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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. All baked beans are shit whether British, Kiwi or American. Prove me wrong. And yep, a lot of what we think is distinct about our language is British in origin - but so is yours. Yours derived from a culturally and historically different source than ours. And I don't use the word Pom myself, but it is always funny when you picture Barry Mackenzie shouting 'Pommy bastards.' If you don't know who Bazza Mackenzie was I know that you will research it, GG, so I will leave that to you.
  2. HELL MILITIA - Hollow Void. Enjoyable. ANDE - Vehemence. Very good. A really well paced BM album. In Thatguy world, very good>enjoyable.
  3. I had a - self-diagnosed - frozen shoulder. It really, really hurt, but I decided to mange it conservatively with gentle exercise and pain relief as needed and 6 or 7 months later it's just about back to normal and - with more vigorous exercise - about back to normal strength. It's a medical aphorism that most doctors personally stick by to avoid the knife as much as possible. But I was just lucky really.
  4. Thatguy


    I went to school with Ian Thompson. He played rugby league (of, course) - prop -1st grade for Manly-Warringah (Sea Eagles) and played for Australia but a broken leg ended his career. Every year in the grading trials for the school RU teams we would pack down on opposite sides of the scrum and he would get an arm free and hit me. Every year he ended up in the 1sts team, and me in the 2nds. We were friends but for him hitting me to put me off my game was just a part of the game that he got and I didn't and that's why he played 1sts and had a professional career and I didn't.
  5. DEATHSPELL OMEGA - The Long Defeat. First time through Thatguy says pretty good. Great bass sound. Various singers I guess. I would have like more change of tempo amongst the songs. CURSED CEMETERY - A Forgotten Epitaph. LONG doomy songs but a good deal of variation within the songs. I liked this.
  6. E-L-R - Vexier. GLEMSEL - Unavngivet. Also good fun. SYLVAN AWE - Transcend. Incongruous and nerdy band name. Music not nerdy. OLIVIER MESSIAEN - Vingt Regards sur l'enfant Jésus. Maaate, get a life. Great music but - 20 piano etudes.
  7. GLEMSEL - Forfader. Good fun. AEVITERNE - The Ailing Facade. Also good fun but in a darker sort of way.
  8. BURST - Lazarus Bird. An absolute gem of an album and great for a band to end on such a high. VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Godbluff. A classic of uneasy sounds and off the wall lyrics...'How strange my body feels impaled upon the arrow...'
  9. Thatguy


    That is just sheer bastardry. I always used a mouthguard/gumshield when I played and anyone with any sense would. The professionals use them.
  10. AEVITERNE - The Ailing Facade. Very much a Colin Marston production. If you like Krallice or Castavet you will probably like this, although it does not quite sound like either. REBIRTH OF NEFAST - Tabernaculum. Again, because I really enjoyed it - and enjoyed it as much the second time. And as I sit at my desk after a busy day of this and that, OLIVIER MESSIAEN - Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum. I had not listened to Messiaen for years until a friend reminded me about him earlier this week. I found a very well priced (cheap, but not at all nasty) compendium - 14 discs if it were discs and not a download for A$25 on Apple - and I'm working my way through it. Stunning music
  11. MASTODON- Hushed and Grim. For me still their best since Crack the Skye. REBIRTH OF NEFAST - Tabernaculum. Doomy BM. A long album that held my interest. OLIVIER MESSIAEN - Turangulîla Symphony. Wow.
  12. Nope. But in the south of France - near Nice - I saw a very elegant lady taking a weasel for a walk on a leash. They were crossing the road. I have never stopped thinking about this...
  13. Just a bit, but very interesting lists. Get well soon.
  14. You poor bastard. I hate that song with a passion. Never liked it and I heard it a million times as the band I spent most time in played it as a showcase for the guitarists. There is no place for saxophone in it at all, which is part of what it's about I guess.
  15. Will always get the horns from me.
  16. The preview sounds well done, but likely not my thing. I will never know for sure because I don't do Spotify.
  17. E-L-R - Vexier. Quite enjoyable on first listen. ESOTERIC - The Maniacal Veil. I hadn't listened to this one before. Excellent. Right now - IMBER LUMINIS - Imber Aeternus. Noice. Dreamy and relaxing for a quiet afternoon after a busy morning.
  18. 'Louder than tanks on the highway, louder than bombers in flight...'
  19. Wow. Passion-a-plenty! What a voice, and that's the way to put a cello in its place.
  20. HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY - Maere. Meh. I should have known better. EIGHT BELLS - Legacy of Ruin. Also meh. Neither of these engaged me. What engages Thatguy? Emotion - passionate expression of whatever - it can be love, rage, even fucking devotion to satan but they have to make me feel it - or musical/intellectual interest - including but not limited to dissonance and weird stuff. These albums had neither of the above. Bt way of contrast, AUSTRALIAN ART ORCHESTRA/YOUNG WÄGILAK GROUP - Crossing Roper Bar Volume 1. Jazz, rock, contemporary classical with indigenous singing. This one brings home the bacon.
  21. Yeah. I thought Bandbond looked like a great idea at first, but there ended up being so few bands on it that I can't remember the last time I looked at it. If they made it hard for you to get on what a bunch of fuckwits. And they are a fucking menace. Feral horses are worse. We can them brumbies and horsie lovers fawn on them as they destroy the environment of the alpine national parks. I was going to see the Oils this weekend but they had to postpone because the drummer tested positive to COVID. I have supported all the health precautions over the last few years, but I can't see the point of testing dudes who are going to be on-stage and a long way from me when the audience is not tested. The whole band and crew will have to quarantine I guess, then again when the next one tests positive I presume...
  22. Hangovers are for the young. I've no time for that shit any more. If I get too liberal one night, I suffer for at least 2 days afterwards. Same goes for a night of bad sleep. I agree with absolutely all of that. I love Bandcamp, but it could be better, and better is good. My last - and I do hope my genuinely last - hangover was after my niece's wedding more than two years ago. I wasn't drunk - and was in fact stone cold sober compared to many of the guests - but I just had more than I am used to.
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