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Everything posted by navybsn

  1. I'd generally agree General, but I'd sub out Blackened thrash for Blackened death.
  2. And therefore the most likely scenario. Disease is fascinating. I probably should have been an epidemiologist or a microbiologist. For anyone else who finds this stuff interesting, I highly recommend the book Spillover by David Quammen. It was written in 2012, but still relevant to our situation today. Even more adventurous should check out The Coming Plague by Laurie Garrett. It's at least twice as long and a bit more technical, but it's a guaranteed cure for vaccine hesitance and a frightening glimpse in what is to come for humanity especially considering the nonsense that is going on in parts of the developed world.
  3. A fishing kayak is the only boat I'll ever own. I will allow no overgrown squash in my watercraft even for bait. I wouldn't want any fish that would eat that nasty garbage. One last for today. From the impeccable discog of one of Finland's finest and my personal favorite from that frosty utopia. Baptism - Morbid Wings of Sathanas
  4. Mayhem - Grand Declaration of War
  5. Dawn - Naer Solen Gar Nider for Evogher
  6. Sounds like my life recently. Condolences for your grandmother. The long term effects of COVID are pretty scary from a medical pov. We just don't know enough at this point, but I think that it may end up worse than the initial infection or even dying from it. I read somewhere a while back that COVID is creating a whole generation of people with long term disabilities who will require increasing resources as time goes on. The drag on society as a whole could completely alter the way we live. I had brain fog for years after 2 bouts of cancer treatment 9 years ago. It still comes and goes. My memory is pretty good, but I still struggle with concentration at times. I tried a few treatments back then, but they were worse than the fog (kept me from sleeping for several days at a time). Hopefully your own issues will resolve to some sort of normalcy in the near future. If you don't already, I would recommend trying some meditation. It's the only thing that helped me. 20 minutes 3-4x per week. Intense exercise can also be beneficial, but as I get older that becomes more difficult.
  7. Puppies Understand Martian Pensiveness SLOP
  8. Boat = Bust Out Another Thousand Shit weather this morning. Finished up my punk playlist from yesterday and slid right into some mood music. Bad Brains - s/t Aoratos - Gods Without Name Darkspace - Darkspace III Carving a jock o' lantern is the only acceptable use of that filthy cultivar, except maybe launching them from those ridiculous cannons.
  9. That Possessor album is quite good. Gotta dig that out for spooky season.
  10. Ramones - s/t Rocket to Russia Pumpkin shit is for white chicks
  11. The Exploited - Fuck the System The Exploited - Fuck the System
  12. Fuck a bunch of pumpkin ales. I don't want a squash in my beer. Minor Threat - Complete
  13. Samhain - Intium + Unholy Passion Samhain - November Coming Fire
  14. 1000 and 4 to be exact. That's also the number of times I will listen to Jello + Ministry. Gotta check that out. Long boring drive today. Becoming a habit. Wish I was in an El Camino (although I did go to check on a sweet 69 GTO convert, a mid 70's Spitfire, and the wife's 76 TR6) Satyricon - Night at the Opera Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Opeth - Orchid Obituary - Slowly We Rot Well of Night - The Lower Planes of Self Abstraction
  15. Fetid Orphans Overfeed Dolphins SULK
  16. Satanic Orcas Rebel Everywhere GOAT
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