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Everything posted by navybsn

  1. 85?!? Damn that is winter weather here.
  2. Hungalicious, you're going to like them. I made a few mods to mine. A new cable (my stock one was a little kinky) that was less than $30 and the Brainwavz pads. They're big and plush. Make them even more comfortable. I EQ the treble up just slightly on mine because they sound a bit dark to me. Just a small bump. I think you'll be impressed with the build, comfort, and sound. Let me know if you need any help with them. The General has a set too if I'm not mistaken.
  3. I haven't spun that in a while. I'll have to queue that up today. Also enjoyed the Ancient Wisdom album this morning. Not a band I was familiar with. The symphonic elements add a nice touch. Might have to pick that up. Right now I'm enjoying the hell out of Cryptospital - Scythe of the Black Death. This one is getting daily play. Definitely up there with Spectral Wound for me so far this year. Might even give it a slight edge.
  4. I love terrible band names. The weirder and more offensive the better. Nightbringer
  5. **Breathe** Damn it...beat me to it Awesome
  6. Don't do it.... Wait wrong game Vacation
  7. I used to love drinking milk. My daughter and I would go through a half gallon a day. Then one day a few years ago my stomach revolted. Now I just stick to bourbon. Much better tolerated and therefore more healthy.
  8. Love Sibelius. Really digging these guys today. Remind me of Circle of Ouroboros in that they successfully combine that post-punk vibe with black metal. Spear of Teuta Also liking this EP. Sorry can't find it on YT but it is available on bandcamp Ukcheansalawit - Alaskan Escape
  9. I'm missing a few of those, but now I have a need to fill in the gaps. Dischord had a pretty great run back then too and I spent quite some time acquiring their discography. Which leads me to Fugazi - 13 Songs (a comp I know but still the first proper Fugazi album nonetheless. Take the individual EPs if you would rather). Absolutely essential album with not a bad track.
  10. Alright, I'll give it a shot. But, at the first sign of hipster noisey intellectual colon exploring fuckery, they get the hook.
  11. Funny, I was just thinking about doing the same. I've been test driving Qobuz lately. I like it, but I don't think it brings anything different to the table than Amazon which is actually cheaper.
  12. This is where we discuss our love for all things Coverdale and his pooftar in great length. You certainly won't like it here.
  13. True. I think the same thing with Teitanblood, but I see a lot of people throw them in the same sort of group of hard to decipher inaccessible music. To some, war-black-death-goat sadist doesn't sound much different from avante-death-experimental in the same way that free jazz and fusion sound similar to others. So I see why. I guess my point in name dropping them was to say that is where I draw the line with atonal or discordant music. And because there's never a bad time to name drop the Spanish gods! Darkspace is something special. I have all their stuff but lost track of the CDs somewhere along the way. III is the best, but the others are good too. Glad to hear you're digging it!
  14. Husker DU is a great band. I think I like Zen Arcade a little more than NDR, but there's not a bad song on either. And that Miles Davis album is one of many perfect albums he made. John McLaughlin is on another level of reality. Some of the stuff he did on A Tribute to Jack Johnson will never be duplicated by mere mortals. One of my favorite guitarists of all time. Sonny Sharrock is no slouch either.
  15. No Satan, no go for me either Hungdog. And General, I am a classically trained musician (trombone, tuba, electric bass, and upright bass) with extensive music theory education, but I'm not down with most atonal music. I haven't checked out Ad Nauseum, not going to either. I can tell from the description that I won't enjoy it. Don't care much for Portal or their Ilk (looking at you Altarage) either. Imperial Triumphant and Pyrrhon can fuck right off too. About the only thing along those lines I do like is Teitanblood. I equate most of that stuff with free jazz, which I admire but can't listen to and enjoy save for a few exceptions. Stuff like Immolation and Gorguts are completely different to me. Those guys bring atonality and discordance into somewhat recognizable song structures that you can remember. Bop your head to even. It's still musical to my ears whereas the other stuff is not. And total transparency for our new brethren, the MFi gang know I'm a huge Immolation fanboy. Favorite death metal band of all time for Navy here. The only starstruck moments I've ever had were meeting Rob Vigna, Ihsahn, and Samoth (Emperor is another huge favorite). BTW - glad you liked that Pale Swordsman. It's definitely influenced 2nd wave stuff without being derivative. I'll take that crust dump as my reward for helping turn you on to it 😉. And I had also named JohanV "Johnny 5" in my head. Even picture the little robot when I'm reading his posts.
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