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Everything posted by SurgicalBrute

  1. I think the hardest part is just remembering what came out in a given year...I'm terrible with album dates and with countries of origin
  2. 1992 I'll keep it at 10, otherwise it pretty much just becomes the same albums appearing on every list...not that i don't have a ton of overlap anyway. Incantation – Onward to Golgotha Bolt Thrower – IV Crusade Demigod – Slumber of Sullen Eyes Darkthrone – Blaze in the Northern Sky Cenotaph – The Gloomy Reflections of our Hidden Sorrows Mystifier – Wicca Fleshcrawl – Descend into the Absurd Miasma – Changes Purtenance – Member of Immortal Damnation Cemetery – An Evil Shade of Grey
  3. Exaltation - Under Blind Reasoning blackened death from New Zealand
  4. Ugh...'92 is going to be harder than even '91. Think this one is going to require a little time
  5. There are still some still popping up, shit like Halestorm springs to mind, as well as bands like Opeth and Mastodon who have mellowed out to the point that they're more rock than metal these days. I think the real issue though, is that there was a study not too long ago that showed peoples tastes solidify pretty early on, so the less popular that style is, the less people get exposed to it, resulting in less people wanting to play it
  6. 1990 Entombed -Left hand Path Delerium – Zzooouhh King Diamond – The Eye Thanatos – Emerging from the Netherworld Cancer – To the Gory End Carnage – Dark Recollections Merciless – The Awakening Demolition Hammer – Tortured Existence Bathory – Hammerheart Mortuary – Blackened Images 1991 (Things are starting to pick up for me in ’91) Dismember – Like an Everflowing Stream Revenant – Prophecies of a Dying World Sororicide – The Entity Desecrator – Subconscious release Authorize – The Source of Dominion Sorcery – Bloodchilling Tales Death Strike – Fuckin Death Asphyx – The Rack Sabbat – Envenom Convulse – World Without God
  7. Honestly not sure how what I'm saying is all that damn complicated, but here, I've brought visual aids because I knew this was going to continue being a thing. Point #1 This is where we started. You don't like religious people because you feel they're forcing their beliefs on you and everyone else despite being in the minority. I get it. Point #2 The problem is, you're wrong laying this exclusively at the feet of religious people, like they're the only ones involved. Yes, there are people who want abortion repealed because it's against their religion. There are also people who want federal protection repealed because they thinks it's a state issue. There are people who want it repealed because they think Roe vs Wade is a case of legislating from the bench, and want it done correctly. Hell, some people wanted it repealed just to give progressive lunatics a kick in the teeth. Additionally, the pro-abortion people aren't a monolith either...they all have different ideas about what they want when it's legal. This is my entire point. This is literally what I've been saying from the start. It's not like I'm speaking Swahili here. Point #3 Roe vs Wade wasn't overturned because of those damn religious people, even though they played their part in it. It was overturned because Dem or Rep, politicians always do shit along party lines to benefit their own constituents, whatever the majority of the country may want. So while roughly 58% of the country didn't want it overturned, approximately 58% of the republican party did want it gone*. So the party played a long game, maneuvered their judges into the Supreme Court, and pulled the trigger when things were aligned their way. Now if you want to keep focusing exclusively on religious crazies, as though the Republican party wouldn't still be the Republican party without them, be my guest...either way, I'm out of this conversation * https://news.gallup.com/poll/393275/steady-americans-not-roe-wade-overturned.aspx
  8. Just going to add that Drautran is the tits. Been way too long since I last listened to that record
  9. Rationalizing what?...that our leaders are going to make decisions for this country that I won't always personally like? That isn't rationalization, that's a fact. I never said morality was the sole providence of the religious nor did I say religious people make decisions without being influenced by their religion...what I said was literally the exact opposite of that. That was my entire point. That someone doesn't have to be a religious extremist to arrive at a certain decision that's going to put a bug up your ass, so why does it fucking matter HOW they arrive at a decision? Why does it matter if the person who wants to do away with abortion is a religious fundy or simply a person whose own morality leads them to believe it's wrong. The answer is it doesn't...because the problem isn't that they're religious, the problem is that they want to do away with abortion. You keep saying that you'd be perfectly accepting of a decision if it was a consensus, and not "the minority" pushing their beliefs on you, and I call bullshit. Seventy-five percent of this country identifies as religious. Are you seriously going to tell me that if the majority of them decided that they were cool with prayer in the school, that you wouldn't be angry at religious people for pushing their views on you? Yeah...pull the other one. It's irrelevant though, because the country doesn't run on a majority consensus anyway. Not in the way you're talking about. Nothing is as simple as which side has more "yeses" when it comes to deciding the direction of our country. Why exactly do you think politicians are so obsessed with demographics? If it was as simple as following the majority, our country would have cracked down on illegal immigration years ago. The truth is you're whole life in this country is constantly determined by people who are influenced by some minority grouping, and overall you're okay with that. So understand this. I'm not defending religious crazies, and I'm not saying you have to like religion. What I'm telling you is that focusing on religion is not seeing the forest for the trees. If you're going to be pissed off, be pissed off for the right thing. Not everyone who supports stopping abortion, or birth control, or whatever else you can come up with is religious. The truth is, you can't say with absolute certainty that they're even the majority within those groups. So focusing all this, whatever it is, on religious people doesn't make any damn sense. You're not mad at them for being religious. You're mad at them for working things and getting an outcome that you feel is wrong.
  10. Not bad, but I think I get what Dead means when he says a band lack energy. Song just didn't draw me in Music was a seven..but had to take one point off for the Lich King shirt the drummer was wearing, and one point off for the band shouting "Violent Raid". That shit always sounds cringy... ...so 5/10
  11. Medieval Demon - Black Coven Hellenic black metal, due out in September https://medievaldemon.bandcamp.com/album/black-coven Nice...been in the mood recently for this kind of thing and this is hitting the spot
  12. Well yeah, but that decade was 30 years ago. You've had entire generations of metal fans who were born and grown up since then who don't necessarily have that connection with it. With metal being such a fractured collection of sub-genre nations these days, you could easily have people who just go right around thrash without a second thought Nah...think crankier and more obstinate
  13. Well, yeah but so is speed metal, traditional heavy metal, and what would essentially be considered doom metal...how many people here would you image don't really like those styles...because I know I can name at least one 😜😆
  14. You'll be okay...it's not so much that people here don't like thrash. It's more that there's some of us who generally like other styles more. For example, I tend to prefer a bit of death or black metal mixed into my thrash
  15. I try to avoid these kinds of threads myself, because it's usually for the best. Only reason I popped in was because I found that one statement to be so over the top I couldn't help myself...but I should have known better
  16. Who the hell let them back on!?...I thought I'd run them all off by now!
  17. A generalization that could easily be applied to almost any group when you look at their worst actors. "Metal fans aren't right in the head, look at that music they enjoy and how it's always going on about murder, rape, horror, etc. Those people clearly aren't right in the head." Every day you literally have to tolerate people making decisions that affect you based on a multitude of reasons...many of them you most likely wouldn't agree with even if the decision itself is something that's favorable to you. Did it really matter if people wanted Roe vs Wade gone because of religious reasons vs because of their own moral standards? The end result was still exactly the same.* People make decisions based on a whole host of factors including, but not solely based on, religion. It sounds like what you're objecting to isn't religion or religious people though. It sounds like you're objecting to outcomes that you don't personally like, and falsely assuming that if there weren't religious people those outcome would have gone in your preferred way *For the record, before anyone tries to come at me. Whatever feelings I may hold personally, I think it was an incredibly bad idea to strip federal abortion protection away.
  18. Honestly, I remember grabbing the demo for these guys a few years back, but something about the way they started getting hyped combined with an almost yearly release cycle of material, kind of killed my interest in them
  19. New Innumerable Forms Philosophical Collapse due out in September https://innumerableforms.bandcamp.com/album/philosophical-collapse
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