher an advantage. The house always wins as they say. There's a reason I couldn't cut it as a business major and didn't really even want to try.
    My own personal music is primarily on CD, but I still have some things scattered over a few years of laptops from either iTunes or Bandcamp. That's about the best I can do for support in that avenue, and we've seen so many music services flare up and die out through the years it's almost not worth the time to invest large amounts of memory in decent and accessible data storage in a single format. The free market for music is wonderful, but at a certain point any company's success or failure is going to come down to sheer volume of listeners at a manageable technical cost and who can process this with the highest efficiency. I know not to have anything I want permanent access to exclusively on the cloud, though, that's for sure.
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