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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. We used to make our own rum and 'drink' colds away. The idea being that....actually it doesn't matter what the idea was it was just an excuse to drink.
  2. New Carcass, although not sure how I feel about that, and new Blazon Stone are out this week. Will probably get Blazon Stone as soon as it's available.
  3. Lockdowns and face masks really do wonders for seasonal allergies. My spring time allergies have been almost non-existent the last two years. I'm even going to enjoy going out in the garden and planting seeds today!! Small mercies but I'll take them were I can
  4. Ridiculous Iguanas Never Grin SEED
  5. Your Underwear Rubs Terribly RAIN
  6. Catch the boat and make it a 3 day trip. I know one of the entertainers on the Spirit, he doesn't play much metal these days but he can entertain. So that's three nights of music for the bargain price of about $600 Flotsam And Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver
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