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  3. Primal Fear - "Delivering the Black" Not a bad album in the entire discography for these traditional metal stalwarts! They have churned out albums at a remarkable pace. Their self-titled debut album just came out in 1998, and as of 2024, they already have 14 albums. And there's not a bad one in the bunch. This one from 2014 is my favorite of them all - it's got heavy, speedy tracks, but it's also balanced with longer, more epic tracks as well. Cannot say enough about this great band!
  4. SEPULCROS - Vazio ACERCOCKE - The Goat Of Mendes
  5. Terrorizer - World Downfall
  6. Down in One - "One for the Road" Pretty solid southern metal. KK's Priest - "Sermons of the Sinner" KK's Priest - "The Sinner Rides Again" So psyched KK put together this fantastic band! Judas Priest will always be my favorite traditional metal band of all time, but rather than wish KK was still with them, now we get two fantastic bands playing great metal. We all win!
  7. Yesterday
  8. AlSymerz


    Lemmy started his own topic 13 months after he died to praise himself? I'm not buying it.
  9. LONG KNIFE - Rip City Bonerpunk Classics BASTARDESTROYER - Endless Disaster
  10. Night of the living dead We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound "fine"?
  11. Lemmy Kilmister : certified GOAT forever!! 🖤🤘🏻
  12. My dysfunctional family’s soundtrack 💔
  14. May the elder gods guide me through the path of darkness 🙌 HAILZ!
  15. Was just playing that yesterday....wasn't sure about it with the first track, but the longer the album went on the more I started liking it
  16. Zørza - Hellven, Poland Houle - Ciel Cendre et Misère Noire, France
  17. NP: Swampbeast - Offering of Chaos, Lamenting in the Blood of Man https://swampbeasttl.bandcamp.com/album/offering-of-chaos-lamenting-in-the-blood-of-man I like this. It has that really nice Scandinavian style of thump in the guitars you'd want from the simpler styles of death metal along with the chaotic mess from the higher end. Switch ups in the rhythms are frequent, but not jarring. Closest comparisons I can make are Grave or Carnage.
  18. Motorhead - No Sleep Til Hammersmith
  19. Mighty Cthulhu has the key to shedding those last pesky vestiges of humanity, at least that’s what he tells me. Anyway from one horror loving metal obsessed weirdo to another welcome.
  20. Not sure if it belongs in this thread but it is a new purchase, finally got my EQD Eruptor it's not been very easy to find one at a decent price since it is a legacy pedal discontinued years ago, hopefully UPS doesn't break it or lose it 🤞 Can't go wrong with a single knob fuzz for doom, bring on the drone 🤘
  21. Well since I am ancient and so old I fart dust. I learned by the needle drop before the cassette came along and the trusty old pencil for tweaking the tapes 😂 My youngest son learned on Rocksmith and another software can't remember the name but it really helped him, that being said I have a lifetime subscription for Ultimate Guitar he uses on his phone, also gets tabs from Songsterr. There a lot of guys giving lessons via Skype, Bernth is the GOAT for YT lessons, Mike Gross and Art of Guitar are good ones too. I have used Lick Library in the past, not sure if that is still around. I think the dude from Trivium does YT lessons on his JTC Guitars app, try that one too. All these you can do on your phone, I use an IRig sometimes at night on my phone when I can't use my amp late at night because neighbours love my playing so much they threw bricks through my window in order to hear it louder I think 😛🤘
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