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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. It was specifically you I was thinking of when I wrote that not everyone would care for it. Not bad, but it won't hold my interest for the full album. This ain't shrieking though. It's punky aggressive singing. I wanted shrieking.
  2. No, no , no. I fucking hate the Strokes and it seems incongruous that The Chats - who are a good band - would be supporting them. My son specifically said that I would not like the band on with them before he told me who they were. I think his wife likes them. I hope that it's not him.
  3. That's not Thatguy's thing, so - HISSING - Hypervirulence Architecture. I went back to this and I still can't remember why I rejected it first time round. It's good. ASUNOJOKEI - Island. I know this band won't be everybody's cup of tea/pint of lager/very small expresso, but I really like this black gazey music with female shrieking. It has a certain knowing irony to it. ALTARS - Ascetic Reflection. Still good
  4. They are indeed a punk band from Queensland. Good fun.
  5. How about this for contemporary guitar based music - THE CHATS. My son messaged me tonight . He saw them live and he said they were as loud fast and aggressive as a good metal band...OK. If he says so. They were support for The Strokes though for fucks sake.
  6. I wasted - pleasantly enough - some minutes working out how to type Ukrainian (I knew it was Ukrainian) on my keyboard, but didn't bother with the next step of translation, so thanks for that. Like Our Father, I kind of like the foreign scripts. Since I can't understand 90% of the English language singing I listen to, it's all the same to me if people sing in their native language. Beyond that, I like that metal is now indigenised to many cultures.
  7. svrm - розпад . svrm are reliably good. CRIMSON THRONE - Of Void & Solitude. Also good.
  8. Yep. One of life's real pleasures. Glad you liked it. Now the rest of you savages should try this.
  9. DINBETHES - Balans. Good. Thanks Hungarino!
  10. Still muddy and amorphous. I could say these guys have disappeared up their arses, but that would be unkind.
  11. Not going to engage with this beyond saying I think I will stick to music and beer here in the future.
  12. True. But the ideology behind this is do fuck all because god will look after the elect and who cares about the rest. God told him it was OK not to care and to take the money. Ya think? Let's see. But you don't really. The 'religious' in positions of power almost always end up talking the talk but doing what suits them and their paymasters.
  13. But, I re-iterate, it was. Not your ability to work your farm, interact with your family, listen to the music you like and bang heads with us here, but there is a context to the everyday lives we lead. No action on climate change, wilful neglect of important services like aged care, degradation of education, especially the universities etc etc. This all affects you and me, if not today, then tomorrow. Maybe not your personal life quite yet, but it's the old business - they came for the communists, but I didn't worry because I wasn't a communist...All this neglect and the corruption - what we (and members of his own party) would call a lack of a moral compass are direct consequences of his religious ideology. I am a well off straight white male - entirely privileged in our society - but I have gay, non-white, transgender, less well off, female, family members and friends.I will likely be dead by the time the climate apocalypse really bites but the consequences of Calvinist ideology affect us all.
  14. Got it. Loved it. Got the T-shirt. Well, no T-shirt actually... IMPERIUM DEKADENZ - When We Are Forgotten LUXURIA - Unanswerable Lust. 'I simply may be evil, I simply may be evil.' And, of course, IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT - Spirit of Ecstasy. First listen - too long and - despite the fact that I know it would have been carefully planned and scored - muddy and amorphous. But it will probably grow on me.
  15. Well, our recently deposed Prime Mincer - and the government he led - had a direct impact on all our lives here to a greater or lesser extent, and, as his recent 'sermon' showed, he has an entirely different concept of government and morality than normal people. If you are already one of the elect then your actions in the world don't matter and you can do whatever pleases you and justify it retrospectively. This message is much sugar coated, but it is the take home message of Calvinism and all that derives from it.
  16. WAKE - Thought Form Descent. Thatguy approved.
  17. We wanted to make a decent living from playing music which is a thing we love doing. I fail to see a problem. Don't like them, don't listen to them.
  18. PANZERFAUST - The Suns of Perdition - Chapter III: The Astral Drain. Well, the thing about this is that it's mellow. I didn't expect PANZERFAUST to do mellow, but there you go. I guess when your album name is almost as long as the album it means you are OK with mellow. ALTARS- Ascetic reflection. Not mellow at all. Good stuff. DÉHÀ - 4 5 6 . Noice. Kind of mellow too.
  19. As I read through all this, those were exactly my thoughts. The dude seems to have disappeared already.
  20. This is the thread for the completely insane. I'll be back and have a good look at it after my morning run...
  21. I can be picked on, and usually I won't care. I did tell Angry Metal Guy to fuck himself before I self-exiled myself from that forum.
  22. No mate. Soprano is easier than the bigger horns. You have to have the right mouthpiece and the right attitude to make sure it doesn't sound like an oboe. Coltrane (senior) had a terrible sound on soprano, but he played great notes. And Coltrane (junior) is here playing the sopranino which is smaller and higher pitched than the soprano. I almost bought one years and years ago. It was fun to play but I decided no-one would appreciate it but me and bought a soprano instead. I wish I had learned to play the stand up bass... darkest birds - hope. Gloomy grooves for those with no hope. NMA ASHENSPIRE - Hostile Architecture. Again. And enjoyed it again 'hold yer tongue, or I'll hold it for ye'
  23. Great payers, obviously....but the piano was too high in the (live, so I shouldn't be too critical) mix, I didn't really see the point of the tablas, and apart from not wanting to be his dad I can't see why Ravi chose the sopranino sax - it does not have the gravitas for this music. But don't think I didn't enjoy it. I just like to pull things apart.
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