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Everything posted by Scullicon

  1. Ive sadly only seen Blaze do the Clansman with his own band. Meet him personally that time aswell. I like his attitude, he was standing in a tent meeting those who wanted, With the promise to not leave until there was no one left waiting.
  2. Since im shaped like a stick the belt dont stay up either. So i need to have some of the bullets stuck in pockets here and there, and theres the next issue. yuo need to get something out those...
  3. Well, If youre thinking about the bullet belts. Theres only bulletshells hanging together by other metal parts, so they are uncomfortable to wear. get stuck in things. And the one i have is heavy as fck.
  4. Ill rate Dave's song first then, 6,5/10. Primal Fear was it, planned to get some album of theirs for a long time, never happens. They are actually quite good. Well the Waters of Ain is essentially about an indivituals last time. And since hes dead before the songs last sentences Erik sent them to Carl Mccoy. I was surprised he did it. Never heard him do that before. And then Selim Lemouchi''s solos are really over the top aswell. 10/10 Seen them play that song twice now and its always brilliant. Dont have words enough for it.
  5. Where ever David Coverdale puts his feet, I avoid. Never liked that voice of his.
  6. Bolt Thrower - In battle there is no law
  7. It really is, its in your way and heavy. And get stuck in everything
  8. Well cant really question that, All other parts of my heritage are also germanic so i cant blame it on something, My beard would be slight red if i grew it thou.
  9. where did you find those mushrooms and where could I ?
  10. Nice, i cant grow a beard, I have a line in the middle of my chin were nothing grows XD
  11. Not really, what i know of. I guess they brought me back to life by removing the water pretty quick.
  12. Well, death really seems to like tricking me I was blue when i was born aswell. classified as dead. but here I am.
  13. In nearly 26 years ive never broken a bone but cut the tip of two of my fingers and one thumb, and almost the other thumb too. - Remember, never try to catch a angle grinder you drop. And i almost got trampled to unconsciousness/death at Wacken once. Týr's fault.
  14. Sorry Dave, 3/10 Thats to much for me XD , it started pretty ok thou. This is a masterpiece. 5rswT58Jfc4
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