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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge CAVE
  2. Napalm Death - From Enslavement To Obliteration
  3. Wearing Harrison's Incredible Zamarra OFFS
  4. The Arabs didn't want to chase the buggers they brought over here, I'm not sure the Albanians will be in a rush to do it. Besides the pay is probably terrible and the sweaty loin clothes cost money to wash.
  5. An animal doesn't need to be native to require herding. Camels aren't native to Australia but estimated figures puts the number of camels here at a higher number than any other country in the world. Maybe we could do with more camel herders.
  6. The Japanese Bonus track on Tyranny is one of the best BD songs, but I still think the album is great. COC- Blind
  7. There is another Venom video from the early to mid 80's with Slayer and Exodus (Combat Tour from memory) where Venom were not so well behaved if the talkie bit's between the videos are to be believed.
  8. Bruce Dickinson - Tyranny Of Souls
  9. Remembering what it felt like is more beneficial than remembering when it happened
  10. Welcome to the forums, I'm sure a few people here have heard of those bands
  11. Hangovers when I was young were so much easier, I felt like shit, I felt tired, and my throat felt like an Albanian camel herder had rinsed out his loin cloth in my mouth. But a hamburger, or some fish and chips with something fizzy and things were good. But after I turned 40 hangovers hurt the head and they hurt it for long hours, so it's just easier not to have them.
  12. AlSymerz


    Not sure if you're thinking of someone specific but for those people I kind of think the community work is restitution for the bad behaviour
  13. I can't see what benefit there is to Epic to turn Bandcamp into a FB clone, or any other social media clone for that matter. By basic definition it is a form of social media, users can interact with Bandcamp the same as any social media platform. But there would be better options out there if Epic really wanted to move into the FB area of social media.
  14. Radioactive Apes Need Kisses NOOB
  15. I think Bandcamp could do with a better marketing strategy, sure what they have works, but it could work better. Whether Epic is the company to do that I don't know, but they have marketed themselves quite well. I suppose at worst Bandcamp fails and something else replaces it.
  16. Not sure if these questions haven't been posed in other threads, I know the Spotify v CD's one has. I've lost count of my CD's, the drawers I made was designed to hold about 1000 and they are over 80% full by the look of them. Not all of them are metal, and most of them are just dust collectors these days because I generally don't listen to music in the lounge where the CD player and stereo is. I don't buy vinyl any more because of the outrageous prices here in Oz and because I don't visit too many second hand stores, but everything I have on CD, cassette, and vinyl are all ripped and digital music is generally just easier for me to listen too, because everything these days from the computer to the car, to the phone, even the tractor has either USB or SD and I can put a heap of albums on a single card and listen to it for weeks.
  17. Vio-lence - Eternal Nightmare
  18. Frilly Underwear Nestles Knackers CRUD
  19. My girls went through a dancing with headphones phase, it lasted a couple of years, but because the house is on stumps (wooden floor) the dancing did cause a bounce. It's not dramatic but there was times were things fell off shelves, or lazily stacked things like magazines etc would fall. They never caused major damage but the day the 1800's bronze statue fell off it's stand they shit themselves. My office was kind of built as storage so it's also got boxes of stuff in there, all my old cassettes and VHS tapes are in there as well as a spare fridge and freezer. The fact that I do less 'office work' than I used to probably means that referring to it as an office might even be incorrect now days
  20. Lethargic Apes Masturbate Profusely GRUB
  21. Curried Eggs Lift Testosterone FLIT
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