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Everything posted by Balor

  1. Thanks, I will have to give her music a closer listen.
  2. Balor


    It's almost as if Mayhem has become a conduit that embodies the whole of Norwegian bm. It is a project that a wide rage of musicians come to take part in, thereby perpetuating the band's legend and esteem into the future. This sounds promising, and I hope it continues.
  3. How is this album? I checked out some of her music a while ago, and keep hearing that she is pretty good (especially live, apparently).
  4. Age of Excuse - Mgla, as well as some Snuff tracks.
  5. You are right. My argument was hypocritical. I think that there is an argument to be made in support of my general thesis, but I clearly did not make it. Art that could be considered immoral in and of itself/art made by immoral people is a topic I find really interesting, so I will have to think about it some more. In hindsight I was way too harsh and shortsighted. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk I wish you the best. You have my condolences. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
  6. "Will to Dominate All Life" - Kommodus Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
  7. I would not think it controversial to assert the existence of people who are doubtlessly noncritical thinkers. I am not trying to say that the flaws of 2nd wave musicians should be looked past, though. As I mentioned, they clearly did evil things and held evil views (Varg specifically, but several others also).
  8. Or, as you implied above, people are just too stupid to realize that someone can be a multifaceted figure. Simply labeling any of the early Norwegian bm musicians as either "good" or "bad" would miss the full depth of their character. I like to think that despite doing evil things, many of them made an impact on music that should nevertheless be respected. However, I am increasingly becoming aware that such thinking is no longer allowed.
  9. In this politically-correct cultural climate, paying genuine homage to any 2nd wave musician would probably be a death-sentence for a career in Hollywood.
  10. I like black metal a lot also. What bands/substyles do you like the most?
  11. It is shocking that this movie was not produced by Lifetime!
  12. Interestingly enough, the bonus disc was actually the best material on the album - not because of any new songs, but rather because it contained a recording of a full concert with many of their best songs. It amazes me that it is possible to go from producing some of the best thrash/rock around to producing music of such diminished quality. Maybe becoming world famous made them lose their foundation.
  13. New Decrepitude track: Containment (Action) Thanks to ZSS and Black State for inspiration. Any comments or critique would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Most people are too stupid to understand most things...
  15. Erebos Pesta Kommer Some of the album is definitely bm, bust much of the rest in atmospheric ambient guitar/dungeon synth. Intended as a tribute to Burzum.
  16. It's the perfect time of year (where I live) for that Drudkh album. I will have to listen to it again soon.
  17. Ride for Revenge / Bizarre Uproar collaboration
  18. Other eps that I have greatly enjoyed: -Mgła - Mdłosci: -Mgła - Further Down the Nest: Mgła highlight their amazing riff skills in both of the eps, but also used a raw recording style that I like a lot. -Satanic Warmaster - 瘴疠禁室: A recording of demo songs that are rac-like in their catchiness and attitude. I thought it was terrible when I first listened to it, but grew to find its crude nature endearing.
  19. Awesome live performance from one of the best active musicians. Highly recommended.
  20. I finally listened to some of Mgla's "Age of Excuse" today. The first track is really cool, but the rest is not as interesting. Will definitely need to listen to it in better conditions before reaching any final conclusions. Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk I am getting a bit of a list together, but an industrial release tops it! Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
  21. Good thread. I always enjoy listening to short releases! Some of my favorites: -literally every Kristallnacht release (he only ever relesed short eps/demos, and they are all great) -"Anti-Urban" - Drudkh -"Slavonic Chronicles" - Drudkh -"YSY" - Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes
  22. The other problem is that a ton of ds albums sell out almost immediately. The hardcore collector fanbase/lack of consistent reissues makes getting a lot of them really difficult. Also, A5 digipacks are awesome.
  23. Your posts about Dungeon Synth have been making me really want to dive into the genre again! I always liked what I heard from it, but never spent a lot of time listening to it. I definitely need to give some of the Old Tower albums a proper listen.
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